03-26-1996 Agenda• ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT SUB - COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 26, 1996 5:00 p.m. • ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION AGENDA: 1. CaII to Order 2. Visitors to be heard 3. Prepare for Open Space Task Force • 4. Other 5. Adjournment EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER CONFERENCE ROOM 2A & 2B 5:00 p.m. • WILDER HEALTH CARE CTR TEL :612- 220 -1755 Rug 10 95 11:33 No.005 P.02 • APRNRC ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT SUB -COM M.l'1 "I'EE TIIURSDAY JULY 13, 1995 FTRF A T)MTNTSTR A TION B LiILD1NG 6:00 PM Members Present: David Slott, Mike Vincent, Ken Tyler, Steve Staff Present; Ken Vraa Notes 1. Acquisition -- North Pack Present uwi»ei multi; to sell putt of tlto property to the city. Discussion centered on the possible purchase of property on the north end of the park or to compensate the present owner for an easement, the eammenl/pwv1taye of property would enhance the bicycle path options. It was discussed that the cost of a permanent easement could be as much as the cost of the property. There seems to bo three options: 1.)buy all the Luis and easement, 2,) buy one lot and easement, and :1.) buy Just the easement. The sub committee recommended that parks staff should pursue further the first option i.e. purchase all of the property which the present owner wants to sell. 2. Gopher /City Exchange agreement Discussions between the City and representatives of Gopher City continue. One issue has come to staff's attention that a bicycle path around the south end of the lake would not work unless it encroached upon some of the property owned by Gopher, Boardwalks across the wetlands would be too expensive. Sub committee agreed that City staff should pursue discussions with Gopher that would address this matter as well as the discussions currently in play. 3. Capon Art Park Mr. Caponi has approached the City to discuss and review options for the city to purchase the present art park and some of the property owned by his son south of Diffley road, Mr, Caponi has also requested to be present at an APRNRC meeting to be part of the discussion, Sub committee felt that this purchase should be part of the larger issue of park expansion, park needs, and referendum issues, 4, Park Site 21 Preliminary development Proposal Discussion centered on the topic of need, Do we need a city park so close to Blackhawk School or due we need the cash dedication, Sub committee leaned toward the latter , $$$. 5. Carriage Hills Golf Course This golf course is for sale. Sub committee was excited about the possibility of the city owning a golf course. Other discussion topics were the possibility of an outdoor swimming pool and tennis cnnrta fuming built on the site. Whole commission will visit the site before next commission meeting. 6. Opus Response Short and sweet. if the city wants to buy the property opus will sell it at fair market value and will want to be paid in full. 7. Unysis Property Review WILDER HEALTH CARE CTR TEL:612- 220 -1755 Aug 10 95 11:33 No.005 P.03 • discussion was limited and concentrated on the possibility of preserving open space, possible comntunity space for swimming pool, and more ballfields. • • 4 vilyi, IJILDER HEALTH CARE CTR TEL :512 -220 -1755 Aug 10 95 11 :32 No.005 P.01 Date:. - -! .. p AMHERST H. WILDER EQUNUATION ! QERLY RESIDENTIAL SERVICES FAX TRANSMITTAL MEMO Number of pages including this page: � To; i le..74,)11 lecko Fram: �i p Time: 11 :25 Wilder Residence Edst Telephone #: 776 -4107 Fax #: 776 -5481 j= Wilder Residence West Telephone #; 220 -1 700 Fax #: 220 -1724 Sender's Direct Dial #: Wilder Health Care Center Telephone #: 220 -1740 Fax #: 220 -1755 Sender's Direct Dial #: 2 7--E) 1 /, Important Note: If you receive this information and it does not apply to you, destroy the information and inform us so that we can correct it. Thank you! • Amherst H. ( W i I d er Foundation Since 1906