658 Waterview Cove - Certificate of Occupancy - \ a ~"b? 1 . ~e~ti~cate uf ccc"atcc4 ~irij o~ ~agan ' , ~epitrtatcat o~ ~~a~g ~»+~yection \ This Certificate issued pursuant to the riequirements of the Uniform Bui[dircg Code ~ , certifying that at the time of issuance thFs structure was isi complrance with the various ordinances of the City rrgulating 6uelding canstruction or use_ For the following: u. chmirdino.SF 1x7G Bwg. Pefinit rw. 24Q61 - OccuparcY 7ype R3/+'+) Zaniag Distriix R) 'Fype Const. VN owwor suiwhog OOCi= CM QQ%'IialLTIGN nam= 14750 CAT.AXIS AVE,A$$ VAZJEY aei- 658 ~ ~ky L 16. B 1. WAIFRVIDd i ~ ~ eaachn official , POST IN A CONSPICl10US PLACE ~ . ..;t.