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4353 Livingston Dr - Site Surveylr!; !a yi ` ?rr?ifir?tr?,o# (?rr?t?ttnr? Citp of (f agan Dc}wrtmrtct uf luilding 3nsprdinn This Certifrcate issued pursuant m the requrrements of Section 306 ojrhe Uniform Building Code certifying rhat at the time of issuance tJus structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the Ciry regularing building consduction or use. For the following: Use Cl?fiariooSF M/rAR Bidg. Rrmit No. 17687 occureMy ryx R3A1I zoning nuvic[ FD/RI TYa c«ne VN owueroreuikfimjj=$ BRcamC 7TX:_ Add.004 T_VNiWF. AVF., BLD[:IN 6uilai Addre?l3? I?liry" LEKDG" Fo= 41H ',_r,,?' ? mm: im •% 1990 ) 8uildi g otrid * POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PL4CE TRI'LAND CO. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR; SURVEYING SERVICES DAHLE BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIDN 1875 PLAZA DRIVE EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55126 LEGAL DESCR I PT ION; LOT Z, BLOCK J?EXINGTON POINTE 4th ADD, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT ? THEREOF DAKOTA COUNTY,MiNNESOTA SCALE; i"_30' W N 0 N S17°06' 12,17 o '„ ?a N88 2? 25 W d? N N ` 9B 5 98 ? --- 98?L3 53.16 - 2s ? ?G, a ?O J ??o lor1 w?y. aLOp ? PROPOSED WV ? Q HOUSE N ? ? LOT 7 88V AO / GARAGE ? Z' S?? O?? O , 00 • v 9 sy?b .e 00 .??? 2 `9 48B.ZO IC) C/) t L-l.,,T 8 80 .Q?4 ? 24 0' z • 9 .Q - TOP BLOCK 2 s 989.51 ?.'. ? •n?.e?+1t1 t7 ti. f ??^."t ?'?{ •.5 ? ?i r ? rr :: ? 1 ?? t Ix.. ! ? ? $ • - ?? ap• t L/ . % Pd 17; rAe:Aka ENGINErRrNG DFI-P'. LEGENO o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT o DENOTES WOOD HUB SET DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ? OENOTES ORAINAGE DIRECTION 1 hereby certity thot this survey,plan or report was prepared by me or under my dirsct supervision and fhat I am a duly Reqiefered Land Surveyor under ths Laws of tha State of Minnesota. PROPOSED SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT INVERT ELEVATION AT SERVICE EXTENSION= PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION a 989.5. PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION = 990.0 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR = 986.0 ELEVATION NOTE : VERIFY ALL FLOOR HE{GHTS WITH FINAL HOUSE PLANS Bradley Date - , t+In. Rsq. No.15235 (?eV?S6D' 9/14/90 -GHhNL7ED oFp TS TO RJ?n?fnrV (-1A1? .. ; - TRI' LAND C O. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR; SURVEYING SERVICES 1875 PLAZA pRIVE EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55126 DAHLE BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIaN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTZ,BLOCKJ-, LEXINGTON POINTE 4th ADD, ' ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT ? THEREOF DAKOTA COUNTY,MINNESOTA' SCALE; i"_30' L 0 T h `98. N88°27'25"W r- N -98& _ N g 61 ? 1C? ? 0 ? s17006'52w LOT 7 ? 12.17 -- 92.5 `.? ` 9$fi S s I ? I LOT 8 .? m o m ? N 60 - s•.` PROPOSED N HOUSE ? GARAGE N 2` ? S2 ? TOP BLOCK 989,51 ?f o ? 7 N 3 (" e s 9ey s4. W ? wv / o , 11 i. ? 48B.ZO (AD O (Y) ? 9e> U) ?'24 9 Q . j , ( q8 °? '? 96 , J 4. 2s r_J, v v ? lU'A\.Z.tA X'. 1'TGSSVE.SE-1EVlz dJ.S:,'P-m LEGEND o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT o DENOTES WOOD HUB SET DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION DENOTES PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION ? DENOTES DRAINAGE DIRECTION 1 harsby certify that this survey,plon or report was prepcred by me or under my direcf supervision and that i am a duly Repistered Land Surveror under ths Laws of the State of Minnesoto. PROPOSED SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT INVERT ELEVATION AT SERVICE EXTENSION= PROPOSED GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION = 989.5. PROPOSED FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION = 990.0 PROPOSED BASEMENT FLOOR = 986_0 E LE VAT I ON NOTE ' VERIFY ALL FLOOR HEIGHTS WITH FINAL HOUSE PLANS Brodley Date - , Mn. Req. No. 15235 ReVj56D? '3(24/90 -CH,4NCtEn oFFy6TS Tn FkoPfRTY L1NE. a 12 ) 76 028 C O