4727 Lenore Lane - Site SurveyG1V011VGGK1lVb ldJ[WHlVY • L2317 WHY6A'1'A iXlULG4AtilJ • 171l41VGHYVLIJj I'LLV • YpVLVG: .S/4-414U CGRTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR: ORRIN THOMPSON HOMES A Division of U.S. Home Corporation BENCHMARK: Top nut of hydrant at Flora Drive and Lenore Lane. Elevation = 946.30 ft. (NGVD-1929) Scale: 1" = 30' • Iron monument found ° Wood stake set .900.0 Existing spot elevation oa• Proposed spot elevation y Drainage direction FRONT GARAGE SLAB: Proposed el. = 947.33 ft. ? ? ? 'o ? / / ? v ? N ? \5 i C \ O_ ? C ? -*- = c'" t2 I ?e NO?t)?L S? Q ?O L ?'9 'o? \ o- ? \ 4? Q ?L o \ o r ? V-. ? ._.o o m w p U a ? ) 0 \ ' ;o\ 3i.- \ ` ? / ? / \ / _ ,' P? f, 4¢ ? Lot 3. Block 9. f?14 RIDGECLIFFE FIRST ADDITION , Dakota County, Minnesota I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey oE the boundaries of the land above desccibed and of the location of all buildings, iE any, thereon, and all visible enccoachments, if any, fran or on said land. I furthec certify that this survey vas prepared by me of under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registeced Land Surveyor under the laas of the SGate of Minnesota. • FIIN Reg. No.1453TADate 7- 9? Proposed House x As-Built House _ Drawn bv EN 'Proiect no_85104