3870 Pilot Knob Rd - Civic Arena MN Air Submittal? MINNESDTA AIR 6907 W. Oltl Shakopee Rd. • Blooming[on, MN 55438 • Phone: 952.918.8000 • Fax: 952.918.6080 •www.minnair.com Submittal data and shop drawings for the following project: Job Name: { gan Civic Center- dob Locatiou: Engineer: Architect: Contractor: Equipment List: Date: June 23, 2008 oistFlbutors or: PaYqE Supplier: Bruce Wilen Minnesota Air Inc. 6901 West Old Shakopee Rd. Bloomingtoq MN 55438 Qty Part Number Description 1 48TME009--5 Std ERMed Gas Heat Single Pkg Rooftop 8.5 Tons Cooling 208/230-3fi0 • Medium Heat • Al/Cu Cond and Evap 1 CRRFCURS003AOOSL 14" Roof Curb 48/50HJ-1'F008-014 1 HEIXRTC RenewAire DireM coonect to rooftop air handling anit 1 HE2X900RTEC2X KIT Transition Kit HE2X900R7'EC 1 TII5220D1029 Honeywell Digital Non Programmable 2 Stage Hd CI 1 HL 38MG 023 De-humidistat Please Check Carefully! The list af equipment as covered by this su6mittal, attached submittal drawinga and schedule coostitute our understanding of the bill of materials required on this job. Any diacrepanciea, errors or changes muat be brought to aur attention prior to release for fabricadon. No claims for shortages or changes will be allowed after equipmeot has beeo fa6ricated and shipped. Clint Mderson Legacy Mechanical 8850 Wentworth Ave S Bloomington, MN 55420 SUBMITTAL Proiect Eagan Civic center Date General Contractor Mechanical Contractor Mechanical Engineer Minnesota Air 6901 West Old Shakopee Road Bloomington MN 55438 RTU-1 Project: Eagan Civic center 06/2312008 Prepared By: 03:18PM RTU-1 Tag Cover Sheet Unit Report Certified Drawing Performance Report Guide Specification Unit Feature Sheet Packaged Rooftop Builder 1.13 Page 3 of 18 Project: Eagan Civic center Unit Report For RTU-1 06123/2008 Pr ared B : 03:18PM Unit Paremeters Unit Model:...... ........ .. ..._......... _.._..... _........_.._..... STME009--5 Unit Size:........... .._... ......_................... _.._._...... 009 (8-1/2 Tons) Votts-Phase-Hertz :.........................._._.......__........_..._.208-3-60 Heating Type:_....... . ..._.......... ....................... ............_......_.........Gas Duct Cfg :.................... _Vertical Supply / VeRical Return Heating Capacity: Medium Heat Lines and Filters Gas Line Size:._--__------ __._..._._...... ...... .._...... .._...._._112 in. Condensate Drein Line Size: 3/4 in. Return Air Filter Type:_.__.__..____.._...__._?hrowaway Return Air Filter Quantlty:._--._-_....._._......... 4 Retum Air Filter Size: 20u20x2 Unit Configuration Standard Electro-Mechanical Controls Standard Motor & Drive AI/Cu Cond and Evap Warranty Infortnation First Year - PaAS Only (Standard) No optional warraMies were selected. Dimensfons (ft. in.) & Weight (Ib.) " Unit Length:......... _..... ...... ...... ........ _.......... .... _.._.....T 3•• Unit Width :................_...__.._.__.._.....__.._..---......_._4' 10•, Unit Height:._.__.._--.__.._..__....... ..... ---- ----- ......... ..21, 5•• Base Unit Weight:.___-........ _................. _-......_.___880 Ib Weights antl Dimensions are approrimate. Waight doea nat Includa roof curbs, unit packaging, fieW installed accessories or factory installed optlorrs. Approltimate dimensiona are providetl primariy for shipping purposes. Forexmct tlimensions and weights, refar to appropnate praduct deta calelog. NOTE: Please see Warranty Catalog 500-089 for explanation of policies and ordering methods. Ordering IMormation Part Number Descri tion Quanti 48TME009-5 Roofto Unit 1 Base Unit Standard Electro-Mechanical CoMrols Standard Motor & Drive Al/CU Cond and Eva Accessorles CRRFCUR8003A01 14inch Tall Roof Curb 1 Padcaged Rooftop Builder 1.13 Page 4 of 18 Certified Drawing for RTU-1 Project: Eagan Civic center 06l23/2008 Pr ared B : 03:18PM uNir i. 11rere111s 11 1 1 we ix xaltnnera. 3.0 FxIfARWMVIrc. 3. ? OIIECiIqI Of 1!fl iLW. ?. fX YEPIICk OIYIU. WIIS. pMM0.e LO BE AilMnm 10 I.CLQ' I K(f tVl6 OIRr. WG MPI.t F.A. OLEFn .Nun suaI m rL..as sw.c ff.,..um ,a MOPIEOXf1L 019M.IPfiE fPEXIX6. I!O LLl GCiN.R:SXn? n BF ATTKMF? i0 TE iwqES. 5. pIN?IHN 4FAPMKE <LOCAL WQ?S W JLPI?ICi1W INY e fe ' ??e?iEwcE"i?ts.?iA iHa.isssrmeri?°aTLOim?ff°ssaav?a? oisa?wrc cei E. aonai ar Ux?r ro wieusnac wsAccs nxcu mr Wnp c.: i ixcx. BOiLM 6 Mg flA1L N[ORB11lE $U16.1tE3 lkEl lpi V911a f11B1 0 IKxp. [. fPOfMFP COII PoP HqVd AIR RO4. E IXtlE4 OIE SIOE $ I?ICMES llE Oi1fA, l1E SICE OEilIM !IE GEARR fl£IlWCE IS MIIOWl. 4. 0'hbElO fi0 INCXES i0 /.$LI( MFP91 fAwfl6P fAN OFFAAilf?l. •. 9ETYFp FN WW I5. COMIM1I !lIX SIK IX P IEC. ?. 9EIYFIi NY U9M?II? sYItK?'[5, tllilx¢ Blr 5. 36 IM. RR IE[. p. BEIYFp WII 4D BtttK W oIXCREIE V.1LU^ 1i001NE1 6Po111IX0 SIPfAC?. WN1RJl BJM 3I?o, t IN. XR XfL. n. XlP1EPIIK 9A'?Y /.10 P[N1N Cw. IIbES VI@1 ilE ILIWU.IE CUtlF1WlE qGIX IS .. 6. I1N l1E p?FT10.Y OF TIF RFWAVf'.c {pl ME NP]ISFfl cmL Aro mnawriax s.a rs surm w wrz e, ttiwLiereravreLJ? r. m awaiu¢ umira w ]. FMIiS MY ff IMiI.Ltm pl CCIOIST1BlE RD]PS WIE IF YL UIB? MIL?• B. W L FDT OIYpqIXt MAIEAIIiL 8. ^? VFAIIVl f{NlFA 6 W?vILY IS t'-Y[tl3] fq MB 9. I 'Il_6M1 FW_IlpC9,_D11.110 014 coax[q Wi510E AIR49!, REAR Sr 3'-43/8' [I025] ?SO'-3y16' FILIER/ECOtqX13ER .1CCES iM16 ` F fCONMbER+ Mubol PoMER EMHIUS7 "B' CONLEN9fP WIL-\ CvpxFR 5 ? 3 [109111fi ?AB1W11FW1A01. ? - 8Ett EIi RR Ll LF 1 1/?' ? P° x R ELRGMI?ER? NWO I'i I/$? [Ii0] ??A «?TIXC OI MI(E SITC. ? 0"-31/B' F/ ECRAX[?EP? p O a CMfR G [ YIEM 5-5 N / EVWORAIOP?'? II aa , ? mg o ? "E'?ruAi°c°iExUxc [3A1 ? m O 11 9'-9 3/4• E ' 1e r [I 1611 i? ALL CpNpENSAIE ? I O[39/16 []11y b51 N n OPAIX ORTI ,Nt . LEFT II IN6I??GAN I I "mE 3'-1]/? ~D IxG ' 0 • f301 RIGHT 51DE o^ SIDE vFnr¢a ? I ? p ]'-2' [?o] ' 0' 91/2? 1 ? , W ? 8m Y-n t [591] - H f l113 6) I i 9UWLY IIP . ? y i? 0? ? ? ? 3N16 ? . zYE 1? fZal [9051 11 SFE BJnOM PGEP ' ' 0'-5 i/16' }-I' [6351 cuaEn •u• owirmrc. a?n ' ' ? i -z ?as? ?i3m i ? i $ z -? aie m?.m ? FR(1?IT ? o'a ve' rnmra'C o'mw? FACipiY 9AV11E0 B iLLE mOU WHIFOL BO%/ IIUhIR FAN MOtOR l td[FH?i [OIL COXPRE'FAIi/ BL4NFA ACCES PMEL ? .?. 0 3'-0 9/B• dINIER ILfE4 V?NEL [61ID ? D 0'-3 Y16' ? [91] F a O o O ? 0' 5 LO- ?- g ? p o'-< 9/16 ? - ? ?? ? F0 ? TPOCK SLOi9 p L116] 1 -5 7 L148] " s 0'-3 9/I6 [t? ? 6fCi0.1tAL D'-B i/Ifi []I,] 0'-2 IH (9] [69 1W LEFT S I DE ms?cr Loce*mx Rw 0 HACESI FRONT S >o 0"-7Llfi 0'-? ? Etl111LN ERa SN y O [l?l bOq V/ POA£R EKNAlISi 3"-9 YI6" 1'? -I'-0 5/B' []19] tlM] FILiEN ACCE2 PI1EL /NI•POSIHIE cIL1FA9 ? K RpN • • 11 C I ICaEXIN6 ? HOfVI- I AL ? 20XL1 I ? SIPPLY AIP ? OPEHIIO i MORIELHi4. ? I ? \ [635] I . W151[f AIR o l].9 3'-I O'-i" p,I 0'-5 11/I6 -19101 [1'RI yq IILq 1 VS? p ? . p? MROrtiRlt PELIEF 019]IA4E RIGHT SIDE SUFPLY A IR f£iURN AIR e s.o. caoexsr.rE oMix r IXPFA[W Ol1OY1T 513 IRE R9'4 M4E IH 9145 WM.1 1!1' ICC. i/B"fYe.]1 ly/?'?(W3?UN 100.'9 1/3 iP! 6l5 . i m rm.n • I Y? IM.?] I 1/? ?I.B1 mw aia'rvr cus i s?re'ni.n Packaged Rooftop Builder 1.13 Page 5 of 18 Certified Drawing for RTU-1 Project: Eagan Civic center 08123/2008 lPreDared B : 03:18PM UNIT 572E NO'ES. I. ROOFWIVB IILGES?PY j5 SHIGPED 015,155£18LE0. ]HJ?TJ?TF B-1V 1 ' IN`"?AiED P.1NEL5. 1 iMK. Po?Y11REiXANE FOAN, 1-3/4 rMNSIiY. 3. 011£XSIRE IN (] RE IN MILLIIEiFPS. G?5p /SOG100B.012 a. naarcuR. ts snse sim. <9U?iHEO M1 JHJfJOOBr01 2 S. AIIPCN WCiNOPK i0 0.R9. (RAN6E5 OF WCT qESi ON CUTAJ WR O,TfO 008-0I2 6. HH ]CE 0.E.1R.IYCE <' CN EApI SfBE. (pIQyp SUR ]. ? OIRECiICN OF AIP FLM. 0. COMIECiCP PILKAES W9LXPNIN01.100 N9 3.100 NIE Fpi iHRU-TNE-CUMI iYPE. PNCCAG6 CRBi? 11p 41W .1flf FOR T!ff iHN1Y-i1E-BOiiOn TFPE CIXMECTIL}9. LMIT SRE B t D ALi piAIN MOLE E" WS F'POIfcP "G CONW0. CpNFCiOF p;G. ACC IB NJ/iJ/iF PH S-B 9116 I40 15/16' 1 L? [9l9 3/? [I9NVi 3H [191NW 1/2 [13.91WT CP9iWMRWII.W 19GN1[f+ (?T] LSB 31 1 I// [31.i] CflfiiN°NlOD3FW SD W1L11 8-H ?3 f13.11NM 311 119IWi LP9TMPM-03W0 ? SOGJJO6 m iua r?o fra e-?+ 3H'[19]!ii CIiBiMFiM00UO0 . . IMIt NAIL 1_?TYPICAL cro sioes 716" COUNLFR FLASIIING f?lF1EL0 SUPRIE01 WFIHG FELi ff[ELD 9lMPL1E0) a CIHL SIPIi EI ?Ieio swaum? POCFfW MALEIiIAL ?(FlfID SUPPLIFD) $ i? ? C qI610 IF H Fio -f - _ - - _ _ _ ? l 0'-0 1,4•173 0 ? 0(1159916 (i6] ///JJJ ?. . ? 1 ? ' ? p % ? SUNLT AIR PEiWN PIR VIEW "A-A" On 3' I "B" I I I 6] ? fl?ilAN? IP I 1-3 SiH• I I [10061 ? HEW OF B0.i LD BE M INSIDf OF FI.IJICE I 9LPPLV AIP ' I 1'-3 I"? OPlNING •p• i C3ff/] ?B 4 0'-0 7/I6, I [ 6 ] / I = LiN '6 R?1 1'-2 718' 71 0-0 16 I/ (BOL EMS) nem n7e? Q._j. 111 lBOLT MERO51 K 0 0)[Ill ?13/16" Oii09A5 REF A ? ? <'-13/( f91ilEAO'Sa [1240] T NEAp51 M ??s?' nzsa3 A? \ ?p V[EM "B" 15 (nP. ALL CORNfqS] SEE VIEII "B"o sEE rore .z ? \ v (106] ? 'E I I ^?? SEAY!CE VLALE 1'-8 3/16, POMEP /t6? 1 ? SEPVICE •?? ? (1HSICE) I [I 0 ??TE INSIOEI CQIiRdI. I'-8 3/16'SEPVICE a I [5131 KATE m I ? fIN510E? o I I NP ? 1611 0 15/Ifi Q ^ O 6 ? ? ba • \ ? ? ?\\\ ? NOLE? CPMHRIOCEVWT'SWEtOCK' CORx01 ? FASiE11?HG OEVICE 1 5 ACC£PTIBLE ? / ALTEPIIAiE CONSiPUCiION. m r ?R Packaged Rooftop Builder 7.13 Page 6 of 18 Pertormance Summary For RTU-1 Project: Eagan Civic center 06/23/2008 Prepared Bv: 03:18PM Part Number:48TME009---5 ARI EER: , 10.10 I P W:........._.._..._..__._.._...._.._.._............_._.._...__.___ - -------------_______.......... . 10.4 Base Unit Weight:__----- _ .......... ................... .......... _H80 Ib Base Unit Dimensions Unit Length: _.. 87.4 in Unit Width ......... .... - .... 57.8 in - Unit Height: _.._.....__41.3 in llnit Voltage-Phase-Hertr: _ 208-3-60 Air Discharge: VeRlcal Fan Drive Type :.............._............................_............_........_ ......._..._.._............._........._._.__. _Belt Actual Aifiow:.... .................................................. _...... ....... ..................... ___3400 CFM Site Altitude:.......... _....... . 0 ft Cooling Pedormance Condenser Entering Alr DB:-------.._.._................. .... . ............. ..... 95.0 F Evaporator Entering Air DB:...... .......... _____ __------ ___--------__....... _75.8 F Evaporator Entering Air WB: 69.2 F Entering Air Enthalpy:.... ....... ........ _.._....... .. __ .................................33.27 BTU/lb Evaporator Leaving Air DB: ............... .81.5 F Evaporator Leaving Air WB:..... ........................................ _. ._.__._._._...____.59.9 F Evaporator Leaving Air Enthalpy:.... _.._.________ _ ..16.26 BTU/lb Gross Cooling Capacity:..._........________ ____..._.._..__. 707.39 ..____.......__....._.._. _ MBH Gross Sensibte Capacity:-----.._._.._....._ ..................... . ..... .._..__.._.._...___52.54 MBH Compressor Power Input:._...... _.___8.39 kW Coil Bypass Factor: .............. .._ .___------ __._.0.170 Heating Pertormance HeatingAirtlow:_.._.__--__-------------- .__.._..._______._..._..._..._.............. 3400 CFM Entering Air Temp:........... ._.._ ............................ ...................... ......... .... ............ .......... ._62.7 F Leaving Air Temp: _701.9 F Gas Input Capacity: 120.0 1180.0 MBH Gas Heating Capaciry:............ .............. _..._.._. ..._.__.....___...._......_._..__.........__ 144.00 MBH Temperature Rise: ___...........39.2 - - F NOTE__._ ............. _._....... ._...Second SWge Supply Fan Extemal Static Pressure: .......... 0.50 in wg Fan RPM:----------------------_._.._....._._..___....._......___ .................. ....... ._788 Fan Power:__..._._.___._....__....._ ..................... ................. _............................... .................... 1.94 BHP Electrical Data Minimum Voltage: ................................ ------ ?----- - ? Maximum Vottage: ....... ....._._...._._. ......._ ..............._... Compressor #t RLA:.......... ._._.._.._..__ ._..... ..... -----_77.3 Compressor #t LRA:_.-------_--..___................... _........ .... .. _._ ........... ............ 120 Compressor #2 RLA: ...... ]4.7 Compressor#2 LR,4:........... ............................. _.....-------_.........._.. .._...._..__.__.__ 105 Outdoor Fan Motor Qty:_._._.._ 1 Outdoor Fan Motor HP (ea):_ .. .................................. .................... _1114 Outdoor Fan FLA (ea):__.._._.... ..... ............. ...... ....... ....... ---.__1.4 Indoor Fan Motor Type: Standard IFM Max. Continuous BHP:_._................................................. ...... ........._.._...__..___._-2.4 Indoor Fan Motor FLA:......... _.................... _........._.............._........_. ........_.._.._....__.____5.8 Power Supply MCA:._....................... _........_.._....._...._.___.._..._... _.._______ _.._44.8 Power Supply MOCP, Fuse or HACR, U. S.A.:_._._ _- ___........... ......._SD Min. Unit Disconnect FLA:.__.._ 46 Packaged Roofrop 8uilder 1.13 Page 7 of 18 Performance Summary For RTU-1 Project: Eagan Civic ceMer 06/2312008 Prepared Bv: 03:18PM Min. Unit Disconnect LRA: _.... 72 Electrical Cpnvenience Outlet: ____............_..._..__....._None Acoustics Sound Rating:.._.__............ .........._....._........._....._........._.........___.._......_.............___ ......82.0 db Sound Power Levels, db re 10E-12 Watts Discharge Inlet Outdoor 63 Hz 98.3 95.1 62.2 125 Hz 92.3 86.7 69.3 250 Hz 79.6 73.5 71.5 500 Hz 72.6 67.3 74.7 1000 Hz 89.1 64.4 76.2 2000 Hz 67.2 59.7 72.9 4000 Flz 68.8 59.1 68.7 8000 Hz 71.1 58.5 61.5 A-Weighted 80.6 74.9 79.7 Packaged Rooftop Builder 1.13 Page 8 of 18 Performance Summary For RTU-1 Project: Eagan Civic center 06/23/2008 PreDared Bv: 03:18PM. Fan Curve z. 1.8 1.6 1.4 oi 3 C ?.Z .? y 1.0 N a V 0.8 ? N 0.8 0.4 02 0.0 0.0 000 RPM 1100 R 1200 RPM \ 7 800 RPM \ ]00 RPM ? \\ \ sO0 N 500 RPM O \ 400 RPM P ? OBH ` A]5B 0 P 05 1?0 1I5 2I0 2I5 30 35 4.0 4?5 Airtlow (CFM - thousands) RPM = 788 BHP = 1.94 Maxanum RPM = 936 Maximum HP = 2.40 No[e: Please con[act applicaNon engineering for selections ou[side the shaded region. SC - System Ctirve RP - Rated Point Packaged Rooftop Builder 1.13 Page 9 of 18 7C7a rr?er : WEATHERMAKER - 48TM 3 THRU 12-1/2 TON SIZES PACKAGED ROOFTOP GAS HEATINGIELECTRIC COOLING UNITS 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-112, 8-1/2, 10 and 12-1/2 Tons • Copper lube aluminum fin coils with optional corrosion resiataM cdls. • Refrigerarrifilterdrier. • Lav-pressurelloss of charge, frerse protectim and high-pressure switches on all units. • Fulty insulated cabinet • PrapaiMed exteria pariels antl prirtcer coated interiar panels testetl to 500 hours saR spray proteetion. • Belt driva evaparator-fan motars wfth adjustable pulleys. . Pertnanently lubricated evaparator fan mda. • AcuttolTM refrigmaM metering system. • Single point gas and electric connectlms. • Thru-the bottan po.ver enhy capability sNarWard. • Two-ineh diaposable retum air fiftes, . 24-vdt corrird circuit protected with reselfable circuit brmker. • ExGusive nai-corrosive composite caMensate pan in accadance with ASHRAE 82-Standard, sloping design. Side or ceMer drein. • Full perimeter heavy gauge base rail with built-In rigging adapters and fak Wck slots. • Operation performance documenta5m provided fr«n run test. • Automa0c changeover when used with auto-changeover thermostat. WEATHERMAKER SERIES - ASHRAE 90.1 COMPLIANT 'Low 01tdO0f tempereture coding operetiai to 251 F. • Maximumartdoorternperaturecodingopaation: 48TM units are one-piece gas heating, electric units that are prewired and precharged with R-22 (HCFC). The units are factory tested in both heating and cooling modes. They are rated in accordance with ARI Standards 210 (004-012 sizes) and ARI 360 (014 size), designed in accordance with UL StarWard 1995, and listed by Underwriters' Laboratories. P.pproved and certified by: TM004-008, 012 1750 F TM009, 014 125° F • Condenser motars are totally enclosed wilh permanently lubricated bemings. Heating: C UL US (004-012 size) (014 s¢e) STANDARD 48TM FEATURES INCLUDE: . Ali models comply wiih ASHR4E 90.1 minimum efficiency requirements. • Units are listed by UL and UL, Canada, certfied by ARI. • OownHav to haizoMal convrertible for slab mouMing. • SEER's up to 10.0. EER's to 10.1. • Scrdl compressora with irKemal linebreak overload protecNon. • Single compreseors an 3-8 ton aizes. • Dual canpressors an 7-1Y2 to 72-1/2 ton s¢es. . Taol-leas fitter access Uoor. • Industry exclusive IGC solid-state cpMrd. IGC provWes full an-boaM diagnostics with flashirg LED for ana code designafion, sophisdcated induced draft fan arM bumer cmtrd logic as wdl as energy savings indoor fan rtmtor delay. . IGC pravides industry exclueive anti-cycle pratection for gas heat operatim. • Induced drait combustion. • Sdid-state dectronic direct apark ignifion system (pilotless system). • Redundant gas valvas, with lwo-shage hea6ng. • Flame rdlaut saFety Prdector. • Dedicated "L, M, & N° 35 ton'Low NOxt modela that meet Cal'rfarria Air Quality Management NOx requirerrrent of 40 nanogramsfjoule a less OptlOns including but not Ilmited to: • PremierLink Direct Digital CoMrd • 115 vdt Catvenience Outlet. • Nm-fused Disconnect Switch. • EconoMi$er+wi(hCOzSensoreompatibility falAQcoMrd • Carosian resistant coil options for evaporetar arW condenser • Chdce of altemate or high statlc motor for expanded alrflow wpability. Padcaged Rooftop Builder 1.13 Page 18 of 18 rA$H.RAE COM ???1lANT? 6l23l2008 K? ? RenewAire. P? °? -i, F_iiergy Recauery Venti7alors CC: 4510 Helgesen Dr, Madison, WI 53718 phone/Fax: 800.627.4499 Fax 608221.2824 sunooR renewaire.com Oate: Project Name' General Description: prepared ey: Design Conditions: RoomAir Winter Summer OuffiideAir wnter Summer Exhaust Rate (RA) 900 (cPM) Supply Rate (FA) 900 EMemal Static Pressure 0.50 ("H i0 ) EMemal Static Pressure 0.50 Ory 8u16 Temp 70 74 (°F) Dry Bulb Tmp -16 95 Enfer tlMCr WN Bulb or Relellve NumitlilY: (NArtl1 Delete corKmt6 o/olhx cell firaU. wet euro Temp. Relative Humidily Abso/u(e Humidity EMhalpy Select Units: G4 Core 35% 50% 0.0054 0.0092 22.7 28.1 (°F) Wet Bulh Tenp. Relative Humidiry (IbH2011btlryair) AbSOIUte Huli7idl7y (eiUnn.) EnMalpy 16 74 R0 0.0143 38.B 4uantity 7 MODEL kenewAire h7E1X 250-1000 dm ? Nr How verks Oued on uMt carf9uretlon aM Extemef Stafre Pratswe. ConsuM catNOB fa AhAOw ANa. Eff6Cfiveness: WirHer Summer Sensible Effectiveness: 68% 7ota1(EMha/py) EflecWeness 63% 48% Totel eiHhalpY wxl vmy as tlealgn eontlMws devfete from ARI fOBO fest conditloiu. M MEO Room Mtl Loads BIe basetl on APo 1080 Ce/tlllBtl88nsibN antllatBnt per(ormanCe. Air into Room: pbH2o/ibdfyair) (BTUqb) LOADS SENSIBLE LATENT TOTAL WiMar Summer Winter Summer WiMer Summer Heating or coding load M Ventilation 83,592 20,412 23,650 22,190 107,242 42,602 2t Design Conditions wftout RenewAire: 1.7 1.8 3.8 26,924 6,610 13,020 15,340 39,944 21,950 Heating a coding load of Ventilation at Des' n Conditions with RenewAire: 0.6 1.3 1.8 ToWI Energy Savings at Dasign 56,668 13,802 10,830 6,850 67,298 20.652 Conditions wifh RerewAire: 12 0.6 1.7 Dry 8u16 Temp. Wet BuM Temp. Absolute Humitli(y Enthalpy Winter Summer 42.3 80.8 392 692 0.0024 0.0128 74.3 33.8 (°F) (F) BTUfi) Tons) e1um) 7ons) arum) Tons) (D 2004 Rene.vAire LLC Page 1 RenawAireDes1gnLoadCalc(1).x1s 6l23/2008 ?lRenewAire. Pli% A F,nergy 2ecauery Yentilafors I'F 2201 Advance Rd, Madison, WI 53718 800.627.4499 FEoc 608.2212824 su ooortC@ renewai re. can General PhonelFax: Project Name: WINTER Return Air Values Outside Air Values 70.00 °F db 42.30 °F db °F w6 39.20 °F wb 2,500 Std CFM 900 Std CFM Moced Air Values Oulside Air % 3,400 Std CFM 26°/a 62.67 °F db 54.30 °F wb RecalcuWte at 23.82 BtWib ? Return Afr Values 74.00 °F db °F wb 1 2.500 Std CFM d Air Values 3,400 Std CFM 75.80 °F db 68.10 °F wb 30.56 BtuAb Outside Nr Values 80.80 °F db 69.20 °F wb 900 Std CFM Outside Air % 26°h Recalculate at 0 (D 2003 RenewAire LLC Page 1 RenewA1reDesignLoedCalc(1).)ds HElXRTCOore' Wall F (std) H (0.75) E (std) H (0.75) FA Hp EA Hp ConEacbor • emYaVSon b MavaAWem evdy mo0al. G4 Performance ? e so ? Ny N CFM 300 500 700 900 j 60 U ? W 40 ffkA$1 1060 8SB6a8[a CODdIhO?S (See certified data o¢ page 68 for core components). Au$ow Performance D (Direcl) P V Drive Pbsse Vokage DlsconneG Tmnsfomfer Ofher Specifications uL Vmtiletion 1ype: SqticPlete, Heat md ftumidityTimaBer Typical tir9av Rmge: 500-I,000 CPM ARI 1060 Cati&ed Com: Oue L125-00 Art9ow Reting Pomm (forARi): 750 CFM md 360 CFM xianbor Maro,s: Two, 0.75 bp Field Selecmhh Volmge (you mut orderpheee) V AZ Phta FLA Min.C'v. Amps M? FlUe Sim 115 60 3mg1¢ 8.6 19.4 25 208-230 60 3ingle 4.3 9.7 15 zn w s;ngle z.a 5.4 is 208-230 60 These, 2.1 4.7 is wo 60 nree 1.1 z.s is CoNrol VoHega 74 VAC FiUms: 7Vvotodl. MI'RV 8.2^ Plcnte4 211" x 20" mminet siza WoigLt: 300 Aa (unit), 375 me (ehippmg waight) Shipping Dimwmona: 40" W a 87" L z 45" R CL??O u?nxu? 8935 7'omi wmm Static Pressiue inAdjacent Att HanAw (Inches watec Coltmm) DmmM roeieon -o.s .025 0.0 +0.25 ws 1 PLaee 3 Ph°°° EA FA HA FA EA FA BA PA EA Pe1 100%Opm 1,295 1,155 835 1,035 900 985 950 940 985 6&S 1,045 835 65%Open 1,285 1,140 765 980 870 945 855 900 890 855 935 810 55%Opm 1,275 1,130 775 965 805 920 840 875 S(S 835 900 790 45%Opm 105 1,120 750 920 775 875 805 935 830 790 860 750 35Y.Opeu 1,265 1,110 695 860 730 820 760 775 790 740 BTA 700 25%Open 1,265 1,100 625 780 660 730 685 715 713 680 750 650 15450pea 1,260 1,085 575 585 615 630 650 665 685 705 730 705 PFA'MenewAire ipPrA Energy Recouery Ven[i(utors HEIXRTC Unit Dimensions ILE] LEFT VIEW Power Wire In 7/8" Oia.? Control Wire In 7(B" Dia.- ? u as ara ? r Access to btowers ? ? " i ? seryi. A. - `-------- Accessto Electricel Camponents,'?? - OA fiRer L.OA ?\\\ Model Configuration HEIXRTC... ? FRONTVIEW \f ShavmwtthlaveWglega V (?fpped 1o?e) I Fa: axbaua n;r wouWom OA: OutdoorAirinmke Ru,: xoom numtaexbo,sW FA: FreshAir to inaide 1971a' mnqLyc F0. aJ ?/'rocMew FA 117, ie1n'm17 in* nwgnl oepud.m RIdiT NEN C?e W?? DAse Phaeo VMOtge FAHp &AHp Caotmirc K(Q4) S(9m?e) D(Dim%) Pl Vl (115) F(So H(0.75) F(Sto H(0.75) A(2f VAC) D(Dwbb) P3 V4 (460) Y(Iw Rdy) Z(Iw Rdy) D(1Wa 74VAG) VS (208-230) N (Name) Dbeonnect 11ando? 016a OL ' (Qane) - (HOna) ' (Nma) L (UL Lieted) N(Nmfiued) A(TR40) PA(Pmnt) N(NatULLis6ed) F (FLeal) P'j?"ReneivAire I7VA En¢rgg R¢moerp Yentilators