1581 Lancaster Lane - Site SurveySURVEYiNG 8 ENGlNEERING CO. 82166 33/27/23 THE SUSSE:L CONPliDIY 13- / ?ffGEi? ?1 ? 5300H1GHWAY 101 SOU7H MINNETOn!KA, MlNNfSOTA 55343 JO8 NUIVif3G:R SE1;11'WP/RiV CLIENT Lot 5, BloCk 2, BEACON HILL LECGAL DESCRB°TIOiV July 2, 1982 July 5, 1982 30 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS: DATE SURVEYED DATE DRAFTED SCALE IN FEET PER INCH 128 • 88 FIRST FLQOR 128.00, TOP OF FOUtJDATIOPJ 127.76 GARAGE FLOOR 120.25 LOWES1` FLOOR 117.2 SANlTARY SEWER 125.51 assumed BENCHMARK ELEV,4TION top of curb opposite BENCNMARK Southeas t io1- corner DESCRlPTION STANQARs? SYMBOLS C?ersot4s 1;2" 6a pipa with plasiic plug bearing State f?egistration iVo. 9235, set. "p" Denotes iron monument found. Denotescross chiszled in cor,crete surface. "982x5" Denotes existing spot eievation measured at the point marked by "x", in this case, 982.5 feet above mean sea level. ,"982x5" De^otes proposed spot elevation at the point marked by "x". Denotes proposed direction of storm water runoff. CERTfFICATION I hereby certify that.this plan, survey, report or specification was prepared by me and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor and Profies- sional Engineer under the La ? s of the State qf' Minnesota. ?? ? / l 1- H. Parker, Minn. Reg. No. 9235 1` • N 3 N r ? ? o n ? I rn IU r ? ? ? `? O N lJ? s T? N u5 s ? .n ?.? N ? N ? w 6? ? N J 163, 00 - - ?? - -30- ?5 ? r mc I-N P o p 0 ? 1 ? cO 03 ?- o 0 l7 1 ? I ;,-. \ Iy ? 5 I p ?-?? --''•? J\ I N d 1 Q I? c _? p 67?i ?-' ° F_-3q- -Ln? u., `7 5 ? ! - O O 0 rj ff:?" O D- O N ? ? LP s m W