1286 Lone Oak Rd - Certificates of Occupancy Ttr#ifirtt#t uf (Orrupanry titp of (eagan Dppar'h2lPtif itf imbiI'lg j1tB#tPLliDtT This Cenificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 of ihe Uniform Building Code cerrifying that at tire tirne of issuance thrs smecture was in complrarrce with the various ordinances of the Crty tegulating building corrstruction or use- For the following: Use Ckssirwadon 1NTERIOR 1MPROVEMENT BWg Rnoit Na 15914 Oavo.ncY TW B-2 / B-1 zoo;ug aw;d GB .1?ix comc. Ownn of Huilding ?? OAK M" I•TD ?1nTAddr.'-*§0- $}W' 1oo* #53OW, t"PIa5 1286 IANE OAK RD ..._ L1.B1.FAIGNDAiL' IFMY LAKE 3PD DECEMBBR 29. 1988 orrnu POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE