610 Opperman Dr - Final Plan Review 1987-07-02--, MEMO T0: JAY BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. CRAZG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINS, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FROM: DOUG flEID, DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE I. DATE: ?J' Z•PJ7 The preliminary construction ? plans for W E5T pU $LI-tH 1 k1(a are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this form to Steve Eianson with your initialed coments and the date oP review. Failure to return form to Steve vithin five (5) days vill be considered your approval. IP you have any objections to approval oY these plans, it is your responsibility to aotify this department and resolve aay probleas. Thank you. . ?-- /JS ?M1 MEMO T0: JAY BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. CRAIG KNUDSENt ENGINEERING TECH. TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOA OF PUBLIC WORKS JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINSt ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLYt WATER DEPT. FROM: DOUG REID, DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE: 7Z.Pj7 The preliminary construction ? plans for wLST P(J$LI-:>Hiti(a ' are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this Porm to Steve Hanson with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Steve vithin Pive (5) days vill be considered your approval. If you have any objeetions to approval of these plans, it is your responsibility to aotiPq this department and resolve any probleas. Thank you. , /JS ' ---? MEMO TOs JAY BERTHE - POLICE DEPT. CRAIG KNUDSEN, ENGINEERING TECH*WRKS TOM COLBERT, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC JIM STURM, PLANNING DEPT. JON HOHENSTEIN, ADMINISTRATION BILL AKINSp ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR JOE CONNOLLY, WATER DEPT. FROM: DOUG REIDp DEPARTMENT OF PROTECTIVE INSPECTIONS DATE: 7 2.6>7 The preliminary construction ? plans for Wl-:.57 PL1$LISHtW(1 " are in our plan review section for your review and comments. Please return this form to Steve Hanson with your initialed comments and the date of review. Failure to return form to Steve within five (5) days vill be considered your approval. If you have any objections to approval of these plans, it is your responsibility to notify this department and resolve any probleas. Thank you. ' -- . ) . . , , ... . ,. - ' . - , . , ?:? ?}. - -? . ,._ - , _ _ . , _ ?lJ?r? RC-?! I C1.J -? ST ?U73 L I S i-l l l?! L? P??-DCa Sf2(=. '??U' X 8q-d = ? Co g,. 000 a i OC?c,? -? PAI,t C ?( P?-2 oF ?-iS i . '[-,h1 U v?? ?I M? T?b ?Pl2i5siLL?'YZ??