3767 Denmark Tr - Site SurveyCERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 4000 - 1 41 O? R ? a 0 A / o- v I a 28 a M 0 \ O O W om N W ; a m ao 00 e 0: r m 0 m c a CD : LOT 24 Y ( a 132' ? LOT 23 24' ' o 12 Z w O , I q _-- p z 10 123.16 N 84° 00 E - LOT 22 I hereby certify that this is a correct representation of a survey of: Lot 23, Block 3, Pilot Know Heights Fourth Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file and of record. and that I am a duly registered land surveyor under the lams of the State of Minnesota. Gene Dated L. Jacobson, , this 30th nn. Reg. No. 71 day of June , 7734 1977 SCALE - I" = 40' I DENOTES IRON MONUMENT Prepared fors M. W. Johnson Construction 908 Westgail Court Farmington, Minn. 55024 BEARINGS ARE ASSUMED DATUM GENE L . JACOBSON LAND SURVEYORS LAKEVILLE , MINN. 55044 TEL. 469 - 4328