3165 Lexington Ave - Standpipe and SprinklerI
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Revised, Addendum No. 1, 1117100
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions
and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section.
B. "1997 Edition of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code as Amended.
C. Factory Mutual Data Sheet 8-9 for storage room fire protection.
D. Factory Mutual Research Data Sheet 2-8N ior sprinkler system installation guideline.
A. This Section specifies standpipe and sprinkler systems for buildings and structures.
B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain requirements that relate to this Section:
i. Divisiori 7 Sections fcr materials and methods for sealing pipe penetrations through exterior and
foundation walls, and fire and smoke barriers.
2. Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanical Requirements."
3. Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods".
4. Division 16 Secfions for power supply wiring including disconnacts, motor starters, and required
electrical devices.
5. Division 16 Sections for fire alarm system connections to water flow indicators, pressure
switches, and alarm devices for fire protection systems.
A. Pip2 sizes used in this Section are nominal pipe size (NPS) specified in inches.
B. Working plans as used in this Section refer to documents (including drawings and calculations)
prepared pursuant to requirements in NFPA 13 for obtaining approval of authority having
C. Other definitions for fire protection systems are included in referenced NFPA standards.
A. bVet-Pipe Sprinkler System: System with automatic sprinklers attached to piping system containing
water and connected to water supply so that water discharges immediately from sprinklers when
they are opened by the heat of a fire.
B. Dry-Pipe Sprinkler System: System with automatic sprinklers attached to piping system containing
air under pressure. Release of pressure (opening of sprinklers) permits water pressure to open
dry-pipe valve. Water then flows into piping and discharges through open sprinklers.
1. Pressurizing Gas: Compressed air, from sprinkler system air compressors.
C. Preaction Sprinkler System: System with automatic sprinklers attached to piping system containing
air that may be under pressure. include inter-connection to supplemental fire detection system in
same areas as sprinklers. Actuation of fire detection system opens deluge valve permitting water
flow into sprinkler piping system and discharge from sprinklers that have opened.
Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems
MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000 15325 - 1
D. Combination Dry-Pipe and Preaction Sprinkler System: System with automatic sprinklers attached
to piping system containing air under pressure. Include connection to supplemental fire detection
system in same areas as sprinklers. Operation of fire detection system actuates tripping devices
that open dry-pipe valves simultaneously and without loss of air pressure in system. Operation of
fire detection system also opens approved air exhaust valves at end of feed mains. This helps fill
system with water and usually precedes opening of sprinklers. Fire detection system will also
activate fire alarm system. Water discharges from sprinklers when they are opened by fire.
1. Pressurizing Gas: Compressed air, from sprinklersystem air compressors.
E. Deluge Sprinkler System: System with open sprinklers attached to piping system connected to
water supply through deluge valve. Valve is opened by operation of fire detection system in same
areas as sprinklers. When valve opens, water flows into piping system and discharges from
attached sprinklers.
F. Sprinkler System Protection Limits: All spaces with the building. Provide 100 percent coverage.
G. Standpipe Systems: Systems that are wet type have water supply valve open and pressure
maintained at all times and include branches extending from standpipes to sprinkler zone valves.
H. Combined Class I, Standpipe and Sprinkler System: Arrangement of piping, valves, fire department
valves, hose connections, and accessories for use by persons trained in use of heavy fire streams.
Fire department valves are 2-1/2-inch size. Sprinkler piping extends from standpipes.
A. Design ard obtain approval from Metropo:itan Airports Commission Fire Marshal for fire protection ?
systems specified.
B. The pioing system shown on the fire prctection drawings is design according to the "SYSTEM 7_
C. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS" listed in this Ariicle:
Nlinimum Pipe Sizzs: Pipes shall not be smaller than sizes indicated for connection to water supply I
piping, standpipes, and branches from standpipes to sprinklers.
D. Dllaximum Water Velocity: Design water velocities shall not excead 20 (FPS) feet per second in any
fire protection piping.
E. Design W ater Pressure: System design shall be based on hydraulic data provided by the MAC Fire o
Marshal: J
1. Location: At the fluor of the equipment room where the fire protection service enters the
? F building. Room MC-1103.
. ems accor
gn spr
er sys
1. Sprinkler SysYem Occupancy Hazard Classifications: As foilows:
a. Office and Public Areas: Light Hazard. ffi
b. Storage Areas: Ordinary Hazard. (Refer to Factory Mutual Dzta Sheet 8-3. ?
c. Equipment Rooms: Ordinary Hazard.
d. Service Areas and Loading Docks: Ordinary Hazard.
e. Concourse Area: Ordinary Hazard
f. Workroom Area: Ordinary Hazard
g. Parking Ramp Areas: Ordinary Hazard.
h. Other Areas: As determined by authority having jurisdiction. ?
2. Minimum Density Requirements for Automatic Sprinkler System Hydraulic Design: As follows:
a. Light Hazard Occupancy: 0.10 GPM over 3000 sq. ft. area. ---
b. Ordinary Hazard, Group 1 Occupancy: 0.20 GPM over 3000 sq. ft. area.
c. Ordinary Hazard, Group 2 Occupancy: 0.20 GPM over 3000 sq. ft. area. mm
d. Extra Hazard, Group 1 Occupancy: 0.30 GPM over 2500 sq. ft. area. A
e. Extra Hazard, Group 2 Occupancy: 0.40 GPM over 2500 sq. ft. area.
f. Special Occupancy Hazard: As determined by authority having jurisdiction.
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MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000 15325 - 2
Sw I
Loading Dock: 0.25 GPM over 3000 sq. ft.
3. Minimum Density Requirements for Deluge Sprinkler System Hydraulic Design: As follows:
? a. Ordinary Hazard, Group 1 Occupancy: 0.15 GPM over entire system area.
b. Ordinary Hazard, Group 2 Occupancy: 0.20 GPM over entire system area.
-Y= c. Extra Hazard, Group 1 Occupancy: 0.30 GPM over entire system area.
d. Extra Hazard, Group 2 Occupancy: 0.40 GPM over entire system area.
? e. Special Occupancy Hazard: As determined by authority having jurisdiction.
? 4. Maximum Sprinkler Spacing: As follows:
a. Office and Public Areas: 225 sq. ft./sprinkler.
..o b. Storage Areas: 130 sq. ft./sprinkler.
, c. Mechanicai Equipment Rooms: 130 sq. ft./sprinkler.
--- d. Service Areas: 130 sq. ft./sprinkler.
e. Concourse Area: 130 sq. ft./sprinkler
-' f. Parking Ramp Areas: 130 sq. ft,/sprinkler.
; g. Other Areas: According to NFPA 13.
G. Components and Installation: Capable of producing piping systems with the following minimum
-? working pressure ratings.
1. Sprinkler Systems: 175 psig.
2. Standpipe and Hose Systems: 175 psig.
A. Product data for fire protection system components.lnclude the following:
? ?. Backf low preventers.
-. ?
2. Valves.
3. Speciaity valves, accessories, and devices.
-? 4. Alarm devices. Include electrir,ai data.
5. Air compressors.
6. Fire department connections. Include type of fire department connection; number, siz2, type,
and arrangement of inlets; size and direction of outlet; and finish.
-`? 7. Fire department valves. Include size, type, and finish.
J 8. 5prinklers, escutcheons, and guards. Include sprinkler fiow characteristics, mounting, rinish,
and other data.
? B. Sprinkler system drawings identified as "working plans," prepared according to NFPA requirements.
Submit required number of sets to MAC Fire Marshal for review, comment, and approval. Include
system hydraulic calculations. Submit two sets to Factory Mutual for review, comment, and
? approval. include system hydraulic calculations.
1. Drawings and calculations shall be sealed and signed by a registered professional engineer
indicating the work was prepared under his direct supervision. The engineer shall be proficient
in fire protection systems design and shall be licensed in the jurisdiction where the Project is
C. Provide reproducible fire protection and sprinkler system drawings which have been approved by
the authority having jurisdiction. Submit to the Architect for review, comment and approval of
sprinkier placement. Architect approval of sprinkler placement shall occur prior to fabrication of any
-? piping.
? D. Test reports and certificates as described in NFPA 13. Include "Contractor's Material & Test
Certificate for Aboveground Piping" and "Contractor's Material & Test Certificate for Underground
-^} E. Maintenance data for each type of fire protection specialty specified, for inclusion in "Operating and
J Maintenance Manual" specified in Division 1 Section "Project Cioseout."
F• 2 copies of NFPA 25 "Standard for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance ot Water Based Fire
Protection Systems." Deliver to Owner's maintenance personnel.
Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems
MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000 15325 - 3
A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Firms whose equipment, specialties, and accessories are listed by
product name and manufacturer in UL Fire Protection Equipment Directory and FM Approval Guide
and that conform to other requirements indicated.
B. Listing/Approval Stamp, Label, or Other Marking: On equipment, specialties, and accessories made
to specified siandards. -
C. Listing and Labeling: Equipment, specialties, and accessories that are listed and labeled. The
Terms "Listed" and "Labeled": As defined in "National Electrical Code," Article 100.
D. Comply with requirements of authority having jurisdiction for submittals, approvals, materials, hose
threads, installation, inspections, and testing.
E. Comply with requirements of Owner's insurance underwriter for submittals, approvals, materials,
instailation, inspections, and testing.
F. Licensed Engineer: Submit design and calculations with the seal and signature of a registered
engineer indicating the work was prepared under his direct supervision. The engireer shall be
proficient in fire protection systems design and shall be licensed in jurisdiction where Project is
G. Instailer's Qualifications: Firms qualified to install and alter fire protection piping,
equipment,specialties, and repair and service equipment. A qualified firm is one that is experienced
(minimum of 5 previous projer,ts similar in size and scope to this Project) in such work, familiar with
precautions required, and in compliance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction.
Submit evidence of qualificaticns to the Architect upon request.
H. NFPA Standards: Equipment, specialties, accessories, installation, and testing complying with ihe
1. NFPA 13 "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems."
2. NFPA 14 "Standard for the Instalistion of Standpipe and Hose Systems."
3? yFPA 26 "Recommended Practice for the Supervision of Valve-, Controliing Water Supp!ies for
Fire Protection."
4. NFPA 70 "National Electrical Code."
5. NFPA 231 "Standard for General Storage."
6. NFPA 231 C"Standard for Rack Storage of Materials."
A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following:
1. Specialty Valves, and Air-Pressure Maintenance Devices:
a. Central Sprinkler Corp.
b. Gem Sprinkler Co. Div., Grinnell Corp.
c. Globe Fire Sprinkler Corp.
d. Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
e. Star Sprinkler Corp.
f. Viking Corp.
2. Detector Check Valves:
a. Ames Co., Inc.
b. Hersey Products, Inc., Grinnell Corp.
c. Kennedy Valve Div., McWane, Inc.
d. Viking Corp.
e. Watts Regulator Co.
3. Backflow Preventers:
Hammel, Green and Abrehamson, Inc. Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems
15325 - 4
MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000
- a. Ames Co., Inc.
b. Conbraco Industries, Inc.
c. Febco.
d. Hersey Products, Inc., Grinneil Corp.
? e. Watts Regulator Co.
4. Waterflow Indicators and Supervisory Switches:
' a. Gamewell Co.
b. Gem Sprinkler Co. Div., Grinneil Corp.
c. Notifier.
_ d. Potter Electric Signal Co.
e. Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
-- f. System Sensor Div., Pittway Corp.
g. Watts Regulator Co.
? 5. Fire Department Connections:
a. Badger-Powhatan, Figgie International Co.
- b. Croker Div., Fire-End and Croker Corp.
ti c. tikhart Brass Mfg. Co., Inc.
d. Gem Sprinkler Co. Div., Grinnell Corp.
- e. Potter-Roemer Div., Smith Industries, Inc.
f. Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
? 6. Sprinklers:
V a. Central Sprinkler Corp.
-? b. Gem Sprinkler Co. Div., Grinnell Corp.
c. Globe Fire Sprinkler Corp. _
? d. Reliabie Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc.
J e. Star Sprinkler Corp.
f. Viking Corp.
7. Fire Department Valves
? a. Badger-Powhatan, Figgie Internafional Co.
b. Croker Div., Fire-End and Croker Corp.
c. Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co., Inc.
d. Guardian Fire Equipment, Inc.
e. Potter-Roemer Div., Smith Industries, inc.
f. 5ierra Fire Equipment Co.
B. Firs Department Valve:
? a. Croker Div., Fire-End and Croker Corp.
b. J. L. Industries.
c. Larsen's Manufacturing Co.
d. Potter-Roemer Div., Smith Industries, Inc.
9. Indicator Valves:
_ a. Central Grooved Piping Products, Central Sprinkler Co.
b. Gem Sprinkler Co. Div., Grinnell Corp.
c. Grinneil Supply Sales Co., Grinnell Corp.
d. Kennedy Valve Div., McWane, Inc.
e. iNilwaukee Valve Co., Inc.
f. Nibco, Inc.
) g. Stockham Valves and Fittings, Inc.
h. Victaulic Company of America.
._? 10 . Fire Protection Service Gate and Check Valves:
a. Gem Sprinkler Co. Div., Grinnell Corp.
b. Grinnell 5upply Sales Co., Grinnell Corp.
c. Kennedy Valve Div., McWane, inc.
d. Nibco,lnc.
? e. Stockham Valves and Fittings, Inc.
f. Victaulic Company of America.
.? 11 . Grooved Couplings for Steel Piping:
a. Central Grooved Piping Products, Central Sprinkler Co.
Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems
? MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for ConsL Maroh 24, 2000 15325 - 5
b. Grinnell Supply Sales Co., Grinnell Corp.
c. Victaulic Company of America.
A. Refer to Part 3 Articles "Sprinkler System Piping Applications" and "Standpipe System Piping
Applications" for identification of systems where pipe and fitting materials specified below are used
B. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, Schedule 40 in sizes 2-inches and smaller and Schedule 10 in sizes 3-
inches and larger, black and gaivanized, plain and threaded ends, for welded, threaded, and
rolled-groove joints.
A. Cast-Iron Threaded Fianges: ASME B16.1, Class 125 and 250, raised ground face, bolt holes spot
B. Cast-Iron Threaded Fittings: ASME B16.4, Ciass 125 and 250, standard pattern, with threads
according to ASME 61.20.1.
C. Malleable-Iron Threaded Fittings: ASME B16.3, Class 150 and 300, standard pattern, with threads
according to ASME B1.20.1.
D. Steel Fittings: ASTM A 234/A 234M, seamless or welded; ASME B16.9, buttwe!ding; or
ASME B16.11, welding type for welded joints.
E. Steel Flanges and Fianged Fittings: ASME B16.5.
F. Grooved-End Fittings for Steel Pipe: UL-listed and FM-approved, ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12
ductile iron or ASTM A 47 Grade 32510 malleable iron, with grooves or shoulders designed to
accept grooved couplings.
A. Refer to Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods" for jaining materials not
included in this Section.
B. Couplings for Grooved-End Steel Pipe and Grooved-End Ferrous Fittings:
UL 213,AWWA C606,ASTM A 536 ductile-iron or ASTM A 47 malleable-iron housing, with enamel
finish. Include synthetic-rubber gasket with central-cavity, pressure-responsive design; ASTM A 183
carbon-steel bolts and nuts; and locking pin, toggle, or lugs to secure grooved pipe and fittings.
1. Dry-Pipe-Systems Couplings: UL-listed for dry-pipe service.
A. Refer to Division 15 Section "Vaives" for general duty gate, ball, butterfly, globe, and check valves.
A. General: UL-listed and FM-approved, with 175 psig non-shock minimum working pressure rating.
1. Option: Valves for use with grooved piping may be grooved type.
B. Gate Valves, 2 Inches and Smaller: UL 262, cast-bronze, threaded ends, solid wedge, outside
screw and yoke, rising stem. Provide prewired supervisory switch.
C. Indicating Valves, 2-1/2 Inches and Smalier: Butterfly or ball type, bronze body with threaded ends,
integral indicating device, and prewired supervisory switch.
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? D. Gate Valves, 2-1/2 Inches and Larger: UL 262, iron body, bronze mounted, taper wedge, outside
screw and yoke, rising stem. Include replaceable, bronze, wedge facing rings and flanged ends.
Provide prewired supervisory switch.
E. Swing Check Valves, 2-1/2 Inches and Larger. UL 312, cast-iron body and bolted cap, with bronze
disc or cast-iron disc with bronze disc ring and flanged ends.
I F. Butterfly Check Valves, 4 Inches and Larger: UL 213, split-ciapper style, cast-iron body wiih rubber
-? seal, bronze alloy discs, stainless-steel spring and hinge pin.
•d G. lndicator Posts: UL 789, wall tvpe, cast-iron bodv wifh windows for tarqet plates that indicate valve
J posifion, extension rod and couplin , locking device and red enamel finrsh.
1. OperaTion., Operatinp wrench. (Add 1)
A. Dry-Pipe Vaives: UL 260, differential type, 175 psig working pressure, with cast-iron flanged inle;
`q and outlet, bronze seat with O-ring seals, and single-hinge pin and latch design. Include UL 1486,
J quick-opening devices, trim sets for air supply, drain, priming level, alarm connections, ball drip
vaives, pressure gages, priming chamber attachment, and fill line attachment.
? 1. Option: Grooved-end connections for use with grooved-end piping.
B. Air-Pressure Maintenance Devices for Dry-Pipe Systems: Automatic device to maintain correct air
• pressure in dry-pipe systems, preaction systems, or deluge systems. Include shutcff valves to
? permit servicing without shutting down sprinkler system, bypass valve for quick system filling, _
pressure regulator or switch to maintain system pressure, strainer, pressure ratings 14 psig to
60 psig adjustable range, and 175 psig maximum inlet pressure.
? 1. Air Compressor: Fractional horsepower pipe mounted.
C. Deluge Vaives: UL 280, cas!-iron body, 175 psig working pressure, hydraulicaliy operated,
differential-pressure-type valve. Valves shall have flanged inlet and outlet, and bronze seat with
? O-ring seals. include trim sets for bypass, drain, electric sprinkler alarm switch, pressure gages, drip
cup assembly piped without valves separagraphte from main drain line, fill I:ne attachment with
strainer, and push rod chamber supply connection.
1: Option: Grooved-end connectioris for use with grooved-end pipiny.
2. Inciude pilot line trim as follows:
J a. Dry pilot line trim set including dry pilot actuator, air and water pressure gages, low air
pressure warning switch, air relief valve, and actuation device. Dry pilot line actuator
? includes cast iron, 175 psig working pressure, air operated, diaphragm-type valve with
resilient facing plate, resilient diaphragm, and replaceable bronze seat. Valve includes
threaded water and air inlets and water outlet. Loss of air pressure on dry pilot line side
allows pilot line actuator to open and causes deluge valve to open immediately.
? D. Ball Drip Vaives: UL 1726, automatic drain valve, 3/4-irch size, spring-loaded, ball check device
with threaded ends.
A. General: ASSE standard backflow preventers, of size indicated for maximum flow rate indicated and
? maximum pressure loss indicated.
1. Working Pressure: 150 psig minimum except where indicated otherwise.
2. Bronze, cast-iron, steel, or stainless-steel body with flanged ends.
3. Interior Lining: FDA-approved epoxy coating, for backflow preventers having cast-iron or steel
? body.
4. Interior Components: Corrosion-resistant materials.
5. Strainer on inlet, where strainer is indicated.
? Hammel, Green and Abrahamson Inc. Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems
MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000 15325 - 7
B. Double-Check Detector Assembly Backflow Preventers: UL 312 and ASSE 1048, consisting of
05&Y gate valves on inlet and outlet and strainer on inlet. Include 2 positive-seating check valves
and test cocks, and bypass with displacement-type water meter, valves, and double-check backflow
preventer, for continuous pressure application.
1. Pressure Loss: 5 psig maximum, through middle third of flow range.
A. Automatic Sprinklers: W Ith heat-responsive element conforming to:
1. UL 199, for applications except residentiai.
2. UL 1767, for early-suppression, fast-response applications.
B. Open Sprinklers: UL 199, without heat-responsive element.
1. Orifice: 1/2-inch, with discharge coefficient K between 5.3 and 5.8.
2. Orifice: 17/32-inch, with discharge coefficient K between 7.4 and 82.
C. Automatic Sprinklers: Sprinkler types and styles are as indicated and as required by application.
Furnish automatic sprinklers with 1/2-inch orifice for "Ordinary" temperature classification rating
except where otherwise indicated and required by application.
D. Sprinkler types and styles include:
1. Concealed ceiling sprinklers, including cover plate. (Star Sprinkler Quasar, Model Q, rough
bronze head with white-painted cover plate, self-adjusting).
2. Model QRQ, rough bronze head with white-painted cover plate, self-adjusting).
3. Standard upright, or pendent sprinklers. (Star Sprinkler Model LD-2, or Model SG, rough
bronze, plated, or white-painted).
4. Quick-response upright, or pendent sprinklers. (Star Sprinkler Model LD-2 QR, or Model SG
;QR), , chrome-plated, or white-painted).
5. Sidewall sprinklers. (Star Sprinkler Model LD-2, or Modei SG, rough bronze, chrome-piated, or
6. Quick-response sidewall sprinklers. (Star Sprinkler Model LD-2 QR, or Model SG (QR), rough
bronze, chrome-plated, or white-painted).
-7. Sidewall, dry-type sprinklers. (5tar Sprinkier Model ME-1, chrome-plated or white- painted head
with chrome-plated or white painted metal escutcheon, adjustable).
E. Special Coatings: Wax, and corrosion-resistant paint.
F. Sprinkler Escutcheons: Materials, types, and finishes for foilowing sprinkler mounting applications.
Escutcheons for concealed, and recessed-type sprinklers are specified with sprinklers.
1. Ceiling Mounting: White-painted steel, 1-piece, flat. Not more than 3-inch diameter and 1/4-inch
2. Sidewall Mounting: Chrome-plated steel, 1-piece, flat. Not more than 3-inch diameter and 1/4-
inch deep.
3. Sidewall Mounting: White-painted steei, 1-piece, fiat. Not more than 3-ir,ch diameter and 1/4-
inch deep.
4. Do not use escutcheons which extend beyond the plane of the wall or ceiling more than 114-
inch. Do not use 2-piece telescoping escutcheons.
G. Sprinkler Guards: W ire-cage type, including fastening device for attaching to sprinkler.
H. Sprinkler Cabinets: Finished steel cabinet and hinged cnver, with space for minimum of 6 spare
sprinklers plus sprinkler wrench, suitable for wall mounting. Include number of sprinklers required by
NFPA 13 and 1 wrench for sprinklers. Include separagraphte cabinet with sprinklers and wrench for
each style sprinkler on Project.
A. Specialty Fittings: UL-listed and FM-approved, made of steel, ductile iron, or other materials
compatible with system materiais and applications where used.
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MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. Maroh 24, 2000 15325 - 8
f J
ec - -?
1. Dry-Pipe-Systems Fittings: UL-listed for dry-pipe service.
B. Mechanical-Cross Fittings: UL 213, ductile-iron housing with pressure-responsive gaskets, holts,
and threaded or locking-lug outlets.
C. Sprinkler Alarm Test Fittings: Ductile-iron housing with 1-1/2-inch inlet and outiet, integral test
valves, combination orifice and sight glass, and threaded or locking-lug ends.
A. General: UL 668, 300 psig minimum rating, brass, nonadjustable type, fire department valve for
connection of fire hose. Include 90 degree angle pattem design, female NPS inlet and male hose
outlet, and lugged cap, gasket, and chain. Fire department valves are 2-1/2 inch size. Hose valves
ry are 1-1/2 inch size. Flose valve threads are according to NFPA 1963 and match local fire
i department threads.
= 1. Finish: Rough chrome-plated.
A. Exposed, Wall-Type Fire Uepartment Connections: UL 405, cast-brass body; NH-standard thread
„ inlets according to NFPA 1963 and matching locai fire department threads; and threaded NPS
J outlet. Include lugged cap, gasket, and chain; lugged swivel connection and drop clappers for each
hose connection inlet; and round wall escutcheon plate with marking "AUTO SPKR & STANDPIPE."
1. Connections: Two 2-1/2-inch inlets and 4-inch outlet.
2. Direction of Outlet: Back, straight. -
? 3. rinish: Rough chrome-plated.
a._ Exposed Walf-Tvpe Fire Department Connections: UL 405 c.ast-brass bodv; NH-standard thread
+nlefs accordrnp to NFPA 1963 and matchino local firo departmei t threads: and threaded NPS
outlet. fnclude luoqed cap oasket and chain; luqped swive/ connection and drop claopers for each
hose connection mlet and round wa!l escutcheon plate with markina "NYDRANT.
1. Connections: Two 2-112-inchoutlets and 4-inch inlet,
? ?_. Direction of inlet Back straiqht
3. Frrnsh Polished chrome-plated. (Add 1)
A. Alarm Devices: Types and sizes that wiil match piping and equipment connections.
J B. Waterflow Indicators: UL 346, electrical-supervision type, vane-type waterflow detector, rated to
250 psig , and designed for horizontal or vertical installation. Include 2 SPDT (single-pole,
doubie-throw) circuit switches to provide isolated alarm and auxiliary contacts, complete with
factory-set, field-adjustable retard element to prevent false signals and tamper-proof cover that
J sends a signal when cover is removed. Coordinate electrical characteristics with fire alarm system.
C. P; essure Switches: UL 753, waterflow switch with retard, electrical-supervision type, SPDT
? (single-pole, double-throw), normally closed contacts, designed to operate on rising prsssure and
: signai water flow. Coordinate electrical characteristics with iire alarm system.
r. D. Supervisory Switches: UL 753, for valves, electrical-supervision type, SPDT (single-pole,
double-throw), contacts, designed to signai controlled valve in other than full open position.
- Coordinate electrical characteristics with fire alarm system.
J A. Pressure Gages: UL 393, 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 inches diametPr dial wiih dial range of 0-250 psig.
- ? Hammet, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems
Ji MAC No. t 00-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000 15325 - 9
A. Refer to Part 2 of this Section for detailed specifications on pipe and fittings products listed below.
Use pipe, fittings, and joining methods according to the following applications. Piping may be joined
with flanges instead of indicated joints. Use grooved-end fittings with grooved couplings that are
made by the same manufacturer and that cQmply with listing when used together for
grooved-coupling joints.
B. Pipe Between Fire Department Connections and Check Valves: Use galvanized-steel pipe instead
of black-steel pipe when steel pipe is specified for applications below. Do not use welded joints.
C. Dry Standpipes and Dry-Pipe and Preaction Sprinkler Systems: Use galvanized-steel pipe instead of
black-steel pipe when steel pipe is specified for applications below.
D. Sizes 2 Inches and Smaller: ASTM A 53, A 135, or A 795; Schedule 40 steel pipe with threaded
ends,cast-iron or malleable-iron threaded fittings, and threaded joints.
E. Sizes 2-1/2" Inches and Larger: ASTM A 53 or A 795, Schedule 10 steel pipe with rolied groove
ends, steel pipe grooved-end fittings, grooved couplings, and grooved-coupling joints.
A. Drawir,gs indicate valve types to be used. W here sper,ific valve types are not indicated, the following
requirements apply:
1. Shutoff Duty` Use gate, ball, or Cutterfly vaives.
2. Drain Duty: Use globe or ball valves.
A. Refer to Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanical Materials and Methods" for basic pipiny joint
B. Grooved-End Pipe and Grooved-End Fitting Joints: Use groovad-end fittings and grooved couplings
that are made by the same manufacturer and that are listed for use ?ogether. Groove pipe and
assemble joints with grooved coupiing, gasket, lubricant, and boits according to coupiing and fitting
manufacturer's written instructions.
1. Dry-Pipe-Systems Gaskets; UL-listed for dry-pipe service.
2. Groove Type: Ro11ed.
C. Dissimilar Materiais Piping Joints: Make joints using adapters compatible with both piping materials.
A. Connect fire protection piping to water service piping of size and in location indicated for service
entrance to building. Water service piping is specified in Division 2 Sections.
B. Install shutoff valve, check valve, pressure gage, drain, and other accessories indicated at
connection to water service piping.
C. Install shutoff vaive, 6ackflow preventer, Fressure gage, drain, and other accessories indicated at
connection to fire service piping.
A. Connect fire protection piping to water supply piping of size and in location indicated.
Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems
MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000 15325 - 10 ?
B. Install shutoff valve, backflow preventer, pressure gage, drain, and other accessories indicated at
connection to water suppiy piping.
A. Refer to Division 15 Section "Basic Mechanicai Materiais and Methods" for basic piping installation.
B. Locations and Arrangements: Drawings (plans, schematics, and diagrams) indicate general location
and arrangement of piping. Install piping as indicated, as far as practical.
? C. Use approved fittings to make changes in direction, branch takeoffs from mains, and reductions in
pipe sizes.
? D. install unions adjacent to eacn valve in pipes 2 inches and smaller. Unions are not required on
flanged devices or in piping installations using grooved couplings.
E. Instali fianges or flange adapters on valves, apparagraphtus, and equipment having 2-112-inch and
-? larger connections.
F. Install "Inspector's Test Connections" in sprinkler piping, compiete with shutoff valve, sized and
located according to NFPA 13.
? G. Install sprinkler piping with drains for complete system drainage.
H. Install sprinkler zone control valves, test assemblies, and drain headers adjacent to standpipes
? when sprinkler piping is connected to standpipe. -
1. Install drain valves on standpipe sysFems, of sizes and in locations indicated.
J. Install ball drip valves to drain piping between fire department connactions and check vaives, and
? where ;r.dicated. Drain to floor drain or outside building.
K. install alarm devices in piping systems.
? "
L. Refer to Division 15 Section
Hangers and Supports
for basic requirements. Comply with NFPA 13.
Install accordirg to NFPA 13 and NFPA 14.
1. Install hanger and support spacing and locations for steel piping joined with grooved mechanical
? couplings according to manufacturer's written instructions for rigid systems.
M. Install pressure gages on riser or feed main, at each sprinkler test connection, and at top of each
standpipe. Include pressure gages with connection not less than 1/4 inch and with soft metal seated
? globe valve, arranged for draining pipe between gage and valve. Install gages to permit removal,
and install where they will not be subject to freezing.
A. Install specialty sprinkler fittings according to manufacturer's written instructions.
? 3
? A. Refer to Division 15 Section "Valves" for installation of general duty valves. Install fire-protection
specialty valves, trim, fittings, controls, and specialGes according to NFPA 13 and NFPA 14,
manufacturer's written instructions, and the authority having jurisdiction.
B. Gate Vaives: Install fire-protection service valves supervised-open, located to control sources of
water supply except from fire department connections. Where there is more than 1 control valve,
provide permanently marked identification signs indicating portion of system controlled by each
? C. fnstall backflow preventer in each water supply connection.
?-+? Hammel, Green and Abrahamson Inc. Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems
J MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000 15325 - 11
D. Dry-Pipe Valves: Install trim sets for air supply, drain, priming level, alarm connections, ball drip
valves, pressure gages, priming chamber attachment, and fill line attachment.
E. Air-Pressure Maintenance Devices for Dry-Pipe Systems: Install shut-off valves to permit servicing
without shutting down sprinkler system, bypass valve for quick system filling, pressure regulator or
switch to maintain system pressure, strainer, pressure ratings 14 psig to 60 psig adjustable range,
and 175 psig maximum inlet pressure.
1. Install air compressor and compressed air supply piping.
F. Deluge Valves: Install in vertical position, in proper direction of flow, in main supply to deluge
G. Detector Check Valves: Install for proper clirection of flow, located to detect system leakage and
unauthorized use of water and to prevent backflow into public water mains. Install bypass with water
meter, with gate valves on each side of ineter, and check valve downstream from meter.
A. Install roughing-in piping and specialties for water meter installation according to utility company's
instructions and requirements.
A. Install backflow preventers of type, size, and capacity indicated. Comply with plumbing code and
authority with jurisdiction. Install air-gap fitting on units with atmospheric vent connection and pipe
relief outlet drain to nearest floor drain. Do not install bypass around backflow preventer.
E. Double Check Detector Assembly: Install for proper direction of flow, located to detect system
leakage and unauthorized use of water and to prevent backflow into public water mains. Install
bypass with water meter, with gate valves on each side of mn-ter, and check valve downstream from
A. Roams without Ceilings: Upright sprinklers.
B. Rooms with Suspended Ceilings: Concealed sprinklers.
C. Wall Mounting: Sidewall sprinklers.
D. Spaces Subject to Freezing: Upright, pendent dry-type, and sidewall dry-type sprinklers.
E. Deluge Sprinkler Systems: Upright and pendent, open sprinklers.
F. Special Applications: Use extended-coverage, flow-control, and Guick-response sprinklers as
G. Sprinkler Finishes: Use sprinklers with following finishes:
1. Upright, Pendent, and Sidewall Sprinklers: Chrome-plated in finished spaces exposed to view;
rough bronze in unfinished spaces not exposed to view; wax-coated where exposed to acids,
chemicals, or other corrosive fumes.
2. Concealed Sprinklers: Rough brass, with factory-painted white cover plate.
A. General: Install sprinklers as required to provide 100 percent coverage of all building areas in
accordance with this specification, the requirements of the fire authority having jurisdiction, and as
? -L
Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems -
a?, r
MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000 15325-12
1. 5prinklers shall be located in a regular pattern, perpendicular and parallel with building lines, in
perfect alignment with other ceiling components such as lights, air dififusers, grilles, and
? speakers.
2. Where sprinkler locations are indicated on Architectural Drawings and the coverage is
-- inadequate, provide additional sprinklers heads located as directed by the Architect. Additional
sprinklers (in excess of NFPA requirements) may be required for aesthetics.
r 3. Acoustical Ceiling Tile: Sprinklers shall be located in the center of tile (fully within a 4-inch
diameter circle at the center of the tile). Locations shall be in the center of a 2 ft. x 2 ft. tile or in
- a 2 ft. x 2 ft. half of a 2 ft. x 4 ft. tile.
4. Sprinklers shall be located no closer than 4 inches from any ceiling edge or from any other
ceiling component.
_ S. Sprinkler locations shall be reviewed and accepted by the Architect before any piping is
fabricated or installed.
; 6. Adjustments in sprinkler locations shall be anticipated during shop drawing review, and shall be
allowed for in the Base Bid.
B. Do not install pendent or sidewall, wet-type sprinklers in areas subject to freezing. Use dry-type
- sp rinklers supplied from heated space.
A. Fire Department Valves: Install 2-1/2 inch fire department valves at each standpipe outlet for hose
connections for use by fire department.
A. Install fire department connections of types and features indicated in locations indicated.
B. Install ball drip valves at each check valve for fire department connection to mains and where
i irdicated. Drain to floor drain or outside building.
Connect to specialty valves, fire department valves, hose valves, specialties, fire department
connections, and accessories.
B. Connect water supplies to standpipe and sprinkler systems. Include backflow preventers.
? C. Fire Alarm 5ystem Connections: Coordinate wiring connections for water flow indicators, pressure
i switches, supervisory switches, and alarm devices. Fire Alarm System wiring is specified in Division
16 Sections.
? D. Connect compressed air supply to dry-pipe sprinkler system.
E. Connect air compressor to following piping and wiring:
1. To pressure gages and controls.
"i 2. To eiectrical power system.
3. To fire alarm system devices, including low-pressure alarm.
A. Perform field acceptance tests of each fire protection system.
1. Flush, test, and inspect sprinkler piping systems according to NFPA 13 Chapter "System
- ? Acceptance."
2. Flush, test, and inspect standpipe systems according 1o NFPA 14 Chapter "Tests and
? B. Replace piping system components that do not pass test procedures specified. Then retest to
_ demonstrate compliance. Repeat procedure until satisfactory results are obtained.
Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Inc. Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems
? MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued tor Const. March 24, 2000 15325 - 13
D. Dry-Pipe Valves: Install trim sets for air supply, drain, priming level, alarm connections, ball drip
valves, pressure gages, priming chamber attachment, and fill line attachment.
E. Air-Pressure Maintenance Devices for Dry-Pipe Systems: Install shut-off valves to permit servicing
without shutting down sprinkler system, bypass valve for quick system fiiling, pressure regulator or
switch to aintain system pressure, strainer, pressure ratings 14 psig to 60 psig adjustabie range, y0:
and 175 p' maximum inlet pressure.
1. Install ai compressor and compressed air supply piping. i
F. Deluge Valves: stall in vertical position, in proper direction of flow, in main suppl / y to deluge
system. G. Detector Check Vaiv s: Install for proper direction of flow, located to detect system leakage and
unauthorized use of w er and to prevent backflow into public water mains. I stali bypass with water, meter, with gate valves each side of ineter, and check valve downstrea from meter.
A. Install roughing-in piping and s cialties for water meter installation a cording to utility company's
instructions and requirements.
A. Install backflow preventers of type, size, nd capacity indicate . Comply with plumbing code and
authority with jurisdiction. Install air-gap fit ' g on units with mospheric vent connection and pipe
refief outlet drain to nearest floor drain. Do t install bypas around backflow preventer.
E. Double Check Detector Assembly: Install for p er dire ion of flow, located to detect system ?
leakage and unauthorized use of water and to pr vent ackflow into pubiic water mains. Install
bypass with water meter, with gate valves on each id of ineter, and check valve downstream from
meter. ?
A. Rooms without Ceilings: Upright sprinklers.
8. Rooms with Suspended Ceilings: Conce7dnt 'prinklers. C. Wall Mounting: Sidewall sprinklers. `
D. Spaces Subject to Freezing: Upright, pe dry-type, and sidewall ry-type sprinklers. ?
E. Deluge Sprinkler Systems: Upright anb pendent, open sprinklers.
F. Special Applications: Use extended=coverage, fiow-control, and quick.-res onse sprinklers as s?--
follows: \
G. Sprinkler Finishes: Use sprinklers with following finishes:
1. Upright, Pendent, and Sidewail 5prinklers: Chrome-plated in finished spaces exposed to view;
rough bronze in unfinished spaces not exposed to view; wax-coated where exposed to acids,
chemicals, or other corrosive fumes. . [
2. Concealed Sprinklers: Rough brass, with factcy-painted white cover plate. ;,M. -
A. General: Install sprinklers as required to provide 100 percent coverage of all building areas in '$
accordance with this specification, the requirements of the fire authority having jurisdiction, and as
Hammel, Green and Abrahamson, Ina Standpipe and Sprinkler Systems ?
MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000 15325 - 12
1. Report test resuits promptly and in writing to Architect.
A. Clean dirt and debris from sprinklers. Replace sprinklers having paint other than factory finish with
new sprinklers. Cleaning and reuse of painted sprinklers is prohibited.
A. Starting Procedures: Follow manufacturer's written procedures. If no procedures are prescribed by
manufacturer, proceed as follows:
1. Verify that specialty valves, trim, fittings, controls, and accessories have been installed correctly
and operate correctly.
2. Verify that air compressors and their accessories have been instailed correctly and operate
3. Verify that specified tests oi piping are complete.
4. Check that damaged sprinklers and sprinklers with paint or coating not specified have been
replaced with new, correct type of sprinklers.
5. Check that sprinklers are correct type, have correct finish and temperature ratings, and have
guards where required for applications. ,
6. Check that potable water supplies have correct type of backflow preventer.
7. Drain dry-pipe sprinkler systems.
8. Pressurize and check dry-pipe sprinkler systems air pressure maintenance devices, and air
9. Check that fire department valves, hose valves and fire department conneclions have threads
compatible with Iccal fire department equipment and have correct pressure rating.
10. Fill wet-pipe sprinkler systems with water.
11. Fill wei standpipe systems with water.
12. Check for correct type and size fire department valves, and hose valves.
13. Energize circuits to electrical equipment and devices.
14. Start and run air compressors.
15. Adjust operating controls and pressure settings.
B. Coordinate with fire alarm system tests. Operaie systems as requirad.
A. Demonstrate equipment, specialties, and accessories. Review operating and maintenance
B. Schedule demonstration with at least 7 days' advance notice.
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MAC No. 106-3-295 - Issued for Const. March 24, 2000 15325 - 14