965 Diffley Rd - Admin MN Project Jurisdiction Agreement?`?'ts ? ?;:• _ - ? Depazhnent of Administration PROJECT JURISDICTION AGREEMENT COPY TO BUILDING OFFICIAL: Schoennner. Dale R. Date: City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 Project Title: Northvieev Elementary-Renavaticns Location: City of Eagan Description: Removal & Replacement of casework & carpet class Date Received: 4/4/2003 Assigned Project Number: 20030161 Dear Building Ofticial: 4114l2003 Attached is a copy of the notice to the Arc6itect / Designer of the project described above as to the agreement reached between the Minnesota Building Codes and Staudards Division and City of Eagan delegating building code administration to your oFfice as per our agreement on this project. r"'- ';. .. Yours truly, BUILDING CODES STANDARDS ?4ca Scott D. McLellan Supervisor, Plan Review SDM:w Attachment PaFormRI <(1l1.;+ i r?, Building Codcs and Standards Division, 408 Mevo Syuare Building, 121 7th Place East, St. Pauf, MN 55101-2181 Voice: 651296.4639, Fax: 651.297.1973; TTY: 1.800b273529 and ask for 296.9929 a??,?, :? . ?;? ; ?7 4& k-. PROJECT .IURISDICTION AGREEMENT ARCffiTECT/ENGINEER: Green, Howard R. Howazd R Green Company 1326 Energy Park Drive St. Paul MN 55108 PROJECT: Northview Elementary-Renovations LoCATION: City of Eagan ?OUNTI': Dakota Department of Administration Da[e: 4/14/2003 nESCRIP'['ioN: Removal & Replacement of casework & cazpet class nnDREss: ;965 DiffleyRoad -' •,rw?:twr:r,tx??*frr,tr?x?xw?**+r**xwr:r??w,r+*fr?? * ASSIGNED PROJECT NUMBER: 20030161 Date Received: 4!4/2003 *frr:FlFxfri?ls*1ri:irRw+r:tirxwY?xxi?xR*,tN#k*xfMVexlrxrt An agreement has been reached between the Minnesota Building Codes and Standards Division and City of Eagan , whereby the PLAN REVIEW AND BUILDING INSPECTION will be done by City of Eagan Please submit all plans, specifications, and appropriate fees to City of Eagan You must follow their submittal process and fee schedule. Please refer to our assigned project number far their tracking purposes. The City will also be responsible tor issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Sincerely, C(k Scott D. McLellan Supervisor, Plan Review SDM:w c: Building Official PaFormRI Building Codes and Standards DiviSion, 408 Me[ro Square Building, 121 7th Place Fast, St. Paul, MN 55101-2181 Voice: 651296.4639, Fax: 651.297.1973; TTI': 1.800.627.3529 and ask for 296.9929