05-25-1995 Minutes• • MINUTES RECREATION SUB-COMMITTEE MAY 25, 1995 The sub - committee meeting was convened at 6:30 PM. Commission members John Rudolph, Cindy Lynch, Sherie Wallace and staff Paula Nowariak, Jon Oyanagi, Walker Lee Ashley and Dorothy Peterson. Draft Behavior Policy: Paula Nowariak introduced and provided background information concerning the draft behavior policy. The draft is an integration of information from several MRPA workshops and from policies from the cities of Burnsville, Richfield, Moundsview and St. Paul. Commission member Rudolph commended the draft policy and suggested that addition of the parents' signature would add credibility to the policy. Sherie Wallace suggested that the child sign also. Discussion concerning return of the signed "contract" ensued. Paula suggested return by a specific date. Under the behavior expectation sections "other" category, Sherie suggested activity specific behaviors which include the children's ideas as they will be specific. John Rudolph inquired as to how we look now compared to other communities. Paula related that not many communities have a formal policy. Return to discussion of the draft policy, Paula related that behaviors are not specified as there are too many and too many parameters. She then provided committee members with a back -up discipline procedures page which would typically be placed in leader handbooks. Sheri stated that she liked utilizing parents' help. Paula responded that staff felt the need to put part of the responsibility for a child's behavior back on the parent. Sherie suggested that a new #2 be added to the behavior expectations stating the importance of the parent signing the behavior policy. Paula suggested adding a helpful hint for staff to use when speaking with a parent: Are there things that you do or the school does that are helpful? Jon Oyanagi suggested - Are there ways that are more effective than others in working with your child? Sherie wondered whether we could ask - Is there anything you want us to know about your IIII child? 0 Paula related that all workshop information recommended no more than 5 behavior expectations be listed. • John Rudolph related the importance of asking the children and recognize their list also. Sheri complimented the draft policy, as did Cindy and John. Their recommendation is to bring the policy to the full Commission. Draft Recreation /Leisure Program Policies: No additional additions were made to the proposed policies. The next step, over the course of the next several months, is to identify Department Recreation Program Standards that are the underpinning of each of the 14 policy statements. Commission members commented how the Department Mission Statement barely recognizes recreation. The suggestion is to bring forward a recreation mission statement as called for by the Recreation Section of the 1994 Parks Master Plan. Sherie suggested that the sub - committee members utilize the last years brochures to assess where programs are falling into the various program policies. At the next meeting a graphic review can be made. Sponsorship: Discussion took place on the related terms sponsorship and donations. The consensus was that sponsors wish to see their name on things. Donations, as now utilized in the department are Tess formal and typically a result from original initiation by the donor. Sherie, from her Chambers of Commerce contacts, informed the Committee that there is interest in the business community for establishing relationships with the Department. Staff discussed their perception that it is inappropriate for city staff to solicit donations. Commission members were of the opinion that this a gray area that needs to be addressed. Sherie brought forward the thought that a list should be developed that indicated what dollars could buy. She also felt it would be important to acknowledge "gifts" in some way. Staff and Commission members alike agreed that sponsorship policies, when developed, are city wide policies. • Sponsorship will be addressed in two ways at the next sub - committee meeting. Staff will compile a report on what other cities are doing. Staff will also submit three "tough" • • questions concerning sponsorship for Sub - Committee Commission members to wrestle with! Environmental Education: The sub - committee agreed that this is a long term task, tied in with future development of Patrick Eagan Park perhaps. In the short term, nature related activities and camps are offered. John Rudolph suggested that within this area the Department could develop problems for teachers teaching environmental studies. The problems could become projects for students. Partnerships could be developed with schools, with the Department providing "canned" lesson plans concerning environmental topics. Athletic Facility Needs: This discussion is differed to correspond with the Commission's considerations for the needs for overall funding for facility acquisition and development. Three meeting dates were set. The Recreation Sub - committee will met at 7:00 PM at the Department offices on: cs2 /minutes.dp June 22, 1995 July 20, 1995 August 24, 1995 The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.