4715 Walden Dr - Site Survey Survey for: Bk: 71/64 . Sunshine Construction DELMAR H. SCHWANZ . I,.ANDSURVEYORS, IJC. ' RpittuVE UnM/ Laws ot TM StatS M MinMwts . . 4978 146TH STREET W. - BOX M R08EMOUMT. M1NN88OTA 86068 PMONE 613 4131169 . SURVEYOR'SCERTIFICATE Tev Nv6 , qtiq,~ FasT 2~6.90 9s~.s __~e y~3, .30: t L~r Z/ q~~f.l o ~•~s 60. ~ N Draina8e and p~aPoS~D zO Utility Easement 19Y8'~ I ~ lJD-'13-n5E yy ~1~iF j 3t i Ifi , LLq~+ 45P- 991^6 ~ o . qyl, q ~ . , R,.. Seale: 1 inch = AO Yeet 2z>,7b . 9~x 6 . ~ Wy./ Denotes existing e2evatlott • . ' ` s Denotes Pound iron pipe montunent 79; O Denotea set wood hub ; Proposed gara8e floos elev.~S, ,v I hereby certify that thia is a true and correct representation oP Lot 21, Block 3, WALDEN HEIGHTS FZRST ADDITION, according.,to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota Gqunty, Minnesota. Also ahowing the location of a propoaed house as staked thereon, Dated: March 2, 1984 ' ' STRATION NO.HB J"MINNF.SOTA .