965 Diffley Rd - Letter 88-04-26 Re: Pending AssessmentsoF 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD, P.O. BOX 21799 EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55121 PHONE: (612) 454-8100 APRIL 26, 1988 DR. TOM WILSON, PRINCIPAL ON SPECIAL ASSIGNMENT INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1F196 14445 DIAMOND PATH ROSEMOUNT, MN. 55068 RE: Eaaan HiRh/Dakota Middle School Northview Elementary School _ o I e- S 3 Z 3 Special Assessments/Development Finaneial Obligation Summary Dear Dr. Wilson: VIC ELLLSON Mror nioMas EGw DAVID K. GUSTAFSON PAMEIA McCRFA THEODORE WACHIER Councll MenibeR MoMAS Heoces CiryPeminunotar EUGENE VAN OVEItBEKE Cilv 0erk As a result of our recent meeting, I am providing you with a composite summary clarifying and explaining several of the identified financial obligations of the school district as it pertains to the development of the above-referenced properties. These take into consideration the adjustments made at our meeting on April 6th. Please be aware that several of the pending assessment obligations may be revised based on final costs ineurred to 3nsta1l the utilities necessary to service these proposed developments or benefitting sehool district owned property itself. After you have reviewed this information, please feel free to contaet me with any questions or coneerns you may have so that we can provide additional elarification as may be necessary. This is the information that will be contained wiEhin the development contract agreements for the final plats of each of the above-referenced schools. As we discussed earlier, those costs associated with the future improvement of County Road 30 (Diffley Road) can he revised based on the school ilistrict's position of various financing alternatives that you wanted to pursue. Sincerely, eomasolber/? Director of Public Works ce: Dr. JoYin Hansont Director of Secondary Education Mike.Dougherty, School District Attorney Ed Kirscht, Senior Engineering Teehnic3an TAC/jf --- -. THE LONE OAK TREE. ..THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWfH IN OUR COMMUNIN EAGAN HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION A. PENDING ASSESSMENTS 1. Project 479 (Lexington Addition/Northview Park - Trunk Storm Sewer) a. Trunk Area Storm Sewer (Pg. tA) (504,000 S.F. @ 80% + 64,000 S.F.) $23,360 Subtotal Pro3eet 479 $ 23,360 2. Project 498 (Stafford Place/Northview Park Road - Trunk Utilities & Streets) a. Trunk Area Storm Sewer (Pg. 1D) 709,950 @ 80$ @ $0.053/S.F. $30,102 b. Trunk Area Water (Pg. 2D) 3.2 acres @80% @$1,250/acre 3,250 c. Lateral Benefit - Trunk Sanitary Sewer (Northview Park Road) (Pg. 4D) 7,650 FF @ $15.06/FF 24,849 d. Lateral Benefit - Trunk Water (Braddoek Trail (Pg. 5D) 2,870 FF @ $17.09/FF 49,048* e. Lateral Benefit - Trunk Water (Northview Park Road (Pg. 60) 1,650 FF @ $12.47/FF 20,576 f. Northview Park Road - Grading, Street & Trail (Pg. 7D) 1,650 FF @ $55.35/FF 97,328 g. Lateral Storm Sewer (Northview Park Road (Pg. 8D) 1,650 FF @ $34.22/FF 569466* h. Lateral Storm Sewer (Braddock Trail)(Pg. 9D) 2,720 FF @ $7.36/FF 20,026• i. Braddock Trail - Street & Trail (Pg. lOD) 2,870 FF @ $41.91/FF 120,282* Subtotal Projeet 498 $4159927 3. Project 485 (Northview Park Road - Streets & Utilities) a. Trunk Area Water (Pg. 2B) 54.6 Acres @ 80$ @ $1,190/acre 51,884 Subtotal Pro3eet 485 $ 51,884 4. Projeet 491 (Eagan Hills Farms - Streets & Utilities) a. Trunk Area Water (Pg. 3C) 3.2 acres @ 80$ @ $1,300/acre Subtotal Project 491 5. Project 518 (Eagan High School Addition - Utilities a. Lateral Henef3t - Trunk Storm Sew. (Pg. 11E) b. Lateral Water Main & Services (Pg. 12E) c. Lateral Sanitary Sewer & Serv. (Pg. 13E) d. Trunk Area Storm Sewer (Pg. 1E) 2,724,860 SF @ 80% @ $0.053/SF Subtotal Projeet 518 H. FINAL PLAT/BUILDING PERMIT OBLIGATIONS a. Trunk Area Storm Sewer - Upgrade in Zoning (Pg. 1G) 1,960,200 SF @ $0.027/SF b. Lateral Benefit - Trunk Water - Upgrade (Co. Rd. 30) (Pg. 17G) 610 FF @ $8.50/FF e. Water Availability Charge - Upgrade (PG. 16G) 45 acres @ $2,015 d. Diffley Road - Future Street (Pg. 14G) 1,187 FF @ $11.70/FF e. Diffley Road - Future Trailway (Pg. 15G) 1,187 FF @ $13.00/FF Subtotal Platting • Subjeet to change based on actual construction costs. SUMMARY - EAGAN HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION A. PENDING ASSESSMENTS , B. PLATTING ASSESSMENTS TOTAL 3,380 $ 3,380 127?050* 93,070* 61,730+ 115,534 $397,384 52,925 5,185 90,675 132,588 15,431 $296,804 $891,935 296,804 $1,188.739 NORTHVIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ADDITION A. PENDING ASSESSMENTS 1. Project 479 (lexington Addition/Northview Park - Trunk Storm Sewer) a. Trunk Area Storm Sewer (Pg. 1A) 1,685,640 SF @80$ @$0.051SF $67,426 Subtotal Projeet 479 B. _ FINAL PLAT a. Trunk Area Storm Sewer Upgrade 3n \ Zoning (Pg. 1F) 435,600 SF @ $0.027 11,761 b. Diffley Road - Future Street (Pg. 14F) 1304 FF @ $111.70/FF 145,657 c. Diffley Road - Future Trailway (Pg. 15F) 1,304 FF @ $13.00/FF 16,952 Subtotal Platting SIINAtARY - NORTHVIEW ELEMENTARY ADDITION A. PENDING ASSESSMENTS $ 67,426 B. PLATTING • 174,370 TOTAL $ 67,426 $174,370 $241,796 Sc Hodz.: D1.rr?{ICT ASsESJtilENT.f . ,.. , .. , ? .:,: _. . •• ; . • P?a j: :, ? H 7 g U'?71im'??p?.ver T.v.?eZ . 9r077 S'_ . soy,oooF ?. 7/.o-.S?3- ?3VP?Sior=(r?i KdL a, ia9, 6, 40 . . s aw . oio- oy 000 ? ; o.o-oy . ? !l' 7 --_-.-- g, t7 5 ?S?r ¢ ?'10l ?85. . . -_--- ? ? ' j ?p1 . ?. ?.; , ? - •- -- - --- -- - / . - - e.?•„ ?. : . - - ? - -- I ?;i . ? M1 /j I?l t ?.-?) X '"=voa' SCHod[.: , . DI.tT/{JCT ASSESJ/t'IENTJ' 4L y? /t -famI oid- ?d v7, 9a0 oio- 7S 56? 630 aln o3 d?o 3?0 . . 0i0- n`/ a9s i o o M , 709 g S.o ?u? • ?N% , s ' 5(a 7 9?o a F, ? o 0 0 , , i ? o sa ? s r ? --?-- . _ ?' a o,y.?•o a 1- D oio-o,? oJo_,.r ? SCHooC: :. 01JT6 1G7- ASSESJ/t'IENT•r p,7 d,17q.?: : _. . -77 i, G 3d 3'?/ O s r-: . , '/o -- G`1 sa o J;F,. ? ?. ? , , . . , . 't I E C? SCHOOL: ; 0 /J7- 6 1C7- AS.CESJ/1'IE/?/T.!' f,.I.o I tod I?sse.r.r?nt-74. ? 7 of'M, . c6 k.? ? TlCM2z ?4?c? ?-Qle • 113S 6 0 o cS,F,' ? - ? ? 7?J F . 1.. ? \ ! SCHooC; :. 0 J,t7-4ICT yS.fESJ/t'IENT•f OA '?I??f.dv?av/- /Q'o?0e7J?? l7JJ?.rJ??P?t f' • We . x?.3 Sbo s,F P4: l; dapo s? 0,,7 7 l,r?-sa,9as , . . , . SCHoOI.tTcT ASsESJ1t1ENTJ ? _ . l0to? ?l8S ?end,??. ?Q/o- oy 7. S 04C',%p.. ? ., ,. ???- d? '7, r 67G?v,? . . , . . . . . , . . - , , :- . . q 6 \' SCHooL: 0 I.r7- r?1CT ASSESJ/r'lENT-?' . . • Pro;ec.?? iPe.l d"I? oio- oa iia- ?S a. i n ,.. , . . ; .. C? ? ? SCHODL 0 1J t/?ICT l?SSG.:;(/LI _FNTs' DlO= od /, / a?.o.;, OID - ? ?Y\l? ? . ? ' ? ne.• r% lN:' -------? ? /•• ?i'i? . . 33ea ' ? ? .. --- ? --- --- -? - - ? ? , I I' .,<.... .o. p , ?C ? o/o- oa ? oio - 7.T ?.h= yO0' SCHot?L; :; D?JT/{ICT ASSESJ/1'IENT? P?o`) e c-4- oio... o y tiAo ff bio•= d 3 7-10 ?'? . .. Oa ,'2., rc . . . ; . ? ? ,? SCHOOL. 0 1J7-4 IC7- ASSES.lM ENTf ?a{?er??l.CSenN?f Ti??nO? .L?a?f?e,? or.o - oa /so :oio- . oro- -7-7 a v? `/?o'•SCHooL. DIJTr{ICT , Waper 1?-1-e?al b.rhP?f- 010- 04 -7001CP a`i o - 0 3 -7 a o ?f A ss ES.(yi E4v T.f fI)o K SCHooL:. 01.lT/{1CT AS.S'ESJ/t'!E'NTJ' `l91? Pod,17S_.. OV o• 4.'h d 1 e u) /DE3 r-Ge ? o ir ;? . . O?D- oY 7 0 0 'rrf .: .. • - 03 -2 c3 o FA '°'° - °a a 30 ?f : :: . ? /!o 6 ? 9/, 3a' ? aio-oy zI"? d/o- a?3 .. „ ?" e. . ' ? i I I. I?•I ?T I i I I. • • I I Iji I? I? ;. y x ryENI ?.. . ? ?I y •? ? I `I \ oio-od -? D ?' ?,"=yoo'" SC/-1ooL.: DJ.tTr{JCT ASSESJ/1'lENTJ ? trY?•iM . U.CG/L?I : IG TC?O I-: ..W1'q T GA.d ?O? ?/7 ?I Pa.1 '`*?'!? /( OG d 7Pnd?n4 . / 0i0=61/ -2 oo Ff oio.- 03 7,7 0 A/ oio- dd aao ?? . . ? ? ?' ?.`= y??" SCHooL; . D/JTl?ICT ? . . C?'T"niM .P2r??e?(' ?qTC.?`?c? ?roj #^yg? -?nd.,i? . 77 d 7.7 n ?? , . . . "=y?o?" SCHooc: DI.rrr?lcT ASSESJy1E'NTJ' ?., oa 7r Gdoff . 910- 7-7 ?ioo ff . . . a R -2 o -ic _- ' . . ` j ? ? I II? ? ? ..?.?..I- E, I tt Y! 0 ? n n ? li e .:E - '_ -ae n ' "_ en•n ?r • I:1 ... 'i'' eirn t' d Dio-oq D/o-?S ?? 4,4 0/,11 f ??: : I I I r I I I I I ? I 4HI I ao Po I ID7QRTnY1gWl I I I P? F l??_? ?- I ? V . ? ?'Il __•?-??,1?----1 r i i :? ? .? ? ? 2 , . L? 4 ? _ OaM T I ? 1 J1?rm .etclPr Itt benoa ? Ti,. .,,G.i P ?? ? ? S Q I ? roho ir.e.0 ?L. oe.o N / o mo .oo I C. S. A. R 30\ ? ? .? ? ? ? LA. 36u i EX.OB ll PONO JPQBAr - I NWL-940.0 HW L= 951.0 aikO Y U m e PN H? F ? a'Y14 DIFFLEY ROAD \' ' 7 I EAGAN HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION BONESTR00, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. -.-STORM,SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Engineers & Architects PROJECT NO. 518 St. Poul, Minnesoto EAGAN, MINNESOTA Date: OCT. 1987 FIG. NO. 3 Comm. 49444 ? ? ?- ^ endi 17q 1 ;.? _j i ? ? _J - -r I iii i?c____-- A__ i i-i -T--'- _ ?-- i ? x3 `" \\ 1 1 u/z? APf /a tet a / a ?r d vit /?)' G4 I syn -F74' C? 6?.yy o xao .oo C. S. A. H. 30 K \ ? i EE I I \ I? roeo JPq4d IN?l T-'?_--_?- CUT IN 20 EAGAN HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT No. 518 EAGAN, MINNESOTA o• 5:' 01?1 O U ( IY 4 I ? D' G a Q ?, Im &N4A114 EXISTING iRESSURE REDUCING STATION WGTER M A W DIFFLEY ROAD BONESTR00, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineers & Architects St. Poul, Minnesota Date: OCT. 1987 FIG. NO. 2 Comm. 49444 \ Po; s / v ER. N R H I W : 4-RK . ? I 1 I I I I ? ? ? \ ? I 1 1 II / ? ? i r-j n Pp?rD ? I ' _l I \?J 5 3 0 ? ya, 3s.-?Fr /a/,7.30 N / a xao .oo C. S. A. H. 30 \ I? ?I 'i Ql- O raho Jn-34A ?Wl??fiq l. f0l.O N.? 1J1. ?-? ? EAGAN HIGH SCHOOL ADDITION SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT No. 518 EAGAN, MINNESOTA Y V ` ? G` Q ?P m Q \ NN C 1 ?? 4N/q DIFFLEY ROAD / V 1? BONESTR00, ROSENE, ANDERLIK dc ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineers & Architects St. Poul, Minnesota Date: OCT. 1987 FIG. No. 1 Comm. 49444 v SCoL; DJ.tT?ICT ASSESJ/LIENTJ ' N0/???ec? ?l?tm en ?cry ?oPo.?ed AaJP.r?m?? f-f , C?oc?iZ ? /t oa ol 30 V?octrodQ .?. _?. /.3o3,9a7 ?? -z ryF SCHoo1-: 0 r,r7- 6 1 C T ASsES,f/t'IENT.s' ? Co,:?.fy..IQo?d 30 . 11 6 y??scHooc; : 0 ,,r7 c7' HssES,rM EIvTs . _ Nb? '74XvI er?7 £leMr4 7a.Y :>': T??, lwa?' =,, . • /303, 9a f? .? /3? = /6, 9 s'? )5r SCHoDL_ OlJT?QIGT • ?Q'?a/I 1?, ?j ? c?ri/J o t7 / 0?'O ? ? :'?i, / GJ G y oo??'c : HSsc?:IM?NTs ?J O?P? ?JJ P.f? ??'j!?// 7?,/ ..? / y3 ?- 1? G ? ' 'v= voo• SCHooL: : DI.t76IC7- ASSESJ/LlENT•?' ? .. T-o pose d eI? n'tv?r t., ? ?d O/S/Acre = 90 6 ?S . J . . --?- . . . . . V , ','= voo'SCHooC: 0 J,!?l?1CT ASSESJ/LJENTJ l5A. 4hoa lPifl Po.r e o( ?.r.1 ?2fJ rn?? fs ? U/°• G/b r? @ So16 ?' = 51Ss .. -?- ? ? ? ?%