D. Notice of Compliance with CoC, 2-26-10
April 9, 2010
Re: Sanitary Sewer System Inspection – Certificate of Compliance
4721 Pebble Beach Way
Dear Property Owner,
The sanitary sewer service to your property was recently inspected by the City as
part of its City-wide Inflow & Infiltration (I/I) Program. I am please to inform
you that our inspection indicates that your sewer service system has been found
to be in compliance with Section 3.40 of the City Code.
Your Inflow & Infiltration Certificate of Compliance is enclosed with this letter.
This certificate is valuable information to you and for prospective purchasers of
your property and should stay with the compliant property.
Thank you for your cooperation in this inspection program. If you have any
questions regarding this matter, please contact our Utility Division at (651) 675-