800 Lone Oak Rd - Plan reveiw memosTO: TOM STRUVE, 5UPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT #32 LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CTTY ENGINEER KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR DAVE WESTERMAYER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: 06/02/2006 RE: PLAN REVIEW FOR DART TRANSIT ADDITION - 800 LONE OAK ROAD LOT 1- BLOCK 3 EAGANDALE DENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK 16 The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes No landscape security required ? Yes No water quality dedication ? Yes 'El No ZONING? METER SIZE park dedicahon ? Yes ? No trail dedication ??? s ? No tree dedication [,d" ?es ? No PgV.R2ie uired 6/? ( /06 Sigr&fure Date CD/FORMSBLDG INSPlPLAN REVIEW /M1KE LENCL AEV[SED 02/04 TO: TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SY5TEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR DAVE WESTERMAYER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: 06/02/2006 #32 RE: PLAN REVIEW FOR DART TRANSIT ADDITION - $00 LONE OAK ROAD LOT 1- BLOCK 3 EAGANDALE DENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK 16 The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes P No t ee dedication ? Yes ? No ? RV Required Signature ZONING?_ METER SIZE 6- ??o ?O Date CD/FORMSBLDG INSP/PLAN REVIEW /MIKE LENCE REVISED 02104 TO: TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAI. ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CTTY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR DAVE WESTERMAYER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: 06/02/2006 RE: PLAN REVIEW FOR DART TRANSIT ADDITION - 800 LONE OAK ROAD LOT 1- BLOCK 3 EAGANDALE DENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK 16 The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comrnents: Ok- C.?4 ;?.e? DYi f/e ;h ET,?. ?,,) ;` ???,e- 06- - 73p-N , 231 ?';. ? Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? ? ? ? ? ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? No ? No ? No ? No ? No CC No landscape security required water quality dedication park dedication trail dedication tree dedication PRV Required ?? A? , ' gnature Date ZONING? METER SIZE -& - C.) #32 CD/FORMS/BLDG INSP/PLAN REVIEW lMIKE LENCE KEVISED 02/04 TO: TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FIRE MARSHAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGIIVEER KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR 611KE RIDLEY, SENIOR PL PAUL HEUER, S ALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING INSPECTOR DAVE WESTERMAYER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: 06/02/2006 #32 RE: PLAN REVIEW FOR DART TRANSIT ADDITION - 800 LONE OAK ROAD LOT 1- BLOCK 3 EAGANDALE DENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK 16 The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to mv attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concerns with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ' Y I?, es ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication W Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes ? No PRV Required '01%Q?'1 ZONING? METER SIZE Signature Date CD/FORMS/BLDG INSP/PLAN REVIEW /MIKE LENCE REVISEll 02/04 TO: TOM STRUVE, SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS & EQUIPMENT LEON WEILAND, CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR DALE WEGLEITNER, FII2E MARSHAL ERIC MACBETH, WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR GREGG HOVE, CITY FORESTER JOHN GORDER, ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER KENT THERKELSEN, CHIEF OF POLICE MARK ANDERSON, ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR MIKE RIDLEY, SENIOR PLANNER PAUL HEUER, SYSTEMS ANALYST SCOTT PETERSON, BUILDING IN3PECTOR DAVE WESTERMAYER, ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN FROM: MIKE LENCE, SENIOR INSPECTOR DATE: 06/02/2006 #32 RE: PLAN REVIEW FOR DART TRANSIT ADDITION - 800 LONE OAK ROAD LOT 1- BLOCK 3 EAGANDALE DENTER INDUSTRIAL PARK 16 The plans are in our plan review section for your review and comment. Please return this form to my attention with your signed comments and the date of review within seven days. If you have any concems with these plans, please so indicate on this form and notify and resolve these issues with the affected parties. If you are requesting that issuance of the building permit be held, please fill out the proper "hold" request form. Comments: Indicate any fees that are to be collected with the building permit: AMOUNT ? Yes ? No landscape security required ? Yes ? No water quality dedication ? Yes ? No park dedication ? Yes ? No trail dedication ? Yes ? No tree dedication ? Yes _ 0 No PRV Required Signature CD/FORMS/BLDG INSP/PLAN REVIEW /MllCB LENCS ZONING? METER SIZE z, Date REVISED 02/04