4367 Lodgepole Ct - Site Survey. A/, 00%W V' . 4?i4? .7N s ? ., ,, . 47? M? '` - ? o U1: -.? I L? ??f. zg.?..?=7!o°SCv t(o' ?-' 2?9• ?" 0 ? _ - •' ? I 15 dZ '-_ ---- ----- i i n V-d ?? 3S? .... . i 0 `S moF= m ? ? ppT f' W N a a N a I EQi z ? -4R M; a d Q? i. I.? d tU I = ? W ?. ? N IJ ? Za _----_?- - - - ---?- - - r Z iS - ? s ?- ?R V ? `4ta 4 ( s I 1- ----- d' ? s J i ? hl t? 2`?N L ? N E oF T1-1 ? I I ' SE?JTN 2? I00 FEE'T ? Ev E?G.¢?wF - DESt..Q:? P TI a *-1 ° __ Lb T t? Qt..oe.lL G. ? QV EtLto¢EEN PAQ.1L f AL?. f3&l?Qif?l4'S A?rLu1?12O U14v,oT4. cvuwt'T`?f-? oD??w'T'e? t0.c?t- MOUVIUI? M1 wt ?? ? o'T`?? ? E x C,E QT TNE SovTM 2Z,I.oo PETT -TL4E¢.EoC, I hereby certify that this survey was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date :?.ta•?•n r?{ ? r f!?z LeRoy X. Bohlen Registered Land Surveyor No. 10795