04/19/2010 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionApproved May 17, 2010 N ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN. MINNESOTA ES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 2010 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on April 19, 2010. Commission Members present: Rebecca Aaning, Thor Anderson, Phil Belfiori, Jennifer Dahlquist, Bruce Goff, Duane Hansen and Michael Palmer. Member Halverson was not present. Staff members present included: Superintendent of Operations Cherryl Mesko, Superintendent of Parks Paul Olson, Recreation Program Manager Paula Nowariak and Recreation Supervisor Kerry Phillips. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Goff moved, Member Hansen seconded, with all members present voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. There were no visitors to be heard. �P PROV.AL OF MINUTES OF MARCH 15, 2010 Member Goff moved, Member Belfiori seconded, with all present members voting in favor to approve the minutes March 15, 2010. VISITORS TO BE HEARD DIRECTOR'S DEPARTMENT UPDATE Superintendent Olson highlighted the service building construction in Central Park just north of the Eagan Community Center. He stated that the concrete has been poured and the walls should be going up within the week with a late summer completion expected. Olson also noted that the Toro Company is back this year using the turf for demonstration purposes to test out their machines, irrigation systems are ready for the time when they need to be used in the parks, and that restrooms in park buildings will not be open until after Memorial Day due to staffing and budget. Superintendent Olson spoke of the Federal stimulus grant, which was received last year for energy improvements to several government buildings. Improvements focus on lighting, water and air systems with all improvements scheduled to be finished by mid July Olson also noted the Emerald Ash borer grant, stating that approximately 100 trees were taken down in the Cedar Grove area and will be replaced with more desirable trees. Some of the money will be used to treat approximately 300 park trees and replace 35 high at risk trees. Member Palmer asked if people have been advised to plant another species of tree to replace the ash and Superintendent Olson replied that people should contact the Forestry department for a list of different trees to choose from, as it is all dependent upon where in the city you live. Superintendent Olson added an update on the annual Buckthorn project and concluded with the importance of not trimming Oak trees because of the high risk of Oak wilt at this time of year. Superintendent of Operations Cherryl Mesko highlighted several upcoming events; the Annual Ice Show at the Civic Arena on Saturday May 1 st with show times at 2:00 & 6:30 pm , the Holz Farm Spring Festival and Arbor Day celebrations that will take place 011 Sunday May 16 from 11:00 am — 4:00 pm and the Eagan Foundation wine tasting event on Thursday April 22 " Mesko also highlighted Art House and Preschool Programs noting that the number of participants are increasing which is a reflection of all the wonderful programs recreation has to offer. She finished with an update on the Civic Arena geothermal projec. Member Goff asked how the Woodhaven community garden plots were different from the plots offered at Bridle Ridge Park. Superintendent Olson responded by saying that the Woodhaven project is run by the Eagan Resource Center who operates the food shelf in Eagan, and are working with families who use the food shelves to teach them how to grow fresh produce on their own as well as helping with their gardening skills. Advisory Parks Commission April 19, 2010 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA Member Goff moved that May 16 should be set as Arbor Day and May as Arbor Month in the City of Eagan. Member Anderson seconded, with all members voting in favor to approve. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no Development Proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS Close the 30 - day public comment period for Art in public spaces. Superintendent Mesko reminded the Commission that they had opened a 30 day public comment period at their March 15 meeting to respond to a plan to place a heros' memorial in a public park. The 30 day period expired on April 15 and Mesko stated there were no comments received from the public. Having noted that there were no comments from the public, Member Hansen moved to close the 30 -day public comment period for the request to place art in public spaces. Member Anning seconded with all members in favor. Member Palmer moved to make a recommendation to the City Council to move forward with the March 15`'' proposal to place the Hero's Memorial at the identified location in Central Park. Member Aaning seconded, with all members voting in favor. Member Belfiori thanked Margo Danner for her Leadership with this project. There were no Communications items to review. NEW BUSINESS There were no new business items for the Commission to review. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS Superintendent Mesko introduced Recreation Program Manager Paula Nowariak and Recreation Supervisor Kerry Phillips to provide a recreation program update. Manager Nowariak gave a brief overview highlighting the Discover the Value Campaign focusing on the value of partnerships within the City of Eagan. One of the highlights included a brief video of children in an after school program being conducted by staff from Dakota Hills Middle school and professionals from The Brave New Workshop Improv Company. Supervisor Phillips touched on the volunteer partnership with Rasmussen College noting that they had helped out with more than 75% of the volunteers for the Halloween Hodgepodge and will be volunteering help with the registrations and water stations at the upcoming Fun Run event on Saturday May 15 Rasmussen College representatives shared their perspective of the value of encouraging their students to become involved in the community. To their delight the college has seen a great interest in expanded volunteerism and appreciated the opportunity to partner with the City of Eagan for many events during the year. Member Anderson asked how many kids took place in the Brave New Workshop. Manager Nowariak responded that 30 -40 kids participated in that program. Member Belfiori thanked everyone for a very nice presentation. COMMUNICATIONS Advisory Parks Commission April 19, 2010 Page 3 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Member Hansen moved, Member Anderson seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m. ROUND TABLE Member Belfiori thanked Commission Members Duane Hansen and Thor Anderson for their years of service on the Commission. Member Palmer mentioned that the Arena Softball season is wrapping up with great participation and once again was run excellently. Member Hansen thanked everyone for the nice words and stated it has been a pleasure serving on the commission for the last 6 years. Member Anderson thanked fellow commission members and staff, stating that although he has only served on the commission for a little while he has definitely learned a lot and encouraged anyone to become a commission member. Member Dahlquist acknowledged Director Johnson who was absent from the meeting due to the fact she was running the Boston Marathon. Date