1205 Diffley Rd - Deferral of Special Sewer & Water Assessments}` . ? V city oF e?c?an Gloria Murphy Dakota County Treasurer Auditor's O?ce Dakota County Govemment Center 1590 Highway 55 Hastings, Mn 55033 May 28, 1998 RE: Anthony Caponi's Properties 10-02200-010-80 10-02200-010-84 10-02700-011-02 Dear Ms Murphy: THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOMQUIST SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER CouncilMembers THOMAS HEDGES CiN Adminisirator E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Ci1y Clerk The City of Eagan requests that your Department treat the special assessments on the noted parcels as if they have a°Green Acres Deferral". The City recognizes that this property does not have true Green Acres status as allowed by Minnesota Statutes , however, the status given it by the Legislature does closely resemble that type of deferral. The agreement between the City and the Caponi's concerning special assessments calls for them to accrue interest in the same manner that your system is programmed to accrue interest on the assessments with true Green Acres status. Thanks for your help and cooperation. Please contact Jerry Wobschall at 681- 4624 for any questions concerning this matter. A copy of the resolution adopted by the Council concerning these assessments is also enclosed. Sincerely 0?o tir?..?(??A_ . E. . VanOverbeke Finance Director cc: Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk Jerry Wobschall, Financial Consultant Parcel File Enclosure MUNICIPAI CENiER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX: (612) 681-4612 TDD:(672)454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE ? THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GR01MH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportunity/Aifirmative AcTion Employer MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-4300 FAX:(612)681-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 . V r CITY Or EAGAN RESOLUTION DEFERRAL OF SPECIAL SEWER AND WATER ASSESSMENTS UNTIL TAX PAYABLE YEAR 2003 CAPONIART PARK WHEREAS, in.7anuary of 1998, the Eagan City Council approved support of proposed legislation to be presented to the Mi[tnesota State Legislature which would coatinue "Green Acres" treatrnent for the 60 acre tract of property at 1215 Diftley Road Imow as the Caponi Art Park for special azsessment purposes for five years, which would provide for taxation on the property under an agricultural elassification for five years, and which would provide that if the property or any portion of it were during the five year period conveyed to anyone other than Mrs. Caponi, a child of Mr. Caponi or a non-profit corporation, ali deferred special assessments would be payable with interest and the taxing disuicu would "recapture" the tax differcntial between the agricultural classification and the appropriate clusification otbenvise assignable to the property; and WHEREAS, in the recently passed tax legislation dealing with the Caponi Art Park, the legislature approved assessing the property as agricultural for tax purposes for a five-yeaz period. If, by the end of the five- yeaz period, the land hu been conveyed to anyone other than t6e Caponis or a nonprofit organ'uation, the Caponis would be obligated to pay back the entire amount of deferred taxes with interest; and WHEREAS, the Legislature felt the decision of whether or not to defer special assessmenu paymenu was better left to the City of Eagan, so the legislation also stated that the City may defer the payment of any special assessment levied against the Caponi Art Pazk property; and WHEREAS, the Ciry has received a letter from Dave Kennedy, President of the Caponi Art Pazk Board of D'vectors, requesting that the Ciry approve a resolution deferring special assessmenu until tax payable year 2003; NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED thai the Eagan Ciry Council does. approve the deferral of the payment, including current and future accrued interest, of sewer and water special assessmenu levied against the 60 acre tract of properry at 1215 Diffley Road known as the Caponi Art Park until tax payable year 2003, providing that if the properry or any ponion of i2 is, during the five-yeaz period, conveyed to anyone other than Mrs. Caponi, a child of Mr. Caponi or a non-profit corporation, all deferred special usessments would be payable with interest at that time. Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in favor: Those against: Dated: Masin Awada Awada, Wachter Blomquist, Egan, Masin May 5, 1998 I, E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the Ciry of Eagai, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution waz duly passed and adopted by the Ciry Council of the Ciry of Eagan, Dakota Counry, Minnesota, in a regulaz meeting thereof assembled this da f hiay, 8. X?y anOverbeke, Ciry Clerk CITY OF EAGAN ? SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEAiiCH SUMMARY AS OF: 05/17/2001 _ PROPERTY ID: 10-02200-010-80 SEE COMMENTS S/A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF CD 100689 W TR-304 1981 15 11.0000 5320.00 0.00 0.00 CL 102561 ST 607 1994 15 6.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 102740 GA 2561 1996 13 6.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 102912 Specagree 1998 11 6.5000 18363.11 1669.37 13355.00 ------ SUMMARY OF LEVIED 18363.11 1669.37 13355.00 ****** 2001 P&I CERT. 2645.96 ------ SUMMARY OF DEFER. 0.00 • ------ SUMMARY OF CLOSED 5320.00 ------ PENDING ESTIMATE 0.00 Press ENTER• or F1 F4 F5 F7 F8 , ? SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCH SUMMARY AS OF: 05/17/2001 _ PROPERTY ID: 10-02200-010-84 S/Ati ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF CD 102561 ST 607 1994 15 6.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 102562 TUNN 607 1994 15 6.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 102740 GA 2561 1996 13 6.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 102741 GA 2562 1996 13 6.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 102912 Specagree 1998 11 6.5000 29563.98 2687.63 21501.09 ------ SUMMARY OF LEVIED 29563.98 2687.63 21501.09 x'•*** 2001 P&I CERT. 4259.90 ------ SUMMARY OF-DEFEH. 0.00 ------ SUMMARY OF CLOSED 0.00 ------ PENDING ESTIMATE 0.00 Press ENTER• or F1 F4 F5 F7 F8 w SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCH SUMMARY AS OF: 05/17/2001 _ PROPERTY ID: 10-02700-011-02 SEE COMMENTS S/A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF CD 100227 SEWER TRK 1972 20 8.0000 13072.00 0.00 0.00 PP 102562 TUNN 607 1994 15 6.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 102741 GA 2562 1996 13 6.5000 0.00 0.00 0.00 102912 Specagree 1998 11 6.5000 11211.27 1019.20 8153.67 ------ SUMMARY OF LEVIED 11211.27 1019.20 8153.67 **":x 2001 P&I CERT. 1615.44 ------ SUMMARY OF DEFER. 0.00 ------ SUMMARY OF CLOSED 13072.00 ------ PENDING ESTIMATE 0.00 Press ENTER• or F1 F4 F5 F7 F8 ? ? ? ? ? • • • ? . . . . . . . . 12/29/00 REPORT:XSA720R1 DISTRICT 10 EA6AN CITV DISTRIBUTE T0: 10 ID 30 02200 030 80 io 02200 oio ea 10 02700 O11 02 3 PARLELS . ? %10 . SPECIAL ASSESSMENT PA6E 35 6REEN ACRE DEFERRED INSTALLMENfSFOR 2001 SA-NO 2912 SPEC A6REE FIRST-YR: 1998 FOR 11 YEARS FIRST-YR-INT: .06500 REC-INTs .06500 UEFERRED IN: 1998 ADJUSTED GURREM CURRENT CURRENT DEFERRED OEPERRED PAYMENf ON ORI6INAL BALANCE PRIIICIPAL INTEREST PRINCIPAL INTEREST ADJ ORI6INAL 18,363.11 13i355.00 1,669.37 1,193.61 3,338.74 2,387.22 .00 29,563.98 21,501.09 2,687.63 1,921.65 5,375.26 3,843.30 .00 11i211.27 8,153.67 1,019.20 728.74 2i038.40 1,457.48 .00 59i138.36 43,009.76 5,376.20 3,644.00 30,752.40 7,688.00 .00 ,. Jl 1 oq po ,X ? ? ? • ? ? S ? . . . . . . . . . . ? . to . . 40- %0 12/29/00 . SPECIAL ASSESSMElR PA6E 35 REPoRT:%SA720R1 6REEN ACRE DEFERRED INSTALLMENTSFOR 2001 DISTRICT 10 EA6AN CITY SA-NO 2912 SPEC A6REE FIRST-YR: 1998 FOR 11 YEARS DZSTRIBUTE TD: 10 FIRST-YR-INT: .06500 REG-INT: .06500 DEFERRED IN: 1998 ADJUSTED CURRENT CURRENT CURRENT UEFERRED DEFERRED PAYMEHf ON ID ORI6INAL BALANCE PRINCIPAL INTEREST PRIHCIPAL INTEREST ADJ ORI6INAL 10 02200 010 80 18,363.11 13,355.00 1,669.37 1i193.61 3,338.74 2i387.22 .00 30 02200 010 84 29,563.98 21,501.09 2.687.63 1,921.65 5,375.26 3,843.30 .00 10 02700 011 02 11,211.27 8,153.67 1,019.20 728.74 2,038.40 1,457.48 .00 3 PARCELS 59i138.36 43,009.76 5,376.20 3,844,00 `10,752.40 7,688.00 I .00 h 0/7 ? lop -e? -? ??. x ? ? ? satE 2512 GG?a? TERM 11 RATE 0.065 ISTYRM 12 ASSESS 59,138.36 ANNUAL 5376.214545 ISTRAT 0.065 deferred eumulative deferred cumulative year - - inetallment balance inatallmenta inetalll balancel installmentsl \ 1 1 9,220.21 53,762.15 9,220.21 7,691. 25 55,291.10 7,691.25 '2 8,870.75' 48,385.93 18,090.96 7,691. 25 51,193.77 15,382.50 3 8,521-.30I 43,009.72 26,612.26 7,691. 25 46,830.12 23,073.75 4 ? 8,171.85 ? 37,633.50 34,784.11 7,691. 25 42,182.82 30,765.01 7,822.39 32,257.29 42,606.50 7,691. 25 37,233.45 38,456.26 6 7,472.94 26,881.07 50,079.44 7,691. 25 31,962.38 46,147.51 7 7,123.48 21,504.86 57,202.92 7,691. 25 26,348.68 53,638.76 8 6,774.03 16,128.64 63,976.95 7,691. 25 20,370.09 61,530.01 9 6,424.58 10,752.43 70,401.53 7,691. 25 14,002.90 69,221.26 10 6,075.12 5,376.21 ,76,476.65 7,691. 25 7,221.83 76,912.52 11 5,725.67 , 0.00 62,202.32 7,691. 25 (0.00) 84,603.77 city oF eagan Margie Caneff Dakota County Treasurer Auditor's Office Dakota County Government Center 1590 Highway 55 Hastinqs, Mn 55033 May 15, 1998 RE: Anthony Caponi's Property 10-02200-010-80 10-02200-010-84 10-02700-011-02 Dear Ms Caneff: THOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOMQUIST SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES Ci}y Atlminisirotor E. J. VAN OVERBEKE Ciry Clerk Please consider this letter as the City's official request to remove from the County's records the Current and Delinquent installments on the referenced parcels. The City will relevy these amounts with a new assessment. That new assessment is scheduled to be SA# 2912, Enclosed are data input sheets for the deletions on the noted parcels. The input sheet for SA# 2912 will follow. Thank you for your help and cooperation. Please contact Deanna Kivi or Jerry Wobschall at 681-4624 if you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely Lrl E. --) VanOverbeke Finance Director ? cc: Linda Fink, Staff Accountant V-beanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk Lynn Raway, Tresurer Auditor's Office Enclosures I°a rc,?, / MUNICIPAI CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122-7897 PHONE. (612) 681-4600 fAX: (612) 681-4612 TDD: (612) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SVMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROVJTH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opporfunity Employer MAINTENANCE FAGLIN 3507 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 5522 PHONE, (612) 681-4300 FAX:(612)661-4360 TDD: (612) 454-8535 8PECIAL. A68E88MENT8 ate 51 /sl 9e Pag? ? ol ?? (NPUT FORM - AUDITOR oIS=CT 10 SA-NUiBER a 7 Y1 sA-rme 6,4 - a s(a?--- DISTR28-DLST ?Q em-YE= / 9,S 8 HO-YE1tLT FIRST YFJM INTII? RECUfJIR INP.? TOTAL A55£5.4ltt?7r t7.irk Ac[ivity tiFSi ASSFS39EC7r &-PhRC-6L5 X DELINQUEKP ANNt7AtS • ?_ASSFSSCfEI?[f UPOATE AOD/UPDATE PARCE[S Division ISY PU1T [DT BLK rpt 1 JSSESSMENr N10UNC DEP CODE EFF YEAR ACf- ION 1119 Oa a o0 0.1 8Y a7,L a 9 Y v ? o oa-7oo o? pa ? a 99 D IfJGECiD ACTICN A - Aad ' C - Change. p - Dalete P - Print booksheet O - Old Parcel (division) N - Ncu Parcel (divi9lon) DEF CODE S - Senior ' Citizen . C - City' •Deferred ...... ... P&gQ?ot BPECIAL A88E88MENT8 at? S? - INPUT FORM - AUDITOR o:snucr Lo sA-NcrsaEP a s6 a sr?-wwe % v rJ1 _?fZ Z__ ozsTRza-nisr i 0 sac-YEAR NO-YEMS .. f IILST YEAlt IIiT _ _ - _ - REG[7LJ1R It7t._ .. _ ? ? TOTAL ASSESsiF21T t7ark Activity t7E3i ASSE549ENf ir?1Re6I.S XOELINQU6NP ANNU1?LS ? ASSFSSytNP UPOATE ADD/UPDATE PARCELS Diviaion IST P[AT LDT BLK fh 1 ASSES:,C1EPlr M10UMT OEF COOE EFF YEAR ACP- ION ? O aaa o?o e y Qs19 9a yd3 /99g ? l0 a700 Dl1 0;( Js6 qa yd3 199 D . ' ? It7G£tiD ACPICN A - AW ' C - Change 0 = Deletc P - Print booksheet O - Old Parcel (division) H - Ncu Parcel (division) DEF CODE S - Senior ' Citizen . C - City • •Deferred BPECIAL A88E88MENT8 ate lNPUT FORM - AUDITOR o:saucr /?sA-ca??x a 7YO sa-rune ??_a S 6/-_- cssTRz8-c:sr !2 em-=%n L 912 110-YFMS .. FIRST YEAlt QiP?. . . . . REGU[J1R IIRr.. .. . . . TOTAL ASSE55lSFSTr ltiirk AeGivity NIIi ASSE5.41fKf &-P1kiiC-&LS ? DEL2NQl7ENP HNNOAIS • ?,e- ASSfSS?fEENr l1POATE ADD/UPDATE PAACELS Divinion IST PLAT LOT 9LK °A 1 ASSE.,Sl1EC7r AMOIMC OEF COOE EFF YEAR ALT- ION 0.149 8v A.71t a D ?o oaaoD O+ g ? YiY.?Zd? l9°17 4C? SEGEND ACTIa" a - Add C- C?ange D - Deletc P - Priot boolca hee t O - Old Parecl (diviston) N - Nev Pareel (division) DEF CODE S - Senior . ' Citizen C - City• • Defecred , Pago ? ot ? Dmwcr lQ s&-Nuiam a s 6 i BPECtAL A88E88MENT8 INPUT FORM - AUD170R an. ? to Af/ sA-wMe STto.Q??----ossaRsa-cxsr /Q srx-Wx---- NO-YFJ1fLS FIRST YFM IIiT,_ AE7LZ7IJIA II?r.? .. . . . TOTAL ASSESSiFS7P lfack Activity NEli ASSFSS4Etsf irP1ReStS ? CELINQlJEt1T ANNUAIS • X ASSESSyENP UPDAIE ADD/UPDATE PARCEtS Divinion IST P[AT LDT 0LK s4 1 ASSESStiENT N10UKP DEF CODE EFF YEAR AC!- ION i 0 oa ov o ro iLD ? i / ly 0a . l9 97 ? Ddd010 01 8y .561 ?S eiYoa l94 D IEGElID Acriaa A-AW . C - Chanqe D = Delete P - Print bookaheet 0 - Old Parcel (divi9ion) N - Nev Pareel (divi9lon) DEF CODE S - Senior ' Citizen C - Ci ty • -Deferred .,.. ... p? e of BPECIAL ABBESSMENTB ate 9 -- ? INPUT FORM - AUOITOR aisnucr / c7sA-N"ERd 91j sA-runs ------?---- orsTRzs-czsr ! a aW--YM i 9 9r NO-YFJIRS FIRST YEM IIC. 06 5RE7LV Wt ItZT. O?05? ? TOTAL 7SSE5SMQ? Mark Activity X HEii ASSF_S34E'Nf &-phRf6tS _ DELINQUEn ANNUALS • ? ASSF_SS.yFlHff UPDATE ? ADD/UPDATE PARCELS Diviaion IS'C P[AT LL7P BGK SA 1 JSSE55(iEtC N10CNP DfF CODE EFF YEAR ACT- ION ? o oa01 00, o 1 a-o 2 9 1 ? o oaao or s ?t . . ?q?a ? 0a7oo 01 i o 9? / 9gS ?4 SECEHD ACPICN a - ,dd C - Change o = Delete P - Print boolca hee t O - Old Parccl (dlviaion) N - Ncw Parcel (division) DEF CODE S - Senior ' Citizen . .C - City • •Defetted ...... w1 . CITY Or EAGAN RESOLUTION DEFERRAL OF SPECIAL SEWER AND WA'fER ASSESSMENTS UNTIL TAX PAYABLE YEAR 2003 CAPONI ART PARK WHEREAS, in January of 1998, the Eagan Ciry Council approved support of proposed legislation to be presented to ttie Minnesota State Legislature whic6 would continue "Gnen Acres" treatment for the 60 acre tract of property at 1215 Diflley Road know as the Caponi Art Park for special assessment putposes for five years, which would provide for taxation on the property under an agriculhual clazsification for five years, and which would provide fliat if the property or any portion of it were during the five yeaz period conveyed to anyone other than Mrs. Caponi, a child of Mr. Caponi or a non-profit corporation, all deferred special assessmenu would be payable with interest and the taxing districu would "recapture" the tax differential between the agricultural classification and the appropriate claSSification otherwise azsignable to the property; and WHEREAS, in the recently passed tax legislation dealing with the Caponi Art Pazk, the legislature approved assessing the property as agricultural for tax purposes for a five-year period. If, by the end of the five- year period, the land has been conveyed to anyone other than the Caponis or a nonprofit organ'vation, the Caponis would be obligated to pay back the entire amount of deferred taxes with interest; and WHEREAS, the Legislature felt the decision of whether or not to defer special assessments payments was better left to the City of Eagan, so the legislation also stated that the Ciry may defer the payment of any special assessment levied against the Caponi Art Pazk property; and WHEREAS, the City has received a letter from Dave Kennedy, President of the Caponi Art Pazk Boazd of Directors, requesting that the Ciry approve a resolution deferring special assessments until tax payable yeaz 2003; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Eagan Ciry Counci] does. approve the deferra] of the payment, including current and future accrued interest, of sewer and water special azsessmenu levied against the 60 acre tract of property at 1215 Diffley Road known az the Caponi Art Park until tax payable yeaz 2003, providing that if the property or any portion of it is, during the five-year period, conveyed to anyone other than Mrs. Caponi, a child of Mr. Caponi or a non-profit corporation, all deferred special assessments would be payable with interest at that time. Motion made by: Seconded by: 7'hose in favor: Those against: Dated: Masin Awada Awada, Blocnquist, Egan, Masin Wachter May 5, 1998 I, E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagaa, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota Counry, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this " da f]viay, lp 8. Aft AndL.x2most 'A?W.CL __ . VanQverbeke, Ciry Clerk CITY OF EAGAN , , city oF eagen Gloria Murphy Dakota County Treasurer Auditor's Dakota County Govemment Center 1590 Highway 55 Hastings, Mn 55033 May 28, 1998 RE: Anthony Caponi's Properties 10-02200-010-80 10-02200-010-84 10-02700-011-02 Dear Ms Murphy: iHOMASEGAN Mayor PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOMQUIST OPFIC@ . SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER CouncilMembers THOMAS HEDGES City Adminisirator E. J. VAN OVERBEkE ay aerk The City of Eagan requests that your Department treat the special assessments on the noted parcels as if they have a"Green Acres Deferral". The City recognizes that this property does not have Vue Green Acres status as allowed by Minnesota Statutes, however, the status given it by the Legislature does closely resemble that type of deferral. The agreement between the City and the Caponi's concerning special assessments calls for them to accrue interest in the same manner that your system is programmed to accrue interest on the assessments with true Green Acres status. Thanks for your help and cooperation. Please contact Jerry Wobschall at 681- 4624 for any questions concerning this matter. A copy of the resolution adopted by the Council concerning these assessments is also enclosed. Sincerely E. . VanOverbeke Finance Director cc: Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk Jerry Wobschall, Financial Consultant Parcel File Enclosure MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILpT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX:(612) 681-4612 TDD: (612) 454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POINT EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE (612) 681-4300 FAX.(612)681-436D TDD',(612)454-8535 ?yr CITY Or EAGAN RESOLUTION DEFERRAL OF SPECIAL SEWER AND WATER ASSESSMENTS i7NTIL TA.X PAYABLE YEAR 2003 CAPONI ART PARK WHEREAS, ia January of 1998, the Eagan Ciry Council approved support of proposed legislation to be presented to the Minnesota State l,egislahue which would continue "Green Acres" teatrnent for the 60 acre tract of properry at 1215 DifEley Road Irnow as the Caponi Art Park for special assessment purposes for five years, which would provide for taxation on the property under an agricultural classification for five yean, and which would provide that if the properry or any portion of it were during the five year period conveyed to anyone other than Mrs. Caponi, a child oF Mr. Caponi or a non-profit corpontion, al] deferred special assessmenu would be payable with interest and the taxing districts would "recapture" the tax differential between the agriculnual classification and the appropriate classification otherwise assignable to the property; and WfiEREAS, in the recently passed tax legislation dealing with the Caponi Art Pazk, the legislature approved assessing the property as agriculmral for tax purposes for a five-year period. If, by the end of the five- yeaz period, t6e land has been conveyed to anyone other than the Caponis or a nonprofit organization, the Caponis would be obligated to pay back the entire amount of deferred taxes with interest; and WHEREAS, the Legislature felt the decision of whether or not to defer special assessments paymenu wu better 3aft to the City of Eagan, so the legislation also stated that the City may deFer the payment of any special assessment levied against the Caponi Art Pazk property; and WHEREAS, the Ciry has received a letter from Dave Kennedy, President of the Caponi Art Park Boazd of D'uectors, requesting that the Ciry approve a resolution deferring special assessments unti] tax payable year 2003; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Eagan City Council does. approve the deferral of tlie payment, including cuaent and future accrved interest, of sewer and water special assessments levied against the 60 acre tract of property at 1215 Diffley Road known as the Caponi Art Park until tax payable yeaz 2003, providing that if the property or any portion of it is, during the five-yeaz period, conveyed to anyone other than Mrs. Caponi, a child of Mr. Caponi or a non-pro£t corporation, all defened specia] assessments would be payable with interest at that time. Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in favor: T6ose against: Dated: Masin Awada Awada, Blcxnquist, Egan, Masin Wachter May 5, 1998 I, E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the Ciry of Eagan, Dakota County, Minaesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution waz duly passed and adopted by the Ciry Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regulaz meeting thereof assembled this '" da f Niay, 8. VanOverbeke, Ciry Clerk CITY OF EAGAN 9 BPECIAL A88E88MENTS Pa • ?o[ ?? INPUT FORM - AUDITOR ??• ? ? /S? ?? b/ sA-rv?ne sT /oQ2?____ ossaxzs-czsr /? s?-?enx ---- ozsTRIcr lQsn-cacrssEaas-- -- NO-YFMS FIRST YEAlt INZ? BEGU[J1R IHTr. . . . . TOTAL ASSFSSMENT tlark Activity tiEu ASSFS31EKf i-pi4WSLS J?DELINQUENT ANNOALS • .??X ASSESSMt2NT UPDATE ADD/UPDATE PAACELS Division IST P[AT LOT BLK SA 1 ASSSSS"1Etdr AMOtMP DEF COOE EFF YeAR ACP- ION l 0 Od Ot? 0! 0 LQ b l ? lY O? l9 97 ,l7 Daao'D OI gy S6f is ?iYoa %99 17 IFJGECiO ACPZCN a - Aaa c - crar,ge D - Delete P - Pcint booksheet O - Old Parcel (diviston) N - Nev Parcel (dlviaion) DEF C'ODE S - Senior ' Citizen C - Ci ty • •Deferred •.__ ... 9PECIAL. A88E88MENT8 S INPUT FORM - AUDlTOR D=s=cT/asA_NLmBEma? yf sA-ruwe 64_Q5 6/_-- DSSTRIS-DLST I D 8F)G-YEAR 191Z F10-YF1?fLS ? ? FIRST YF1+R REG1]L11A RDTAL ASSMMBdr Hark Activity Nt3i ASSFSSHE'Nf i-pRfbC-5LS ? DELINQU6NP ANNUALS • ?? ASSFSSMEKf IIPDAIE ? AOD/UPDATE PAACELS Diviaion IST PLAT TAT BLK SA 1 ASSFSSl4EPIP N10lMP DEF CODE EFF YEAR ACT- IDN p oa o 0i sv aay Y,Y 7a. 4 1.137 D i"o aaoa o1 g L 2A ncriaa A - Add C - Change D - Delete P - Pcint booksheet O - Old Pareel (division) N - New Pareel (divi9lon) DEF CODE S - Senior ' Citixen C - City• • Deferred Peq. SAECIAL A88E88MENT8 S? ?? ot INPUT FORM - AUD170R oisaucr Lo sn-Ncns? a s6 a sr?-Nrae % vo? Q Z_._ DZS1R28-DIST /'O arx-?i NO-YEIFtS FIRST YU[i INT,? AEGULJIR IIiT•? TOTAL ASSFSSMt?IP FLirk Ac[ivity NFli ASSF_531ENf L-PAliF&fS X?,OELINpUEt4T ANNUALS • ?ASSE,St1EC7r UPDAIE ADD/UPDATE PARCE[S Diviaion IST P[.AT Lbf BLK sA 1 ASSESSMEClr MtOt1h7P oee COOE EFF YEAR ACT- ION i o aav oio ?y ?s? 9a ya3 !99 ? <p 470a 0l r aA Qsda 5aaya3 199 ,D . ? I t LECELiD acriaa A - Add C - Change_ D - Delete P - PrinG boolcshee C O - Old Parcel (division) N - Nev Parcel (division) DEF OODE S - Senior ' Citizen C - Ci ty • •Deferred Pago ? ol BPECIAL A88E88MENT8 INPUT FORM - AUDFTOR oism= 10 sx-NumBm a 711 sA-cune G R_ a sto? niszxxis-oisr / o eM--YEAx / 9 9 8 NO-YEABS FZRST YFAR IIiT,? REGIJLAR n7T,. ? _ ? ? TOTAL RSSESSTIENT Ftark AcCivity HIIi ASSESSfE'Nr &-P&qe= X DELINpUEKP ANN[IALS • ASSESSYENr UPOATE ADD/UPDATE PAACELS Diviaion IST PU1T iA'T BLK rA 1 ASSFSSMEtJP N10(1NT DEF COOE EFF YEAR AGT- IDN 1t) Oaaoa pl aY a-7Y a? ?9y • o P p Zoo o! l oA 7 a 99 ,D IEGEND Acriaa A - Add - C - Chanqe_ D - 6elete P - Print booksheeG O - Old Parcel (division) N - NeW Parcel (diviaion) DEF CODE S - Senior ' Citizen C - City• •Deferred OZ# IOOd WdES:ZO 86-LZ-90 I6E98F,4ZI9 %56-% Fax 1 1 I / / / )(rl m: Margle CaneH Tea ( . C. /.) Fax: (? ? I ? ? U,? I(? Pages: ?(J ? pho.: oaeM Re: CC: C1 Urgan! ? For Ravlew O Plsase Commsn! 0 Plaaaa Itaply ? plaaaa Recye?e • CamMmnbl _._?..I?(, , -...?.•?..51..- ? ? .. ? I (?•'?.'?t .,..?-'! rr??•r ?;'r )! k <??? c, , .? k ci ? /,.Y'? ,t ('a .G<'i T 3:ltld T6Eb8£7ZS9 :XtlJ Al= G10)m: Q I Ob :Cj 86, LZ,'90 05i27 '98 14:41 ID:DRKOTA COUNTY FAX=6124384391 PAGE 1 O (?- gk,C? ,?,? ???: ? k7 rom: M"ie Ceneff Fm peeow ? phnnr. Date: Ra: CCI Q Urgent G For RaYbw ? Pleaee Cmmnent ? Please Raply ? Ploaar Reeyele • Commentss , ?.. sz. I ,? ?._ % ?X;4??..? ?....c'• ? r : /)..`iL^!J ??'. ? I ?? .?. l ?•i ?I ?, ( e ?• ( ; ? f l.) ? \ C ` ,? .' .. ? ?_ , / I?!r J ? ? R-94% F • Yk ' 111 4) (: I . ) 1X) drvo pakota County 1590 Hwy 55 W Hast'rngs, MN 55033 6124384391 05-27-98 02:54PM P001 1321 Margie Caneff Dakota County Treasurer Auditor's Office Dakota County Government Center 1590 Highway 55 Hastings, Mn 55033 May 15, 1998 ? N ? RE: Anthony Caponi's Property 10-02200-010-80 10-02200-010-84 10-02700-011-02 ?-?- ? , ° ,? ( ? ? D e a r ?-rt_ rn S ? ([ ' r ?? o remove from the County's records the Current and Delinquent installments on the referenced 1 parcels. The City will r-elevy these amounts with a new assessment_. ? That new assessment is scheduled to be SA# 2912. Enclosedis aredata input sheets for the noted parcels. - Thank you for your help and cooperation. Please contact Deanna Kivi or Jerry Wobschall at 681-4624 if you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely? E . 5 . urtapP VanOverbeke Finance Director cc: Linda Fink, Staff Accountant Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk Enclosures . . city oF eaqan Gloria Murphy Dakota County Treasurer Auditor's Office Dakota County Government Center 1590 Highway 55 Hastings, Mn 55033 May 28, 1998 RE: Anthony Caponi's Properties 10-02200-010-80 10-02200-010-84 1 o7/S .0, 7?l9oy ?o ? ? 10-02700-01 l -02 Dear Ms Murphy: THOMASEGAN Ma4or PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOMQUIST SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES City Atlminisirotor E J. VAN OVERBEKE City Clerk The City of Eagan requests that your Department treat the special assessments on the noted parcels as if they have a"Green Acres Deferrai". The City recognizes that this property does not have true Green Acres status as allowed by Minnesota Statutes, however, the status given it by the Legislature does closely resemble that type of deferrai. The agreement between the City and the Caponi's concerning special assessments calls for them to accrue interest in the same manner that your system is programmed to accrue interest on the assessmenfs with true Green Acres status. Thanks for your help and cooperation. Please contact Jerry Wobschall at 681- 4624 for any questions conceming this matter. A copy of the resolution adop:ed by the Council concerning these assessments is also enclosed. Sincerely QQ 0" o a,U, _. E.Z. VanOverbeke Finance Director Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk Jerry Wobschall, Financial Consultant Parcef File Enclosure MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830P;LOTKNOBROAD EAGAN, MINN"tSOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 687-4600 FA%. (612) 681-4612 TDD: (612) 454$535 THE LONE OAK TREE iHE SYM80L Of STRENGTH AND GROVJTH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equol OpportunifylAffirmative ACtion Employer MAINTENANCE FAqLITY 3501 COACHMAN POINi EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 687-4300 FAX'.(612) 681-4360 TDD. (612) 454-8535 . CITY Or EAGAN RESOLUTION DEFERRAL OF SPECIAL SEWER AND WATER ASSESSMENTS UNTIL TAX PAYABLE YEAR 2003 CAPONI ART PARK WHEREAS, in Jaouary of 1998, the Eagan Ciry Council approved support of proposed legislation to be presented to the Minnesota State Legislature which would continue "Green Acres" treatrnent for the 60 acre tract of property at 1215 Difiley Road }aow as the Caponi Art Park for special assessment purposes for five years, which would provide for taxation on the property under an agricultural clazsification for five years, and which would provide that if the property or any portion of it were during ttie five yeaz period conveyed to anyone other than Mrs. Caponi, a child of Mr. Caponi or a non-profit corporation, all deferred special assessmenu would be payable with interest and the taxing districts would "recapture" the tax differcntial betwan t6e agicultural classification and the appropriate classification otherwise assignable to the property; and WHEREAS, in the recently passed tax legislation dealing with the Caponi Art Park, the legislature approved assessing the property as agricultural for tax purposes for a five-yeaz period. If, by the end of the five- yeaz period, the tand hu been ronveyed to anyonc other than the Caponis or a nanprofit organization, the Caponis would be obligated to pay back the entire amount of deferred taxes with interest; and WMEREAS, the Legislature felt the decision of whether or not to defer special assessmenu payments was better lefr to the Ciry of Eagan, so the legislation also stated that the Ciry may defer the payment of any special assessment levied against the Caponi Art Pazk property; and WHEREAS, the City has received a letter from Dave Kennedy, President of the Caponi Art Pazk Boazd of Dvectors, requesting that the City approve a resolution deferring specia] assessmenu until tax payable year 2003; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Eagan Ciry Counci] does. approve the deferral of the payment, including curmnt and future accrued interest, of sewer and water special assessments levied against the 60 acre tract of ptoperty at 1215 Diffley Roed known as the Caponi Art Park until tax payable year 2003, providing that if the property or any portion of it is, during the five-year period, conveyed to anyone other than Mrs. Caponi, a child of Mr. Caponi or a non-profit corporation, all deferred special assessmenu would be payable with interest at that time. Motion made by: Seconded by: Those in favor: T6ose against: Dated: Masin Awada Awada, Blcxnquist, Egan, Masin Wachter May 5, 1998 I, E. J. VanOverbeke, Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the Ciry Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota Counry, Minnesota, in a regular meeting theroof assembled this " da f ltiay, 8. . VanOverbeke, City Clerk CITY OF EAGAN city oF eagan Margie Caneff Dakota County Treasurer Auditor's Office Dakota County Government Center 1590 Highway 55 Hastings, Mn 55033 May 15, 1998 RE: Anthony Caponi's Property 10-02200-010-80 10-02200-010-84 10-02700-011-02 Dear Ms Caneff: THOMAS EGAN Moyor PATRICIA AWADA BEA BLOMQUIST SANDRA A. MASIN THEODORE WACHTER Council Members THOMAS HEDGES City Atlministw}or E. J, VAN OVERBEKE Cify Clerk Please consider this letter as the City's official request to remove from the County's records the Current and Delinquent installments on the referenced parcels. The City will relevy these amounts with a new assessment. That new assessment is scheduled to be SA# 2912. Enclosed are data input sheets for the deletions on the noted parcels. The input sheet for SA# 2912 will follow. Thank you for your help and cooperation. Please contact Deanna Kivi or Jerry Wobschall at 681-4629 if you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely E'. ?"VanOverbeke ? Finance Director cc: Linda Fink, Staff Accountant Deanna Kivi, Special Assessment Clerk Lynn Raway, Tresurer Auditor's Office EnClosures PR??/ 61L? 4? MUNICIPAL CENTER 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD EAGAN. MINNESOTA 55122-1897 PHONE: (612) 681-4600 FAX:(612)681-4512 TDD:(612)454-8535 THE LONE OAK TREE THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROV?TH IN OUR COMMUNIN Equal Opportuniiy Employer MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 COACHMAN POIN7 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE: (612) 681-0300 fAX:(612)681-4360 TDD,(672)454-8535 p•9. ot BPECIAt. J188E88MENT8 s.agi9d' -- '-"' 10 lNPUT FORM - AUDITOR DISIRICP /05A-NLl'lBFR sn-c+Me s'? e c a? r e g? DL51AI8-D7SP 6 a sW--YM ? 9 9 8' NO-YUtLS FIRST YFm att, 065 -- REC[1LAR INT. 19 4,s_ _ Tar,?r. AssMssrxr Sq 138. ttark Activiiy 7N NE}i ASSF_53iEW &-P&WOZ DELINQUEKf ANNUACS • ASSMSEC7r UPOATE ADD/UPDATE PARCELS Giviaion ?' . . IST PLAT t17P 8LK s4 1 ASS °ShlEPIP TMOUP7P DEF cDOE EFF YEAR ACT- IDN I 0 4 ojjOI QG? I S-p 93,63 1 1 l 9R8 I 0 4ad4 4! 8 q! 95 3 q8' I R°18 I 0017oo o1.1 o 9! • ? ? i a l 9gg l4 ? LFCE2M ncriaz a-Ada C - Change 0 - Delete P - Pcint boolca hee t O - Old Parcel (division) N - Nev Pareel (division) DEF COOE 5 - Senior ' Citizen C - City• •Defecred ' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCX SUMMARY AS OF: 05/08/7998 PROPERTY ID: 70-02700-011-02 ? SEE COMNENTS S/A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFi W P) 100221 SEWER TRK 1972 20 8.0000 13072.00 0.00 0.00 PP 70102562 TUHN 607 1994 15 6.5000 9224.23 674.94 6764.47 - ,? 702747 GA 2562 7996 13 6.5000 2528.94 194.53 2739.88 ------ SUMMARY OF LEYIED ****** 1998 P&1 CERTIFIED -••--- SUNMARY OF DEFERRED -••-- SIIMMARY OF CLOSED ------ PENDING ESiIMATE 11753.77 809.47 8904.35 7440.86 7 r?yyo,Sb 0.00 g(?b.ot? 73072.00 0.00 a7 __---- l ?ea.rlc-r'w,e cl G - - Press ENTER; or F1, F4, F5, F7, FS ? a,1 1/a Y °f ,o9y.(OD Y,s.? ? 119 7 P-. So?s ? a T?f? YY < I o. { 11 ? yyoa, g? ??? I) 8805, I / a lofa? T? ?( 4-.?.s.? 4& 06i27 '98 14:42 ID=1XaKOTA COUNTY FAX:6124384391 PAGE 2 pELINQUENT MANUAL TAX CALCULATION SINPNO83 'ARCEL-ID: 10 02700 Oll 02 LEGAL: SECTION 27 TWN 27 RANdE 23 :NTEREST TU: NW 1/4 OF NE 1/4 & W 99 FT OP NE 1/4 OF NE 1/4 EX BUG 7AY 31, 1948 AT PT ON 8 U 174 FT E OF SW COR THENCE W 170 FT AL 8 L TO SW COR N AU W L 570 FT 27 27 23 ass???nk1 M4RE LEGAL DESC N01' SHOWN YEAR H/N ?-A?CBS PENALTY COST INTEREST PEN/INT TOTAL 1997 H 746.75 74.6°1 10.00 34-64 109.31 866.06 TQTALS: 746.75 PP 4: MAIN MENU 74.87 10,00 34.64 109.31 866.06 n ?JJr.r? 10 p7- ,?d, PF fi: MOAIFY DAT11 a=94% 6124364391 D5-27-98 02:54PM P002 #21 ' SPECIAL ASSESSMENT SEARCN SUMMARY AS OF: 05/08/1998 PROPERTY ID: 10-02200-010-80 SEE COMMENTS S/A# ASSESSMENT DESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE TOTAL ANN.PRIN. 7AYOFF CD j1100689 N iR-3 1981 15 17.0000 5320.00 0.00 0.00 CL ? 70702567 Si 607 1994 15 6.5000 75774.00 1007.60 17083.60 ?702740 GA 2561 1996 13 6.5000 4743:72 318.74 3506.24 -•---- SUMMARY OF LEVIED R***'* 7998 P&i CERTIFIED ------ SIA97RRY OF DEFERRED ------ SlA01ART OF CLOSED ------ PENDING ESTIXATE ? 793 sa r Ss oa? ? ?Sm7?3b 5Q? ?.ti 79257.72 7326.34 74589.84 2360.88 - d.760.88 0.00 tyra,39. ?c 5320.00 C , 0.00 '1?7 Press ENTER; or F1, f4, F5, F7, FS i?f 5 sq. g yy?o?si s1W -* I 998 1g57 ca--- Q.- ?'- asb? a-7 Yo ys y?, a0' a? C ,9e (, •? ? Q P Avf - 05i27 '98 14:42 ID:DAICOTA Ca.NTY FAX=6124384391 PA6E 4 DELINQUENT MANIIAL TAR CALCUIATZON 7CINPNO83 ,pRCF3L-1P: 10 02200 O10 BO LEGAL: SBCTION 22 TWN 27 RANCGIi 23 SW 1/4 OF 8E 3/4 UF SE 1/4 :NTEREST TO: 010000 22 2723 1AY 31, 1998 YEAR H/N TAXES PENALTY C06T INTERE5T PTN/INT TOTAL 199? H 1223,55 122.35 10.00 56.49 178.84 1412.39 l POTALS: - 1 PF 4: MAIN 1223.55/ 122.35 10.00 56.49 178.89 1412.39 ? PF 6: MODIFY DATA a Yo•19 r 0 0 Z -9 14- Al?e-l?? P4 ;? )-d 3.s J) s-0 raa3.s s 6124384391 05-27-98 02:54PM P004 #21 /r1 n ?c? - o?D-?y i?ss 0,3 , -- /?97 -- 5e? o e - sep. of ,3sd'' 9 a iJy, se 46-- 3 se s a - - -r--- oy -7 / 7 rq? ??d </ Q l &S9. od 6f8, 09/?-- 39S- - -- - mtq?1d.2 35Yv.loo Wr-?-?.-o?f' ' 1171 _ ,? cCL?'???d . ? (.,o ?_,n? ?J ?n? O'f- ? ??? ?p?? aee 3y? s?!? 773, G/ dle?? vr? d aS6? . r7 083, ?o a?yo a4/ D/0-8y ?a a TKo a 71/i d??a . ? l L, a83, 6_0 6,764,Y7 3so6,?y 4?, L39, 99 d,1.3fft?, s 6. /ee pt A ?b 8 - 7 gs, 9? N, I`o 07 a Y 8', f, a 1 3t8. ZY 4 ? -7Ss,ya ? r Y. 5'Y ayS,?a 3/,? ?y ist._7 3 igy-sd y79:(o (p 6 / y.7 y rs?.,3 ? ? ,C H-rl . tx-.`,. J - ? Z?7 ,&,j iJ /757 r6l-?t/ ?0.3, eo 7? , ? ? ?03, ff a ,o `3° 7. y 7. 91d7 ? 3o7,,'f7 3 "J 97, ?,. 6 3 89 -7 Iv 8 8'4? ? 6.S o.S c. ? 6.S (" S? SPECIAI ASSESSMENT SEARCH SUMMARY AS OF: 05/08/1996 PROPERTY ID: 10-02200-010-84 S/Ak ASSESSMENT UESCRIPT. YEAR TM RATE -V02561 57 607 1994 75 6,5000 702562 TUNN 607 1994 15 6,5000 1702740 GA 2561 1996 13 6.5000 002741 GA 2562 1996 73 6.5000 ------ SIAONRY OF CEVIED •"***i 1998 P&1 CERTIFIED ------ SIA9MRY OF DEFERRED ------ SNBIARY OF CLOSED -••••- PENDING ESitMATE Press ENTER; or F1, f4, F5, F7, F8 as6, as(,a 672,010 a)y/ TOTAL ANN.PRIN. PAYOFF CD 75774.00 1007.60 11083.60 11 7q3, S a 9224.23 614.94 6764.47 l 0 S y, (y 0 4143.72 318.74 3506.24' 1 5( 7 3 L 2528.94 794.53 2139.88 3 y b, d 37070.89 2135.81 23494.19 3807.74 7 3,$'0 1,'f y 0.00 a,a6,a.os- 1597 0.00 0 00 r d . aRSb3, - j8 -&-J l 9/ .CSrII i997 . 1?8S9.Oa- 8 a ' j?8 -- t/, ? 3sa. 9a s g6, 9 Y ? P?-? i /0 ? i 83, Y8>sh ?" 31 7 5y.o-T-"- 7 l ?? ?-?u < -? ? -7 y. C) r P---/ k?7 05i2'7 198 14:42 ID:DAKDTR COUNN FA?C:6124384391 PAGE 3 DELINQUEN'I' MANUAL TA}C CALCULATION XSNPN063 PARCBL-TD: 10 02200 010 84 LEGAL; SEC'PION 22 TWN 27 RANGE 23 6E 1/4 OF SW 1/9 OF 9E 1/4 :NTEREST T0: 010000 22 2?23 7AY 31, 1998 YEAR H/N TAXES PENAI+TY COST INTEREST PEfI/INT TOTAL 1997 H 1970.30 197.03 10.00 90.72 287.75 2268.D5 TOTALS: 1970.30 197.63 10.00 90.72 287.75 2268.05 PF A_ MATN MENU PF 6: MODIFY DATA , ? ?f??1 aD?? So 7, ?0o- d ? 0 ? 6124384391 05-27-98 02:54PM P003 921