4140 Lexington Ave - Certificate of Occupancy• •. s ? • i .? ? (tprfif'tratr o# Orrupanry Citp of (f agan 1h}tart11tPtIY 0f litflbiltQ JIIS}iptYiillt This Certificate issued pursuant lo the requiremenu of Section 306 of the Uniform Buelding Code certifyrng that at the time of issuance this'sbucture was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City reguladng buildtng consrruction or use. For the following.• uMa.?? APT/t a`-K mdg. Pe,o,;, No. 13330 oaupa-Y rra R 1 yoo;,,g nw,;c, rya const V l HIti Ch.,,e,of B,,;a;ng H 6 Z YAFMERS Add? P.O.HO}C 2997, iA CROS,SR- WT euamq nddres ?? j''ff1 T,._,-.-?.-,:, ?.oa;ty, ?, B1. LE.O%Y.?CNd F11?,LS ! n.,c: JPTd1ARY a1T 198E3 euwmng ofccw POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE