3870 Pilot Knob Rd - Civic Arena Load Analysis0-? ?KRECH, ? 6115 Cahill Avenue August 14, 2008 O'BRIEN, MIJELLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Inver Grove Heighis Minnesom 55076 651.451.4605 phone 651.451.0917 faz www.komoinc.com Thomas F. Burrows Dakota County - Capital Planning and Project Management 1590 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 Re: Load Analysis of Existing Mezzanine - Temporary Eagan Library at Eagan Civic Center 3850 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 KOMA No. 008230 Dear Mr. Burrows: At your request, this office has structurally reviewed the above noted mezzanine. The purpose of the review was to determine if the mezzanine would be capable of supporting a temporazy library layout. No other areas of the building were reviewed at this time. Documents available for review included: • Drawings prepared by RKK Structural Engineering numbered S 1 through SS and dated 12/19/94. • Mezzanine build-out drawings prepared by Leo A Daly numbered T1.00, A1.01, A1.02 and dated 5/12/08. • Fabcon precast concrete shop drawings numbered 1 through 5 and dated 3/17/95. • Library floor plan supplied by Dakota County. See attached. The existing mezzanine structure will be capable of supporting the temporary library layout per your attached floor plan. Deviations from the referenced plan should be reviewed by this office. Also, the allowable live load for the mezzanine is 100 ps£ For reference, 125 psf is defined as light storage. The 100 psf loading criteria should be posted according to Section 16033 of the state building code. See attached. The information and opinions contained herein are based upon the limited investigation described at the beginning of this report. No warranties are expressed or implied regarding the existence of other unknown conditions not specifically addressed. Our work is in accordance with generally accepted engineering standards and is not intended to be relied upon or transferred to individuals other than the addressee. Should information or conditions become known which differ from the discussion herein, they may alter the opinions or conclusions of the undersigned. If you should have any questions or require further information, please call. Si Michael J sowski, P.E. Krech, O rien, Mueller & Associates, Inc. Enc. ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING INTERIOR DESIGN Thomas F. Burrows August 14, 2008 SERVICE AGREEMENT • TERMS A,'VD CONDTTIONS Page 2 of 2 CLIbNTS RESPONSIBILITIES: The Cliettt shall provide full infomation regarding requirements for the Proju[. The Client sha0 fiunish required information and decisions as expeditiously as necessary For the orderly progress of the Work, and the Fim shall he entitled to rely on the accurncy ard comple[eness thereof ACCES9 TO STTE: Unless othenvise stated, the Fim vnll have access to the site for ac[ivities necessary for the pedonnance of the urvices. The Fim will fake precautions to minimize damage due to Ihese activities, but has na included in the fee the cost of restoration of any resulting damage. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: The Firm and iu Consultants shall have no responsi6iliry for the discovery, presence, handling removal or disposal of or exposure of persons to hazardous materials in any form at the Project site, inciuding but not limited to asbestos, asbestos pmducts, potychlonnated biphenyl (PCB) or other toxic substances. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: All dowments produced by the Fim under this ageemen[ shall remain [he property of the Fim and may not be used by the Client for any other endeavor without the written consent of the Firm. BILLINGS/PAYMENT$: Invoices for Ihe Firm's services shall be submitted, at the Fimi s option, either upon completion of such services or on a monthly basis. Invoices shall be payable within 10 days after [he invoice date. Ifthe invoice is not paid within 30 days, the Fim may, without waiving any claim oc rigkd against the Clieny and without IiabiliTy whafsoever to the Client, terminate itre perfonnance of the secvice. Retainers shal] be credi[ed to the final invoice LATEPAYMENTS: Accounts unpaid 60 days after [he invoice date may be subject to a monthly service charge of 1.5% (or the legai rate) on the then unpaid balance . In the event any portion or al] of an account remains mpaid 90 days after billing, the client shall pay all costs of wllectioq including reawrable attomey's fees. DISPUTE RESOLUTION? Any claims or dispu[es made during design, conshuction or post-construction between the Client and Firm shail be submitted to nw-binding mediffiion. Client and Fim agree to include a similar mediation ageement with all conVactors, subcontrectors, subconsultants, supplier and fabricators, Ihereby providing for mediation u the primary me[hod for dispute resoWtion between all patties. TERMINATION OF SERVICES: This agreement may be terminated by the Client or the Fim shoWd the other fail to pedorm its obligations hereunder. In the event of termina[ion, the Client shall pay the Fim for all services rendered to the date of teminatioq a0 reimbursable expenses and reimburseble termination expenses. GOVERNING LAW: Unless othe=wise provided, this Agreemen[ shall be govemed by the law of the principal place of business o£ the Finn. CERTIFICATfONS. Guarantees and Wartanties: The Firm shall not be required to execute any document [haz would result in its certifying, guaranteeing or warranting the existence ofconditions whose existence [he Firm cannot ascertain. INDEhINIFICAI'ION: The Client sha11, to the fullest eztent pecmitted by law, indemnify and hold hazmless the Finn, it's officers, direcrors, employees, agents and subconsuliants from and against all damage, liability and cost, including reasonable attome}'s fee and defense costs, ansing out of or in any wey connec[ed with the perfomiance by any of the pania above named of the services under this ageement, excepting oNy ihose damages, liabilities or costs attribu[able [o the sole negligence or willful misconduct af the Firm. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: In recognition offfie relative risk; re»ards md benefits ofthe project to 6oth the Client and ffie Firtn, the risks have been allocated such thai the Client agrees that, to the fullest eztent permitted by law, the Firm's total IiabiliTy to the Client for any and all injuries, claims, bsses, expenses, damages or claim expenses azising out of Ihis agreement from any cause or causes, shall not exceed [he FimYs fee far the projeck Such causes include, bu[ are not limited to, the Fimi's negligence, errors, omissions, s[rict liability, breach ofcontracc or breach of warsanty. The Building Codes do not cover all simations. Ofcen the Firm's interpretation of the code is different than the local building official's interpretaqon. The building official is required to issue interpretations of the code. The interpretation process can be subjective and tends to be dynamic as the Fim and the building official diswss [he public health, safety and wetfare issues involved. Often the Stace is asked to provide an in[e[pretation which the local building officiat oonsidus the `o%cial ruling°. It is nol possible m predict ihe amount oftime requiceA to rasolve code issues requiring interpretefioq artd as such, ihe fee azrangement for dealing vnth these specific code issues vrill be on a time and expense basis according to the Firm's standard rnces. WHOLE AGREEMENT? This Agmement, incWding attached appendices, repmsents the entire and inte@tated ageement between the Client and the Fim and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Agreemen[ may be amended only by written instrument signed 6y 6oth the Client and the Fion. KRECH, O'BRIEN, MUELLER & ASSOCIATES, INC. ¦ STFiUCTURAL DES16N wind loads govem the design of the lateral-force-resisting system of the building: 1. Basic wind speed (3-second gust), miles per hour (kmlhr). 2. Wind importance factor,/, and occupancy category. 3. Wind exposure. Where more than one wind exposure is utilized, the wind exposure and applicable wind direction shall be indicated. 1603.1.8 Systems and components requiring specia] inspections for seismic resistance. Construction docu- ments ar specificadons shall be prepared for those systems and components requiring special inspection for scismic resistance as spuified in SecUon 1707.1 by the registered design professional responsible for their design and shall be submitted for approval in accordance with Saction 106.1. Reference ro seismic standazds in lieu of detailed drawings is acceptable. 4. '1he applicable internal pmssure ccefficient. 5. Components and cladding. The design wind Qres- sure.s in terms of psf (kNlm2) to be used for the design of exterior component and cladding materials not spe- cifically designed by the registered design profes- sional. 1603.15 Earthquake design data. The following informa- tion relaud to seismic loads shall be shown, regardless of whether seismic loads govem the design of the lat- eral-force-resisring system of the building: 1. Seismic importance factor, 1, and occupancy ca[egory. 2. Mapped spectral response accelerations, SS and Sr. 3. Site class. 4. Spechal response ccefficienu, Sw and Snf• 5. Seismic design category. 6. Basie seismio-force-resisting system(s). 7. Design base shear. 8. Seismic response ccefficient(s), Cs. 9. Response modification factor(s), R. 10. Analysis procedure used. 16031.6 Flood dcsign dala. For huildings located in whole or in part in flood hzzard areas as established in Section 16123, the documentation pertaining to design, if required in Section 1612.5, shall be included and the following inFor- maGon, referenced to the datum on the community's Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), shall be shown, regardless of whether flood loads govern the design of the building: 1. In flood hazsrd areas not su6jec[ W high-velceity wave acdoo, the elevation of the proposed lowest floor, including the basemen[. 2. In flood hazard areas not subject to high-velocity wave action, the elevation to which any nonresiden- [ial building will be dry floodproofed. 3. In flood hazard amas subject to high-velocity wave action, the proposed elevation of the 6ottom of the lowest horiwntal sUUCturai member of the ]owest floor, including the basement. 1611319 Special loads. Special loads that aze applicable to the desisn of the building, swcture or portions thereof shail be indicated along with the specified section of this code that addresses the special loading condition. 1603.2 RestricGons on loading. It shall be.unlawfui to place, or cause or permit w be placed, on any floor or roof of a build- ing, swcture or portion thereof, a load greater than is permitted 1603.3 Live loads posted. Where the live loeds for which each floor or portion thereof of a commercial or indusuial building is or has heen designed to exceed 50 psf (2.40 kN/m2), such design live loads shall be conspicuously posted by the owner in [hat part of each story in which they apply, using durable signs. tt shall be unlawful to remove or deface such notices. > 1603.4 Occupancy permits for changed loads. Occupmcy permits for buildings hereaCter erected shall not be issued until the floor load signs, required by Section 16033, have 6een installed. SECTION 1604 GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1604.1 General. Building, structures and parts thereof shall be designed and constructed in accordance with strength design, load and resistance factor design, allowable stress de.sign, empirical design orconventional construction methods, as per- mitted by thc applicable material chapters. 1604.2 Strength. Buildings and other swctures, and pans thereof, shall be designed and consdvcted to suppon safely the factored loads in load combinations de£ned in this code wi[h- out exceeding the appropriate strength limit states for the mate- rials of consvuction. Alternatively, buildings and other sWCtures, and parts thereof, shall bedesigned and constructed ro supporl safely the nominal loads in load combinations defined in this code without exceeding the appropriate speci- Fied allowable stresses for the materials of consuucNon. L.oads and fomes for occupancies or uses not covered in this chapter shall be subject to the approva] of the building official. 1604.3 Serviceabil3ty. Structural systems and members thereof shall be designed [o have adequa[e stiffness [o limi[ deflections and lateral drift. See Section 12.12.1 of ASCE 7 for I drift limits applicable to earthquake loading. 16043.1 DePlections. The deflections of structural mem- bers shall nof exceed the more resvictive of the limifations of Sections 16043.2 through 1604.3.5 or that permitted by Table 16043. 1604.3.2 Reinforced rnncrete. The deflection of rein- forced concre[e shvctural members shall not eacceed that permitted by ACI 318. 2007 MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING GODE 297 r ??DF-I ? Boekslnioren Me.<H,h ? 6' x 2. ? r ? Sy¢lem FumiWre PaMiCOns ? e FolEinp FoMin9 ? Tabie Table 2 Check-0u1 Stalians = Copy Machine d 50' C?? I TebleB I C?? I FTable I L1D iUJ ? ? El ?J b ? 0 ? 9 4 ? 2 - FolOin T.N. wl Maq zinas CM1ei? Chalr p} F Cheir Chair 0?X Y ? Y ChiMren's Bins 3'z LiGrary ProOram Steginp antl Empty Book Twcks Ciry Progrzm S1e4ing