12/15/1982 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission• • A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE December 15, 1982 SUBJECT TO APPROVAL Members present were Thurston, Carroll, Kubik, Mcneely and Masin. The City Administrator was also present for the first portion of the committee meet- ing. Acting chair person Thurston called the meeting to order for the purpose of the final review of prepared material to be submitted to the City Council regarding the commercial and industrial parks dedication proposal. The Director of Parks and Recreation distributed the final typed version of the draft motion approved at the regular meeting of December 2nd. He also dis- tributed additional information to the committee that had been prepared. He stated the information had been regrouped into a different format for presentation to the City Council, but was based on the issues the committee had discussed. He indicated that he had reviewed this with the committee chair person who was in concurrence with its content. Committee member Carroll stated that he had been working with the Parks and Recreation Director in preparing this information and felt that it would convey to the City Council the Advisory Committee's concerns. There was general discussion by the Advisory Committee with questions to the Director of Parks and Recreation and City Administrator regarding the timing of the presentation to the City Council of this material and the process for implementation as well as other issues. Following a general discussion by the Advisory Committee, Mr. Kubik suggested some revisions to the material for readability, which the committee members were in agreement with. After the completion of the final review of the materials, chair person Thurston statedthat she felt that approval of the minutes of December 2nd were in order as they would be part of the packet information to be presented to the City Council. Member McNeely said a correction should be made on page 6 of the minutes changing the word "Nicols Road" to read "Pilot Knob Road." There being no other additions or changes to the minutes from December 2, 1982 on a motion by McNeely, seconded by Carroll, the minutes of December 2nd were approved. The chair person then requested a motion to direct staff to prepare the packet, with revisions; And approve the final motion to the City Council. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Kubik with all members voting in favor the information as presented at the special meeting was approved for City Council review. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business for the Advisory Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M. Dated: K.L.V. Advisory Parks & Recreation Committee Secretary