4202 Yew Pt - Certificates of Occupancy (gtr#t#iratt uf (O.rru~aury Citp of (eagatt Eqmtnm n# %iidnig itcopmimc Tlrts Cer**nte lniced prrrsaaw Jo Me,r,qwirmruils ojSeckon 306 ojlhe Onijorm Brdldusg C,ode aerArfying llrat at tlu tirne of rntaaoe lhissivurnrrre uas bt cnnr,plimrce with !he wioas a-&mnm al Me CYJ' &Yukft &dW8 constrrudai ar av- Far Ae followli~g.~ uw Cl.mzado. 1 n F 4 P T. F x e4 %mit N,, l,~q,l S oftw,.q Type R 3/ M 1 Zo,;,s oi*ic, R 3 rype ow~ of yr,ir.g IEW HMrZcN HW-S lW. Afta 1?9n1 MIStA ffi.YD. =/l. 4202 I-aq 136, S I, arYftMR Rmff. ~ r - nuc ~fZ~o~ AOST MV A CONSPICUOUS PLACE A f • p~. ~~,M (gertifira#ie nf (Orrupartry (Citp of Cagan ~r~rt~nrt~ ~f $u~IDiYCCg ~n,~prrtian T741s Cemjkale EssuedFursrca,rt to the ragrarvnenls oJSec[ion 306 ojlJu Uniforrn B:dl~ing Code oadhrtng that at tlee dme ojiuuona lhissuucwne wmsln aanp[ianae with tlre riarious adinmiars of [he (Yt}' nguladg biu7din8 c»nslrucaio+e ar rrse For lhe foAowir.- un doXnso. t rQ 6 vr vx 61klk~.i tio. 17016 OWW-rTh- Bli~-Z=68Dkoic, R3 rrP o-orwis,s MU HMlZMJD'BS Aaaa 19201-KMA a.v8rXWA &aftAdy„m_ _42D& MLi PC}TNT[' iAmrq T _17 - A i - AfTlj= RTiY3? 1 am_ ~ ~rsc Aii_ r, _ I~M1 ^+a,-.l' . •a~-r POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PIACE - - S';ulr =~':1~.. .a4a~M~: • . ,;,iLR,i::~n . ~ _ . . . - :s ~ ~ ~ i •f I . ~ f (Ur#ifiratt of Orrupanry . titp of eagan Erportum pf gutdnj ins.pprttrnt I This Certifrcate issued pursuant w the requireinents of Section 306 of 1he Urrijorm Buflding i Code certifying tlrat at tlre lime of rssuance tlus structure mas in compliance wrth tlre various ! ordi?uncces of the City regulating building rnnstruction or use. For the foUowing.• ,f,e cksufic,;m 1 OF 4-PLEJ[ Bkk. FWm;t No. 17917 o-,,av,ya R-3 M- i ZbvW8aWjx, R-3 Tym C,,... V-N 0*MffCl8wl&" NEW HORIZON HOIKES Add.. 12201 MINNETONKA BLVD Bogd;,gAddrem 4206 YEW PT LwiyL38. 81. BQULDER xIDGE 1)(911! DECEMBER 20, 1990 Ikulding bfficW Posr iN A coNSVfcu)us Puce I ~ arrtifira#t of Orrupanry . titp of eagatt lurpuntrttt nf %dWng iwPrttm This Certificate rssued pursuant to the requiremenls of Secrion 306 ojlhe Unijonn Building Code certijying tital at the lime of issuance lltis struclure i+aas fn compliance with /he variaus ordinances of the GYty regutating building construction or use. For the foUowing.• Un C'..fm,;o„ 1 OF 4 pr.ER BWg. Panit No. 17 918 O-W-y T~w R3/'L'i l Zoning nWW R3 rya c~ VN o.,na 0(~,,,,~'ID,? AMIZM HM, IlK:. Am. 12201 KIYA BLVD. =A Ym_ P= ,-,;riI39, B I, BO[II~R RID(~ Dw. lII1Q1Sr 10, I990 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ~ / _ . S . . . - ~ ~ . ~ Certificate at Cccoancv _ . ` w{ti) of . This Certificatt issued pursuant to the nqwin»unts of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at d?&time of issuance this strucl+ur was iil'eompliance wrrh the variorrs ordinareces of tlu Ciry ngrrlating buildiieg construction or use. For the fo!lowing: ux a.urwaa.: SF'(W9C}-REPAIR FM AAMM swa. r~,~. 26863 O-UP-Cy TM 7miei Diwia Type Canst. „ o.~wars~I&m ANOKA 51M[D Aa6. 4208 YEfd P07Nf, EAC'~~I t 4208 YEJ POINT 1*awy I.3q. B 1, BO[M RIDGE ' POST IN A CONSPlCU)US PLACE / t