1023 Walnut Ridge Dr - Certificate of Occupancy
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Zepartmeat ef 8ai[bing ~tt~~rectioa
This Certificate issued pursuan[ to thc requiremer+ts of rhe Un+form Building Code
certifying that at liee time of issuance tJtis structure wcu in compliance wirh the various
ordinances of tfec Ciry regulating building construction or use. For the following:
!4 Ux Clatsifialioa: SF M Bldg. Permit No. 29041
Occvpancy Type -R3J uI 7.anins Distria RI= Type C.t. VN
Owmer of Buildma TOW PONTRE LI ORM Ad*ess 889 CLEM TRAR., F-M-AN
Buitding Add.st 1023 WAUiLr RIDGE DRIVE l.oc+liry 1,8+ B I. 's~ FORM ~
Dm: . . ,
Buildios Official
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