10/13/2009 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2009 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM – EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Council members present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Community Development Director Hohenstein, Fitness Coordinator Grange, Chief Financial Officer Pepper, Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth, Superintendent of Enterprise Operations Mesko, City Engineer Matthys, Superintendent of Utilities Schwanz, Campus Facilities Manager Vaughan, and E-TV Studio Supervisor Ongstad. Also present was ECVB Executive Director Cory. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Maguire called the meeting to order. City Administrator Hedges noted that the Fire Safety Center update should be removed and continued to a future workshop due to a delay in the closing on the property. Councilmember Tilley moved; Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Aye: 5; Nay: 0 II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III. JOINT MEETING WITH THE AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION A. MAC Presentation of MSP Long Term Comprehensive Plan City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that it is the practice of the Council to meet with each of their Advisory Commissions at least one time each year. Hedges introduced Dennis Probst and Chad Leqve of the Metropolitan Airports Commission who provided an update to the Council and the ARC on the MSP long term comprehensive plan. The City Council discussed the long term plans for MSP and noted that impacts the improvements could have on the City of Eagan. Mr. Probst noted that the improvements proposed are anticipating MSP staying on as a significant hub for Delta Airlines. Mr. Leqve summarized the anticipated noise impact on communities between now and 2030. Special City Council Minutes October 13, 2009 Page 2 B. 2009-2010 ARC Work Program Mayor Maguire welcomed members of the Airport Relations Commission (ARC). ARC Chair, Chuck Thorkildson, presented the proposed 2009-2010 ARC Work Plan to the City Council. The City Council discussed the plan and encouraged the Commission to continue its review of the economic impact that the merger of Delta and Northwest Airlines is having on the City of Eagan. Assistant to the City Administrator Miller provided an update on the Noise Mitigation Program that is underway as a result of the City’s legal settlement with the MAC. Mayor Maguire thanked the ARC for their work and there was Council consensus for the ARC to continue with the 2009-2010 ARC Work Program as presented. IV. REVIEW OF COMPREHENSIVE RATE STRUCTURE FOR ALL PUBLIC UTILITIES City Administrator Hedges introduced the item, noting that in June of 2009, the Council authorized staff to engage Springsted, Inc. to complete a rate study for all public utilities. The purpose of the study, as communicated by Hedges, was first, to assist the City in adopting a water rate structure by January 2010 that encourages water conservation, as required by State law, and second, to review all utility rates in relation to long-term operating and capital financing requirements, and recommend changes as appropriate. Hedges noted that Springsted is now seeking direction from the City on policy questions in order to complete the analysis and present the final report to the Council later this year. Patty Kettles, consultant from Springsted, presented an analysis to date on the City’s utility rates, the current financial positions of the utilities, and the future financing needs of the utilities. Ms. Kettles also identified the public policy questions associated with the study, which the City Council discussed. Superintendent of Utilities Schwanz provided a summary on state legislation that requires cities to adopt a water conservation rate structure. The City Council reviewed sample conservation rate structures. The Council stated their lack of interest in “time of use” rates. It was suggested that one option Springsted could bring back for further review would be a system that allows for a standard irrigation rate with additional steps that tiers price based on water usage/consumption. It was also suggested by the Council that the goal of the new rate structure should be to manage water as a resource and maintain or improve upon water quality. Ms. Kettles noted that options would be developed based on the input provided by Council. The Council directed that the options being developed by Springsted be presented to the City Council’ Finance Committee for review prior to being brought back to the City Council at the December 10, 2009 workshop. Ms. Kettles summarized the storm water and water quality utilities, and the City Council discussed the policy questions pertaining to pollutant impact charges and modeling capabilities Special City Council Minutes October 13, 2009 Page 3 of runoff. The Council directed the Finance Committee to review a pollutant discharge charge combined with a credit system. V. 2010 ENTERPRISE FUND BUDGETS (WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STREET LIGHTING, STORM DRAINAGE, WATER QUALITY, CASCADE BAY, AND COMMUNITY CENTER) City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that Enterprise Funds are established to account for self-supporting activities, with revenues derived primarily from user fees. Hedges summarized the proposed 2010 revenue and expenses associated with the Public Utility Enterprise Funds. The City Council discussed future renegotiations of joint powers agreement with neighboring cities. The Council requested that they be notified at the time the joint powers agreements are being renegotiated. City Administrator Hedges summarized the proposed sanitary sewer budget and noted that the proposed inflow and infiltration (I&I) will be scheduled on the November 10, 2009 City Council workshop. The City Council discussed the relationship between the Minnesota Zoo and the City of Eagan’s I&I charges. The Council requested, in preparation for the November 10 workshop, that a memo be prepared outlining the percentage of the I & I surcharge that is the responsibility of the Minnesota Zoo. The Council also asked that the memo include a summary of how the Zoo is participating in the I&I surcharge response. City Administrator Hedges summarized the proposed street lighting, storm drainage, and water quality budgets. There was City Council consensus to proceed with the budgets as proposed. City Administrator Hedges summarized the proposed 2010 Cascade Bay budget. Superintendent of Enterprise Operations Mesko noted the difficult year that Cascade Bay has experienced in 2009, similar to other water parks due to cool weather. The City Council discussed how to keep Cascade Bay self sustaining. Three potential approaches were discussed including a large capital investment, maximizing the experience, and re-examining the closing policy for Cascade Bay. City Administrator Hedges summarized the proposed 2010 Community Center budget. The Council discussed the impact of the economy on room rentals and usage of the Community Center. It was suggested that the City find a way to capture the Market Fest market to positively impact the Community Center usage. VI. 2010 E-TV BUDGET City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the 2010 budget will represent the first full year for an E-TV budget. Special City Council Minutes October 13, 2009 Page 4 Communications Director Garrison summarized changes that have occurred in E-TV from June 2008 to the present. Garrison noted that E-TV has doubled local Eagan sports coverage, held their first ever E-TV video camp for kids, and had four cycles of classes. Additionally it was noted that volunteers are currently working at producing new programming for airing on E-TV. Studio Supervisor Ongstad highlighted the accomplishments that have taken place over the past ten months. Director Garrison summarized the financial benefits of the public-private partnership with Thomson Reuters. The City Council discussed projections for both PEG and franchise fees, including the possibility of franchise fees being eliminated entirely. Director Garrison noted that negotiations regarding franchise fees will likely begin in 2011. There was City Council consensus to proceed with the 2010 E-TV budget as proposed and directed that the item be placed on a future City Council meeting Consent Agenda for ratification. VII. 2010 EAGAN CONVENTION AND VISITOR’S BUREAU BUDGET ECVB Director Cory distributed a travel survival kit that is being distributed to the ECVB. Mr. Cory noted the street value of the kit is $4.99. City Administrator Hedges provided background on the proposed 2010 ECVB budget th and acknowledged the contribution of $25,000 by the ECVB to the City’s 150 Anniversary Celebration. Mr. Cory provided background and an overview of the proposed 2010 budget, including promotional highlights and trends relative to Eagan. The City Council discussed the proposed ECVB budget and provided direction that the budget be placed on a future regular City Council meeting Consent Agenda for formal ratification. VIII. REVIEW PRACTIC PERTAINING TO APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION JUDGES City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that at the August 4, 2008 Listening Session, staff was directed to review the City’s ordinance pertaining to the appointment of election judges. Hedges noted that the City does not have an ordinance specifically covering the appointment process, and has historically used the State’s Statutes exclusively. Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke provided a summary of the election judge appointment process as specified by Minnesota State Statute. The City Council discussed the statutes. Councilmember Bakken raised concern that the City does not screen candidates that are appointed as election judges. Bakken also raised a Special City Council Minutes October 13, 2009 Page 5 question regarding whether the Independent party is informed regarding the political party appointment list created by the City. Upon further discussion, the City Council directed that an Ad Hoc Committee be formed to further discuss this issue of election judge appointment. Councilmember Bakken and Tilley agreed to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee. X. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business. XI. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:58 p.m. Aye: 5; Nay: 0