3165 Lexington Ave - Field Methods and ProceeduresI I I I I I ?- I 11 t ? APPENDIX E FIELD METHODS AND PROCEDURFS I I ? FIEL.D METHODS AND PROCIDURES ?. 1.0 Soil Samnling, ? Soil samples were obtained from soil borings advanced with a hollow-stem auger (FISA). Soil sampiing was conducied in accordance with ASTM: D 1586-84. Using this pracedure, a two-inch O.D. split-barrel sampler is lowesed down the HSA and driven into the sail by a ? 140-pound weight falling 30 inches. After an initial set of 6 inches, the sampler is driven an additional 12 inches to obtain a representative soil sample and is then retrieved. The number ? of blows required to drive the sampier the additional 12 inches is lrnown as the penesration ? resistance or N value, The N value is an index of the reiative densiry of cohesionless soils ? and the consistency oi cohesive soils. ` 2.0 Decontamination of DritlingFcuinmenc The doumhole drilling equipment and associated tools were steam cieaned priar to the start of the proiect work. Steam-cleaned drilling equipment was used for each soil bonng. The ? split-barrei sampler also was cleaned between samples to minimize cross-contaminauon. The cleaning procedure consisted of scrubbing the sampler with a brush in a soap and water ? solution iollowed by a tap water rinse. The soap and water solution was changed regulariy during the sampling. Fluids used in on-site cleaning of the split-barrei sampler and drilling equipment were disposed at the site. 3.0 Soil Classii?cation ? As the samples were obtained in the field, they were visually and manually classified by a ? DPRA representative in accordance with ASTM: D 2488-84. Representaave porrions of the samples were then retumed to DPRA's office in the event there is need for furthez ? examinanon and verification of the field classification. The.classification of soil boring samples, soil boring depths, identification of the various strata, the N value, water level informauon, and perdnent informauon regarding the method of maintaining and advancing ?! ? ? the drill holes are illustrated on boring logs. Charts describing the soil classification procedure, the descripdve tenninology, and symbols used on the boring logs are included with the logs. ? 4.0 Soil Oreanic Vapor Monitoring ;?- Soil samples were screened for organic vapors with an HNU Model 101 photoionization ? detettor (PID) equippeci with either a 10.2 or 11.7 eV lamp, as specified in the appropriate agency guidance document. The PID was calibrated for a direct equivalent reading of parts per million benzene. Organic vapor concentrations were recorded using thejar headspace ?method. Under favorable conditions, organic vapor concentrations also were recorded by placing the PID probe within 1 co 2 inches of a fresh soil surface. During cold weather, PID headspace readings were taken in a heated space. 5.0 Soil Sampling for Chemical Analxsis ? Soil samples submitted for chemical analysis were collected using decontaminated sampling ? equipment. Soil samples were placed in clean jars with teflon-lined lids and stored i? a chilled container during shipment to the analytical laboratory. Each sample submitted for chemical analysis was recorded on a chain-of-cuscody fotm. 6.0 Groundwater Leve( Measurements ? Groundwatez level measuremenu were obtained using an eiectronic measuring instrument. The instrument is equipped with a probe which emiu an electric signal when in contact with ? water. Measurements were abtained by lowenng the probe into the well and recording the depth oi the probe when the eiectric signal indicated contact with water. Measurements were ? referenced ta the top oi the monitoring well riser pipe and recorded to the neazest 0.01 feet. ? The manufacturez's reported accuracy for the instrument is 0.04 feet. ?? 1 1 7.0 Well Develonment Wells were developed after installation and prior to sampling to restore the natiral hydraulic conductivity of the formation and remove sediment to reduce well-water turbidity, Wells ? were developerl by exnacting up to 30 well volumes from each well to minimize turbidity from nadve siits, ciays, and/or drilling fluid. The well volume was determined by measuring the length of the column of water present in the well and then calculating the volume of the water column. ? 8.0 Groundwater SamQiing for Chemical Analysis Jr Groundwater samples rrom monitoring wells were obtained using a stainless steei bailec equipped with a bottom-closing ball-check valve. Samples weze collected with bailers cleaned in a soapy water wash, and then rinsed wich deionized distilled water. Clean bailers shipped to the field were wrapped in aluminum foil for transport. Bailer blanks of distilled water were collected at the site. ? Prior to sampling, the monitonng well was stabilized to introduce fresh formauon water into the well. The monitoring well was stabilized by removing water from the well wi[h the ? stairiless steei bailer. A minimum of three monitoring weil water volumes were evacua[ed pnor to sample collection where suitable groundwater recharge occurred. In some cases, the ? evacuated groundwater was monitared for pH, specific conductance, and temperature during ? the stabilizauon process. Water level measurements were recorded prior to development. Groundwater samples were collected in clean glass containers affixerl with labels listing the ? type or analysis and sample identification. Appropnate preservation techniques were used ?for samples, as required. The sample bottles were appropriately labeled with the work order number, location number, date sampled, and initials of the individual sampler. A chain-ot- ? custody form was completed and was shipped with the samples to the laboratory. Upon arrival at the laboratory, the samples were checked in and signed over to the appropriate ? F I ,r laboncory personnei. At that time, a copy of the chain-of-custody form was retained and recurned to the Project Manager, 1 Field filtcarion was performed on groundwacer samples collected for aaalysis of dissolved metaLs. A groundwacer sample was collected in a temporary trdnsfer conrainer from which ? the sample was passad through a filter inw a labeled collection container. The tcansfer and collecaon containers consist of labontory-cleaned bottles. Following filtering, che saznples were preserved. 9.0 .4ir Samvling for Chemical Analysis ? Air samples from the system emissions were obrained using a portable air sampiing pump and MOSH approved charcoal sampling tubes. The charcoal tubes were connecied to ? sampling ports on the exhaust stacks and the exhaust air was pumped through the tubes at a designated rate by the portable sampling pump. The flow rate through the charcoal sampiing ? tubes and the duration of the sampling event met OSHA air-sampling requirements. After compleaon of the sampling, the charcoal tubes were capped, labeled, rerorded on a chain-of- ? custody form, and submicted for chemical analysis in a chilled container to prevent consrituent volatilization. ? 10.0 Surveyjng ? Surface elevadons of the soil borings and top-of-riser pipe elevations of the monitoring weils were surveyed. fiievauons were recorded to the nearest 0.1 feet for soil borings and 0.01 ? for moni[oring wells. ? I ?. I