3638 Wescott Hills Dr - Certificate of Occupancy • 7~'-~i~'~'~~ y~"w •'R'~~• ~ (9rd't#'trale of (Orrlt~aury ~itp of (gagari ~r~rbnrct~ ~ ~iuilduig ~as~r~inn Tliis CertiJiaate Euued pursuant to the requirrncents ojSectlon 306 of the Uirijorm ButldiRg Code artifying thal at lhe linre of issuance [his sductune K+as in complianoe wtth !he variaus , ordinarrces ojlhe C7ity regulating building construdion or um Fvr the following. ; tbecbmuTxation SF DWG/GAR Bkl&hxmkNm 18023 pppupa-7T)W R 3 f m i 7mini Disuict 7+ype Coan VN Ow=a(Bmm* JOE MILLER HOMF:S A&in= 18133 CEDAR AVE S, PARMINGTON 77' 3638 WE9QOTT lg= I7RIVL+ Ib, B6, ~tISE fIIT~.S ~ ay POST IN A CpNSPICU0U8 PLACE . ~ _ - . . .