3810 Lexington Ave - Certificates of Occupancyb ? ? ? (grr#i#iratr jaf (Orrupattry Citp of (eagan Drparirnent uf %uY[ditcg jwrrtiun Thls Cu7?I`tcate wued p++rsteant to the requiremenls ojSecAion 306oj[he Uniform Bui(ding Code cernijyingthalat thelime ojissuance [hiruruclure xm in compliance wilh the various ordinancer of the Ci[p regulatinS buildin8 c+onslruction or use For the following. uN 0=6-bM EERM: ? % Nm -F3q55 owr-77yre Aa wuiac uauict -pp tya c? iTI o»verdBadoig . . , Biulding Addrts-?? ?() TEXD=M ?' F& F'0.ST IN A CONSPICUOUS PIACE , ..: ,, ..,AV (Strttfiratr vf (Orrupanrg C'itp of (Eagan igr}arlmrnt u# liuilhing A.sprrtiun This Certificate issued pussuant to the requrrementr ojSection 306 of the Unijarm Building Code cenifying that at the dme of issuance this structure was in compliance with tke various ordinances of the City regularing building conrtruction ar use. For the following: Use C7eaaifintlon Q1U!iCH wag. P ,m;, No. 15955 OccWeocy Type A3 Zooiog DiaUict PF Type Cam4 VN o.,cer or auaaing EVANM.IfAL IlTI1OAN M7BLB? E. 0. BC/K 1143, ?YC',AN euimiognaa= 3810 NAThNlE t.awliryLlo RIO Ai7. SATNI'S p„e: JULY)Q 1989 BW&ng offi POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY EA064229 City of Eagan Department of Building Inspection This certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 1300.0220 of the International Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure appears to be in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulated building construction or use. For the following: Business Name All Saints Church Permit Number EA064229 Construction Types V B Zoning PF - Code Edition. Occupancy Groups A-3 .Building Address 3810 Lexington Ave Building Owner ALL SAINTS LUTH CH OF EAGAN Owner Address 3667 CANARY WAY .'.Sprinkler System No 10/8/2004 Building Official Issued Date