580 Diffley Rd - Certificate of Occupancy (rrtif iratr of Orrupaury Citp of eagan Dr tMMI of 11dibwo , ertim This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 of the Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the followmg.• U. Clsw iat.. SF MIG Mdg. Permit No. 13474 Occupancy TYM R Zonin Diutid F Type Coast ?r Owner of Bw1dn% ' MAM 10-01 Addmw 1 &i =1Y -.a.i:, f Flui{ding Addreae w_ .;i Uht?-7, E8 AJ it ?? ate: L Drat 3, 1987 BUM" OffKiW POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 2ertifycate'For: Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets N.;. Richard Heuer Ref :67/28, 51,56 OK. ?;-71/ sl DELMAR H. SCHWANZ Bk:1011/64 LAND SURVEYOR 3. Inc. Reg St or eo Under Laws of The Stets of Minnuou 2878 146TH STREET W. BOX M RO6EMOUNT, MINNESOTA 66088 PHONE 812 423-1789 A\e? SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 0??2 `,I. / ---- 201 30 \?5 N89°32?55?E North line Lot No. Sub. 185 •' ?r EXCEPTIONf a O/GF LF ?q? ,MDO N0909N 32 55 E MI I o W ISouth R/W Co. Rd. N 30 O N O ... ?- Roadway W Mp r N O N 0 N M Poo SE 6000,& Easement h1V,MT 4 . Scale; 1 inch = 100 feet o Denotes set iron Description: The east 370.00 feet of.the west 1047.00 feet of Lot 8, Auditor's Sub. No. 42, Egan. Also showing the location of a proposed house thereon. April 01, 1987 I . f NB9032 ....,E Svmtr, line Lot 8 Aud. Sub. No. 42 MINNESOTA REGISTR TION NO. 8625