4731 Walden Dr - Certificate of Occupancy ~ . . , 4 . (Itr#if iraft uf (Orrupanry titp of (Eagan Mr#rar#mrtt o# ltriid'mg JWtrttna This Certi)Icate issued pursuant to the requiremenis of Sectron 306 of the Urriform Building Code certifying that at the time of Jssuance this strucuere was in cornpliance wuh the varrous ordiTrances of the City regulatrng 6uilding constniciion or use. Far the following.• use classifia.tion elag. ~~t No. 4 Y. Occupancy Type Zoning District Trype Cunat, OwnerofHulding i\IEK;iAi, Addm . ~ ..A!v MIdinB Addm I.anliry . Date: - - Suildiog Offiriat POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE