2182 Water Lilly Lane - Certificate of Occupancy
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C3';emftcate of cccuvanc~
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Tevartmcnt of isaitbncg 3"Ocction
This Certificate essued pursuanr io the requiremrnts of rhe Uniform Building Code
certifying thaf at the frme nf issuance this stnectwn was irt complrance with ?he various
ordinances of the City negulating building con.structioR or use. For the following:
ux cimification: 8-PLEX aldg. Pemit rb. 28400
~y Type R-1 Zo,,;a8 nisaim PD rya const. Vn
Ownff of Build;ng 20WN & COUNTRY HOM&%,,,, 6800 FRANCB AVE S.. ED1NA, MN
sww;ng Aeems 2182 WATER LILLX LN Lowity L8. B 1. EAGAN HS1GflTS_ TOWtiHOMES
1NCLUpBS: 2184/2186/2188/2190/2192/2194/2196 iIATEx L1LLY LANE
nate: '7A7/ 5 7
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