1036 Wedgwood Lane S - Certificate of Occupancy
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Epportncent a# Wuilamg jnaprriirrc
.1 Tbis Cnti firata ir1uad prersrraxt to tlar nqrdrernrxta of Sation 306 of thc Uniform BuildiKg
i-.~ Codc urafriag th~rt at the tiaec oj issxaxcc tbil strxc:xre was in complia~cc wub the va~r
erdinaxus o f the City ngulatixg bnildiag coanructioa or x.rr. For the f ollowing:
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~,~1036 k*ed~wood La.So,, T, ot 6,Block 3,WPdRwooci lst , r
DW. December 17, 1982
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