2136 Warrick Ct - Certificate of Occupancy . Y Wemlicate nf Cccuoanc~ ~iti) o~ ~~on meonrmcnt Of lanot" Tliis Cenificate issutd pursuant to the requirrments of the Uniform Building Code ceriifying that at the time of issuance this strzctare was in complianee wrth the varrous ordbrances of tlte Cety regulating buiLding constructioit or use. For the following: Use Ctassificaion: SF DWG/GAR Bldg. Pumu No. 28111 O-EP-CyT~1_ R-3 U-1 Zoning Disa~ PD R-1 ryaconst. V-N Owner of 8~ikling JUE MILLER HOIrlBS Addms 3459 WASHINGTUH DR., EAGAN g,,;Ning Aftem 2136 WARRICK CT L-afity L18, Bl, ST CHARLES WOOD a,. POST IN A CONSPKxJOUS PLACE