10/19/2009 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionAdvisory Parks Commission October 19, 2009 Page 2 NEW BUSINESS There were no New Business Items for the Commission to review. BUSINESS AND R EPOR TS Recreation Update Director Johnson introduced Paula Nowariak, Recreation Program Manager who spoke about the Discover the Value program instituted by the Parks & Recreation Department. She explained that it was established to help residents discover the value of the park programs and what they can expect to experience with our programs. Within the structure of the Discover the Value campaign, there were four categories — Destinations, Entertainment, Nature and Wellness with a website established to help residents obtain information regarding the campaign. Manager Nowariak then began the introductions of the Recreation Staff so they could explain their areas of expertise. Julie Andersen introduced herself as the Art House Supervisor responsible for the art classes at the Eagan Art House and coordinator of the Eagan Art Festival. Holly Champlin introduced herself as the Preschool Supervisor who supervises preschool programs, t -ball, puppet wagon and special events at Holz Farm. Loudi Rivamonte introduced herself as 55+ /Seniors Supervisor who supervises the 55+ programs as well as the senior programs. Kerry Phillips introduced herself as the Supervisor for adapted programs, special events and the nature and fishing events. The Recreation Staff shared a visual presentation along with stories of programs and participants that reflect the interactive opportunities that have been enjoyed by participants over the past summer. Programs and events covered included MarketFest, Air Force Band concert, Battle of the Bands, Annual Art Festival, Celebrate Art Open House, Annual Harvest of Art exhibit, July 4 Funfest; Holz Farm festivals and events, puppet wagon, fishing clinic, 55+ /Senior programming and events, Summer in the Park and summer camps, the successful new women's running class, annual Fun run, preschool programs, t -ball and tennis. Several Commission members commented on the unique presentation and thanked staff for their consistent quality of programs offered to the community. Forestry Update Director Johnson then introduced Stella Collier, the seasonal tree inspector working with the Forestry Division. It was noted that her main job duties include managing the buckthorn and shade tree disease programs. She is also involved with the day to day contact with the public assisting them with the concerns regarding trees. Stella presented background information and a visual presentation of oak wilt, dutch elm disease, chestnut borer and the emerald ash borer infestations that the Forestry Division currently deals with. She noted that the City has been keeping statistics on various diseases for 17 years and provided charts to show how those have changed. She also indicated that an emerging issue is the chestnut borer that also affects oak trees. The symptoms of the chestnut borer are very similar to oak wilt and can be difficult to diagnose. The emerald ash borer is also an emerging issue but as of yet, it has not been detected in Eagan although it has been detected in St. Paul. She also discussed the buckthorn removal program and encouraged residents to participate in the removal project. Director Johnson then introduced Gregg Hove, City Forester, to provide an overview of the potential of the emerald ash borer infestation. Gregg stated that the last three years have been very dry and have added to the stress of the city's trees and have left them open to invasion by insects. He shared vials with examples of the emerald ash borer as well as samples of tree bark to show the entry of the insect, the emergence of the insect as well as a sample of the damage the larvae does to the bark causing the death of the tree. Hove stated that is believed that the ash borer was introduced into the area of Michigan and Ohio in 2000 but wasn't detected by authorities until 2003. The insect is not a native insect and has moved progressively over the last few years from Michigan through Minnesota. This insect was discovered in Minnesota in May, 2009 in St. Paul. Gregg then reviewed options for treating the disease that may be considered it if escalates in Eagan. Chair Belfiori thanked Gregg and Stella for their presentations and work in these areas. Approved November 16, 2009 ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN. MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 19, 2009 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on October 19, 2009. Commission Members present: Rebecca Aaning, Phil Belfiori, Jennifer Dahlquist, Bruce Goff, Laurie Halverson, Duane Hansen and Michael Palmer. Member Anderson was absent. Staff members present included Director Juli Seydell Johnson; Cherryl Mesko, Superintendent of Operations; Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks; Gregg Hove, City Forester; Stella Collier, Seasonal Tree Inspector; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Program Manager; Holly Champlin, Recreation Supervisor; Loudi Rivamonte, Recreation Supervisor; Julie Andersen, Recreation Supervisor and Kerry Phillips, Recreation Supervisor. APPROVAL OF / AGENDA Member Dahlquist moved, Member Halverson seconded, with all members present voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. Member Goff moved, Member Hansen seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes of August 17, 2009. There were no visitors to be heard. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF AUGUST 17, 2009 ORS TO BE HEARD DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Director Johnson stated that the department is finalizing plans and specifications for a new service building at Central Park next to the bandshell to service the event grounds and playground. She noted there will be room in the building for picnic tables and restrooms and is hopeful that work can begin soon so that it is completed in the early spring/early summer. Director Johnson added that the City is working with a consultant of the Energy Conservation Stimulus Grant, valued at approximately $670,000 for energy projects within the city. It was noted that fall softball and football leagues are finished and basketball and volleyball leagues are currently in full swing. Playground replacement is nearly completed with Northview being the last to finish and park pavilion and shelter reservations are done for the season. Director Johnson concluded that the Eagan Skate School is currently accepting registrations for skate lessons. CONSENT AGENDA There were no Consent Agenda Items for the Commission to review. DEV OF ROPOSAL There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS There were no Old Business items for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission October 19, 2009 Page 3 Finance Committee Meeting Update Chair Belfiori stated and he and Director Johnson attended a City Council Finance Committee meeting on October 6 and discussed the issue of alternative funding options to replace the Park Sit Fund in the future. The Committee discussed different options including a recommendation to City Council for a levy in the amount of $400,000 — 500,000 per year. The new levy may not be made until the State of Minnesota lifts levy limits. COMMUNICATIONS Director Johnson discussed the partnership with the Eagan Men's Chorus. The chorus performs at Park & Recreation events and organized the "Big Sing" this spring involving men's choruses from all over Minnesota. The event was a big success. ROUND TABLE There were no Round Table items for the Commission to review. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Halverson moved, Member Goff seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. (? eeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. iy :9h(g/ y 2b / Secretary Date