1031 Walnut Ridge Dr - Certificate of Occupancy ' _ ' ~e~ti~icate o~ ~ccu~anc~ ~it~j o~ ~agan ~cpartmeut of s8~iiibing ~a~pectiun This Cenificate issued pursuant to the nequirements of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the tvne of issuance this structure was in compliaRCe with the various ordinances of the Cr1y ~rgulating buildirtg construction or use. Far the following: uK a~~r~~«~: SF IJFIG s~d& r~~„ r+o. 2953q ~a~r Trv~ ?~/~/3 z~~g a~ !~1 -r~ c~,a~. VN Ownel d Building 9WEhI9GN r..[' )SI~1 HQ~S n~ 1565 E~.IF'F RD, BAC'~AN a~~~a;~ nd~ 1031 I,LatN[TI' m~' DR ~;~y I~~ B I ~.L~i~+l POIl+ITEIE S~I . 'i n~c B+du~~ oR~~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE