2837 Lexington Ave - Site Survey? ? C J ? o ? . ; o ? d ? D r Y ? n ? ? ? /ob 4amrscing at art}to po7at on the £ast line of Sactton 3, qlz7yshin 27, 20E9.60 £eet ib£ the Sou?st m?r ot said Sectron 3r the 474.83 £ee t; thence fbrth 108.48 feet7 thence Fast 474.83 feet: Y South 108.46 £eet ta the point oE beginninq. EXMT that part the lies westpxly of lire described ay follows: 8eginninq at a point +nrth line of the South 1g74.8 feet o£ the FJS oE the SFy; o£ sair] , .?s??05?feet west of its iatexsect?n ?th ??t line of s feet of the northeasterly to a point on the south line of the N tgh of the SFyt of said Section 3, distant 215 feet we,intersectidn with the east line o£ said SecCion 3 arrl thexe te=v, L1alcota (bmh'. Hirmesota, a0oordin4 to the Gwerrarent Survey thnyt ? • ??•`S} iA r - - -- ? Pfe('aco•? ?`{5? V ( o?a I ? ?ox?y ?? c` I d ?-i- J )-) I r ? o i 3 ! V` - ? > ? 1 , d ' V 1 3 IL c?C .? 5 x -N 3 V ) .` yl ? I , , I to$. \X ?b ?Se ? ?y45F ?G ? ? ko,.se 3 ? J{ ?5 r 01 °y 5_F ?r n4? '35, oc ? ?/u te s+c.t} r7 J- %, uxie 23, e west m )f which i the :tton 3, ! Secr;on h 658.5 of its En3f:^J ?joraSC S7G S? Ne?sc 904 S F' S?<d I 44 SF Paoe?ra ?a?<y? ?o?y sR Toi,o so?f a(-48• A(?P'ey.Lot a7y4?. SF 4SF ;, Co,-srror -.Lg Vo 5 Nciy?i afe....j le P°ah oF houSC 1 d r i Nt 5 }'r t ! ? ?t ?glac _g" blec.41 Nhw, yo(.iac hc'st? t , 'Z t ` a?d?A ? `y ;` ?q rr l?tyl.cr 5iar-t 17 ? ?'1ar8??? effoC ?? ? ?? .. ?d.