3770 Linden Lane - Site Survey? C. ?7 F-- 'ZiA4.4(,o -- ?? P 72.33 g{?,5 q5 oJ? N ? Gr _ CY _ ? z,o 91ao,b ?? ? N a ? ? I 3i 7 I `v 4,0 9m•$ ?. co M r? ? a J ?l -- - -- `? --- - - -- - - ? / ? I _ cr35--1 I -- -- - - - - ` ? -, ? ` ? Zg1 -- ? ' ORr1( iNN(-AF U:t?t- ii-r- ?usEr?C?.l?' ? F' w ' 2?4.4co S?i° tZ'o5' ? e ° =? sg6,o ToP ?op, Top 1Q6 a EtAJ,=9aZ.a8 EvEV?=89 3,63 ?'42 Proposed garage floor elevation 90S14 Propoaed top of block elevation E595•1, Proposed loweat floor elevation Denotes set or found iron pipe moni:men t IC Denotes set wood hub and tack 107Z Denotes existing elevation Denotes proposed finish grade elevation Denotes direction of surface drainage I hereby certify that this is a true and correct representation of a survey of the boundaries of Lot 26, Block 1, THE WOODLANDS THIRD ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota as on file and of record in 'the Office of the County Recorder in and.fore said County; also showing the proposed location ? of a house as staked thereon. That I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Laws of the Stffite of M.innesota, I Dated; October 15, 1993 ? ?1?ssp ?k,T? 1F't, t493 , ? Allan R. Hastings Minnesota Registration No, 17009 121 Lewis Streeti.S. D ? D Suita No. 102 ShAltopee, Minnasota 553ft- F _ Q ?- F3earings are assumed SuUject to easements of record if any ?. . Ve ?p ? ? -q15± Phone 612 44