3520 Lexington Ave - Certificate of Occupancy41 Y a fgtrtifiratt nf Mrrixpanry titp of (Eagan appl'h11Mtt IIf 1lltlhtltiJ 3I[S}tptftAtt This Cerli)lcate issued pursuanllo the requirements of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this slructuie was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building conslruction or use. For the following: Use Qaai6cetion iO 11'7i: AP'- Bidg. Pormit No. OocuPiancY TYPe Zoning Discria Type Cooa. C. oume.orBuwiy r naa.m &ulding Address I:aealiry .- ';. B 1 . . , , ,, . . .. . . . Dak: Building OTitial POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE