610 Opperman Dr - Final Plan Review 2004-03-03TO: WAY _VE ST. MARTIN, UTILTTY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALh; WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERI(' MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GRLC:G HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOI] ?' GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KEA I THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MA): li ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL IN6PECTOR NIIIā€¢.'' RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAl 1, I3EUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCO t T PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR TOD I COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO-\' PEPPER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER FROM: Mll: F LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR #22 DATE: MAi:('II3,3004 RE: PLA` REN'iEW FOR THOMSON LEGAL & REGULARTORY BUILDING E ADDITION 67 U - CPEItIDIAN DRIVE LO ' i BLOCK 1 WEST PUBLISHING CO. 2ND The plans are I our plan review section for your review and comment. Please retnrr_ihis form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven o. . s. lf you haue any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and res ' c tbese issues with the affected parties. If you are requesYing that issuance of the building pcrr - hcld, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any I. . Qiat are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes G , o ? Yes ? do ? Yes ? .o ? Yes ? o ? Yes ? ??To ? Yes ? ' 'o landscape security required water quality dedication park dedication trail dedication tree dedication PRV Required ZONING? METER SIZE Signature Date CD/FORMS/DL,UC < P/PLANREVIEW/MIKELENCE REVISED02/04 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: WAYNE ST. MARTIN, UTILITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TOM PEPPER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR MARCH 3, 2004 #22 PLAN REVIEW FOR THOMSON LEGAL & REGULARTORY BUILDING E ADDITION 610 OPPERMAN DffiVE LOT 1 BLOCK 1 WEST PUBLISHING CO. 2ND The plans aze in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concems with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesfing that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: 1 ?Y?s- Gl ,,dE Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trai] dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No PRV Required Signature Date ZONING? METER SIZE Sd? CD/FORMSBLDG INSP/PLAN REVIEW /MIKE LENCE REVISED 02/04 TO: WAPNE ST. MARTIN, UTILITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE NVEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERIC NLaCBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG IIOVE, CITY FORESTER dOHV <:012llER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KEN'1' 1 IiERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MAR I; aNDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MII:]' IiIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL I IEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOT1' PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR TOD4 COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PU$LIC WORKS TOD7PPER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER FROM: MIKL IJ.nCE, SEMORINSPECTOR DATE: MAR(' 11 3, 2004 RE: PLAN i: EVIEW FOR THOMSON LEGAL & REGULARTORY BUILDING E ADDITION 610 Oi' i' I,RMAN DRIVE LO'1' 1 t3LOCK 1 WEST PUBLISHING CO. 2ND The plans aze in o(i r plan review section for your review and comment. Please return tllis form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven da? ?. lf you haue any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and reso! . ?these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permi, ?. held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: #22 Indicate any fec? ihat are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ?.I? ,) landscape security required ? Yes (H No water quality dedication ? Yes ? \n park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ZONING? METER SIZE ? Yes ? No tree dedieation O/Yt"s/ ? Nu PRV Required Signature Data CD/FORMS/BLDC I\1I'/PLAN REV[EW /MIKE LENCE REVISED 02/04 TO: FROM: DA'TE: RE: WA]'\ F, ST. MARTIN, UTII,ITY CONSTRUCTiON INSPECTOR DALE \GEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERI(: ?4 ACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GRECG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN (;ORDER, ASSISTANT CTTY ENGINEER KEN7 "I 1[ERIiELSEN, CHIEF OF POLiCE MARI, ?VllERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKI' i;IDLEY,SENIORPLANNER PAUI. f! LUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SC01"1 1'ETERSON, BUILDING INSRECTOR TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TOilI P E PPER, CffiEF FINANCIAL OFFICER MIK I: I_ F: VCE. SENIOR INSPECTOR MAR C I I 3, 2004 The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return thic form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven day?. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resol ; dicse issues with the affected parties. Lf you aze requesting that issuance of the building perniit t_ held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fcc? hnt are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? Nu landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes 0 No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes J\, o . RV Required ? Signature CD/FORMS/DLDG1N , ITLAN2P.VIEW/MIKELENCE , PLAn I' I;VIEW FOR THOMSON LEGAL & REGULARTORY BUILDING E ADDITION 610 O P i*'ItDTAN DRIVE L01' I GLOCK 1 WEST PUBLISHING CO. 2ND #22 ZONING? METER SIZE 3 Date REVISED 02/04 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: WAPIN P ST. MARTIN, UTILITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE NNEGLEITNER, FII2E MARSEIAL ER[C P LACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREG(: IiOVE, CITY FORESTER JOl IN CORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KEN't 'I'lLERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARl? :\NDF,RSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MI I<E I:I ULEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL 11 EUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOT'i PETE;RSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR TOA1 t'OLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO-j\ I I' I: PPER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER MI li f 1, I;NCF., SENIOR INSPECTOR MARC 11 3, 2004 The plans azc iu our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven da\.?. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resoko these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building pennit ',o lield, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: No 041k1w1se DK - riV - Gc?i` 'fi?S Indicate any Ic?? ihat are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? Nu ? Yes ? N o ? Yes ? N o ? Yes ? N, ? ? Yes ? No ? Yes ? \' , landscape security required water quality dedication park dedicafion trail dedication tree dedication PRV Required nature PLAY 121: V1E W FOR THOMSON LEGAL & REGULARTORY BUILDING E ADDITION 610 C)1' P I:RM ADI DRIVE LO"f 7 ItLOCK 1 WEST PUBLISHING CO. 2ND #22 ZONING? METER SIZE 5-3-oy Date CI)/FORMSBLDG INY°TLAN REVIEW /MIKE LLNCE REVISED 02/04 <!ST,?;G? TO: WAYIVE ST. MARTIN, UTILITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WF,(:LEITNER, FIRE MARSHAi, ERIC MACi3F.TH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGC I IOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN 0)RDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KFIN'T'1'lI1:RKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE D4A !t K A.\ UF,RSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ni 1 h i,. lti ULEY, SENIOR PLANNER PA l i L I I L UER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCO"1"l PETF,RSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR TOM COLI3ERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TOU PF;PPER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER FROM: NIII:E T.l:\CE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: MARCIi3.'_004 #22 RE: 1'I. aN RI v i EW FOR'CHOMSON LEGAL & REGULARTORY BUILDING E ADDITION 61f I1PP1 RV[ANDRIVE LO I i B LOCK 1 WEST PUBLISHING CO. 2ND The plans are In our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return thi? fnrm to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven J.ivs I f you have any concems with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and reso! ve hcse issues with the affected parties. If you aze requesting that issuance of the building pei r1 ! he icld, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: ? Yes ? \o landscapesecurity required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ' t6 \o park dedication ? Yes PD No trail dedication ? Yes El No tree dedication ? es ? TNo PRV Required < l?? f/ ?? Signature ZONING METER SIZE ?? 'A1 -114 F/ Date CD/FORMS/BLUG IP:CP: Pf.A\ REVIF W/MIKL LENCE REVISED 02104 Indicate any fcc? th:?t are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT --T8:- R'AYNE ST. MARTIN, UTILITY CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR llAL,k NVEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL E12IC DIACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GRECG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHiN CORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER I:EN'1"PHERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE D 1\l2 h: .ADIDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR A i i Iil. it1DLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL IlEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR TnM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKC 7'OD4 i' EPPER, CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER I i o -FR6iM- - ?11K1. LENCE,SENIORINSPECTOR DATE: n1AR<'II3, 2004 RE: )'J .0 P1;VIEbV FOR THOMSON LEGAL & REGULARTORY BUILDIPiG E ADDITION 611 U!"'LRMAN DRIVE LUT ] l3LOCK 1 WEST PUBLISHING CO. 2ND /o- 838'03- pro- pj The plans arc in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please retu rn t'l is form to mv attention wiYh your signed comments and the date of review within seven d; ,>. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and noYify and tc?ol. c Qiese issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building pcr..in ' held, please fill out the pxoper "hold" request form. Comments: /o Indicate anv fee ihat are lo be collected with the building perniit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? i\,o landscape security required ? Yes ? o water quality dedication ? Yes ? r o park dedication ? Yes ? V? trail dedication ? Yes ? N h kree dedication ? Yes ? ? ?RV Required Sigilature 7 CD/PORMSBLUG IN ?I'/PLAN RL'VIEW /MIKE LENCE , UJ Al #22 ZONING? METER SIZE 04 Date R2VISED 02/04