1429 Vince Tr - Site Survey9/56 -23} SUN[ 9001 EA Surveyor's Certicate ?- Survey For: MR. DON MORRISON North line of the C south 200 feet of Lot 6 30 DRIVEWAY EASEMENT 1I - .? ?i i ? J 99.8 x 0 n R. ' 4 0 h /?South line of Sec. 4, Twp. 27, Rge. 23 _?6 , 9?2.0 ? C A _ 9*9 _ 1024 ?: ---?- RL- 2fs- PROPERTY DESCRIPTION I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report South 208 feet of Lot 6, Zehnder Acres, was prepared by me or under my direct supervision The ?ccordinq to the plat thereof on file in the and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. office of the Register of Deeds, Dakota County, (::;--. ? ? ? A - h!innesota. ? O ? IRVEYING FREEWAY (35W) . CO 200.00 PRQP. HO o: m? 200.00 South line of Lot 6 EDWARD H. SUNDE T6R[G LANO fYRV[YOR A 55420 • 612-881•2455 a ? y a ? L() C;- ? L U c .. ai m v N 1 \? O _J 0 m 0 N 36 'TOP 0FHU8 IO .2 - --- ,3 x Note: Drivewa,y easement shown hereon per prev- f? ious survey by Paul R. Mclagan R Son dated April FF 18, 1974. ENCH MARK SPIKE IN NORTH FACE ASSUMED 100.00 30 Date Februag 4, 1977 Reg. No.__3612