11/01/2001 - City Council SpecialMINUTES OF A SPECIAL GOALS WORKSHOP OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1, 2001 CITY HALL COMMUNITY ROOM 4:30 P.M. Present: Mayor Awada, Councilmembers, Carlson, Fields and Tilley, City Administrator Hedges, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Chief Financial Officer Pepper, Parks and Recreation Director Vraa, Public Works Director Colbert, Police Chief Therkelsen, and Intern to the City Administrator Lord. Councilmember Bakken was absent due to his wife giving birth to their first child. CONSIDER WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STREET LIGHTING, STORM DRAINAGE & WATER QUALITY BUDGETS City Administrator Hedges introduced and distributed the 2002 proposed Public Utilities Budget. The City Council discussed the budget proposal and directed staff to prepare the final Public Utilities Budget for consideration. CONSIDER OWNERSHIP PROPSALS FOR WESCOTT SQUARE APARTMENTS City Administrator Hedges briefed the City Council on a meeting that took place with CommonBond Communities regarding their interest in acquiring Wescott Square Townhomes. The City Council discussed the process that would need to be followed should CommonBond be named as owners and redevelopers of Wescott Square. The City Council directed staff to write a letter to CommonBond to further inquire about CommonBond's approach to management and residential requirements. Councilmember Bakken reminded the Council that he would serve as the Council liaison for CommonBond. At the direction of the City Council, a resolution of intent to use eminent domain in the event that CommonBond is appointed as future owners and redevelopers of Wescott Square will be placed on the November 20 City Council agenda. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO MVTA JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AND BYLAWS The City Council reviewed the MVTA's newly proposed Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) and bylaws The City Council agreed that they want to see the at -large position on the MVTA board retained. The City Council directed staff to voice the City Attorney's concerns over the new JPA and bylaws to the MVTA. GOALS UPDATE The City Council agreed to ask Carl Neu to be a facilitator at the City Council's annual retreat. The tentative date for the retreat was set for either November 26 or 27. LEGAL SERVICES The City Council reviewed staff's recommendations, and it was the consensus of the City Council to proceed in appointing the recommended legal services providers. The City Council will consider the appointment of legal services providers at the November 8, 2001 City Council meeting. CHARTER COMMISSION The City Council reviewed correspondence sent to the City from State of Minnesota First Judicial District Judge Richard Spicer regarding the availability of meeting space for the Eagan Charter Commission. The City Council directed staff to send a response to Judge Spicer stating that the City has continually offered the Charter Commission meeting space in the City Hall Community Room and further, that the Charter Commission is not an appointed commission of the City Council. ICE SKATING SHELTER BUILDING IN CENTRAL PARK The City Council gave direction to the AprC to consider the ice skating shelter in Central Park as a capital expenditure from the Parks Site Fund to be included in the 2002 CIP. HIGH ALERT TERRORISM Police Chief Therkelsen briefed the City Council on how the City has proceeded in the wake of September 11. Therkelsen stated that the police department is in constant communication with other government entities, including at the State and Federal levels. Therkelsen also reviewed new training procedures for Eagan police officers. The City Council discussed the role of the City Council should a disaster occur. It was agreed that the City Council should not be involved in the day -to -day operations of the disaster recovery; rather, the City Council would become involved when resource needs have been exceeded or if policy decisions need to be made. IGH- BROADMOOR/ROYAL OAKS City Administrator Hedges updated the Council on the Broadmoor development, and stated that the developer have satisfied all conditions to vacate utilities. ECVB City Administrator Hedges briefed the Council about the meetings with ECVB representatives regarding the proposed restructuring of the ECVB. GIBRALTAR TRAIL Public Works Director Colbert briefed the City Council on the findings and costs associated with the Gibraltar Trail improvements. Colbert stated that Gibraltar Trail meets City flood standards, and after doing both television and visual inspections of the storm sewers in Gibraltar Trail, no blockages or defects were found. Consequently, at the direction of the City Council, a letter will be sent from the City to the residents of Gibraltar Trail stating that the City will make attempts to seek additional storm mitigation funding from the State; however, due to budgetary limitations, the improvements cannot be made at this time. The City Council stated that the City should know whether additional funding will be available by June 2, 2002. The meeting adjourned at 7 P.M. ADJOURN Date City Clerk If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, Braille, audio tapes, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, 651- 681 -4600, (TDD phone: 651- 454- 8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or status with regard to public assistance.