610 Opperman Dr - Final Plan Review 1989-03-08 MEMO TO:, PAT GEAGAN -.POLICE..DEPT. ED BIRSCAT, SR. ENGINEERING 'lEC6. CBAIG KNUDSENp ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLHEAT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC BORB3 JIM STUHM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEINO ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINS, ELECTHICAL INSPECTOR ? J05 CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. o S7`?, ? av ? s v tll h W ? ? ? ? ? ? d o ?- _II oa ? y.. u v C?_o FFiOM: DOUG AEID, CHIEE BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: MAP?GF-\ 81 I °1 P) `1 The preliminary construetion F?, -r°°(? " , .D x P.cl? &4. . f plans for 1Jl(t5) YUk?)LIZ:111NCa F?lw? IIUIV are in our plan review section for your reviet+ and comments. a'\ j Gt Rl:'VL On ty Please return this form to Joe Merchak with your initialed commenLs and the date :;f review. Failure to return form to Joe within five (5) daya xill be considered your approval. If you have any objeetions to approval of t6eee plans, it is your responaibility to notify tdis departmeat and reaolve any problems. Thank-you. ? ,pf-,__? r 'rp y /--b A (Signature) 4--7- 87 3-i6-g9 (Date) o. ie. C4 . n 77 /444A/ ? MEMO TOs, . _.PAT GEAGAN _t?EPT. %. ED RIRSCHT, 5R. ENGINEERING TECH. CAAIG [QIUDSENt ENGINEEAIAG TECH. TOM WLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC NORKS JIM STURM9 PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTAATION BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR J0E CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: MAPGH 81 I ?1 Brj The prellminary plans for WE5O tfl are in our plan review construction your Fv,, o a ? " ^ ? ?P.ed,ft . f AqAj Please return this form to Joe Merchak vith your initialed comments and the date „f review. Failure to return form to 1oe within five (5) days will be eonaidered your approval. If you 6ave any objectiona to approval of these plans, it is your responaibility to notifq this department and reaolve any problems. Thank-you. ? 0" ej d` -?? vA- I ,4,? C k?s ?? Lil NaN?? /J$ I/Ue iI fY?Gl1 Jy? '/R?So /??br '?o ?SSc.:•i? R rd?' S 0Tll• fQ <N`4. F IT h) n <s;? fi (Signature) (Date) ?--7?? 4 Q./<? ? /4440V k-'s.II W•'?In DIpOS /-l DS t(:) ??S?PJ' [/? ? //?? /? tlpd?9 C a /?Y MEMO T0: PAT GEAGAN - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH. -.GBAIG?SDIU?SENENGINEERING TECH. TOtt COLBERT,, "RECfOIi OF POBLIC U8R&4 '-"` JIM STURM; ING'VEPT:='=?..: JON 80HENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINSp ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, NATBR DEPT. FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BEIILDING OFFICIAL / DATE: MAFz CF-? 8? I ?l Co,Ci XtJ ?r?s •e"?1 ;T fY °?'., e. ? ? m f R v w,. oie The preli.minary construetion /? FoOplans for are in our seetion for your review Please return this form to Joe Merchak rrith your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Joe i?it6in five (5) daqs xill be considered your approval. If qou have any objeQtiona Eo approval of theae plans, it is your responsibility to notify this department and resolve any problems. ?0NC6'Z4\(S / Thank-you. ?j ` /?Pw 4:6Ce-ss A ?ouas o? s?,.a?.? S,'te d,,?a,??e?-VL NPP? S?^Eef J,?Je, .?a? NPw e?? fi^axce ? /JS . ?2A?e? ?/YE/ ?c?.? aCCe9s a., ?a WuSco f? ? Pa SV ' ?'?'? ? U 2 l I• •' c. ( C ? N 0 S0 N. ? C G P I S L! +•/ G? 0.?? 7 ? (Signa ure) (Date) ' a ??Cs c.a?v,..,? ? D.?C, 4-S fo.?? ,T,•s., ?f?,yp, i.a?. 4-7 $l 0, ovf' 0.p11s ?. ?, PV°0y to 13Sv: hp 18 viA? Pe 1- _;i?7 rl MEMO T0: PAT GEAGAN - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH. CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WONKS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTNATION BILL AKINS, ELECTHICAL INSFECTOR <1 JOE CONNOLliY,-WATER DHPT. C ?--- FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: MNFZGEA Cl e?` i The preliminary construction X plans for WEST ? are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this form to .Ioe Merchak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Joe vithin five (5) daya xill be considered your approval. If you have anq objeetions to approval oP these plans, it is pour responaibility to notify this depertment and reaolve any problems. Thank-you. ? RL-., ri.a - 4w-0 /is 4z."? ? ?,,lL? ?3' '?l $ ( (Signature) (Date) ? 2 MEMO TOo- PAT GEAGAN---POLICE_DEPT.__ I , ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH:' CRAIG KNUDSEN,?ENGINEERING-TECH. TOM COLBERT, AIAECTOR OF PUBLIC WORRS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF HUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: MAF'?,GE-\ 8I 1 cj P-) c-j The preliminary plans for WE. are in our plan construction X seecion ror your comments. Please return this form to Joe Merchak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Joe within five (5) days rrill be considered your approval. If you have any ab3aetions to approval of these plans, it is your responaibility to notiPy this department and resolve any problems. Thank-you. I ('?? ?Cuh5 ?(•?? CA- P ?( ?r nLI CG..s o? ?QP??? c?we Uv r, f Spwe? ??cYr.,..?;<•? /JS v+f1!? ?;54-; 1C '` ? ? • fiP lss?.., ? 2 ,b',:%?!-? +. 5 (7r??% c.e ?IV`?• ?' 7*R ^ Sce? r?a+- 71 c S ? J • ?,t,2C? ?? ? ? ? ' ?J / (Signature) (Date) __* 7 MEMO T0: PAT GEAGAN - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH. ?- CRAIG KNUDSEN,ENGINEEAING TECH. ? TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUHLIC WONKS ' JIM STURM? PLANNING DEPTr JON HOHENSTEIN? ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATEA DEPT. FAOM: DOUG AEID, CHIEF HUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: M A F'?C 1-\ 81 1 °? P-) Ci The preliminary construetion X plans £or WF5) t'U6l-f511?NCa ADDITION are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this form to Joe Merchak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to doe within five (5) daya wlll be considered qour approval. If you have any objections to approval of these plans, it is your responaibility to notify this department and reaolve anq problems. ? 0 .Y C G+"L./y S Thank-you. /?? ? o,...,?o LtlrsCO)`f: -/?u?io,.c ?o eK,sJ?,^,f ` /f?C'W Cl?.CC2?YS ? NPel Sd,?ee Ij? o r o„ e„ ?v-n .i ce ? si- /JS . 624UE? ?lve/ Lw..e/ ?Ceess o„ ?a LUuSC??f ? navc / ` /GG ?'V Pl`e^..'r.t? eNOSbv? /VGGP}'fGr? 4? 41?T - 3-/5=? (Signature) (Date) r V / --;1- 2 MEMO T0: PAT GEAGAN - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH. CHAIG KNUDSENp ENGINEERING TECH. TOM_COLBERTr DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WONKS ? JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. i JON HOHENSTEFN,-ADMINISTRATION HILL AKINSv ELECTRICAL INSPECTaR JOE CONNOLLY, WATEB DEPT. FROM: DOUG REID, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: MA,81 I 12'i P.?`-i The preliminary construetion plans for WEST f UUL..1Sfj)NCy are in our plan review seetion for your Please return this form to Joe Merchak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return Porm to Joe xithin five (5) days xill be considered your approval. If you have any objections to approval of these plans, it is your reaponaibility to notify this department and reaolve any problems. Thank-you. /JS .,, i /w--, V/b / ?? (Sigaature) (Date) --4172 MEMO T0: PAT GEAGAN - POLICE DEPT. ED KIRSCHT, SR. ENGINEERING TECH. CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS JIM STURM,__PLANNING DEPT.__ _ ?JON HOHENSTEIN.,,_ADMINISTRATION , BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL IIISPECTOR ` JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FEiOM: DOUG REID, CHIEF HUILDING OFFICIAL DATE: M A P-.Gl-\ 8 The preliminary plans for are in our construction X section for your review and comments. Please return this form to Joe Merchak with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Joe within five (5) days will be considered your approval. If you have any objeetions to approval of these plans, it is your responsibility to notify this department and reaolve any problems. Thank-you. /JS Q.7?. /i -61 (Signature)- ( at )