887 Oak Ct - Site Survey. ? ? 53„?- _ _- , F `os 7 / w e ? Q?0? e\ ?I. 6eb ? ?'o toa ? ?P ^,? Z?o ??'.::; `903 ? •? f?;::'• ? :?; -•. ? '?'?:+ Fr . ? i •\ ? ...; Y/f 'D. l9o o: ?p \ vb 9 ..i?IVED 90-.1 ?"? 5EP 2 01999 `-? • EAGAN IEWEC7 ? \\ REV \ • \ ?v,s.S'? 9,?? ? ?P'? ,- ,- ,- n ? , , ? \ Drainage & \ utility easement \ ; <: :•^;?(?;?!?:ii,'?iVG LtI1P'.P_ ile: 1" = 30' ZX MAxr4TATN SWALe ON. `O. PkaP. L'xv? ? 2.7a GRAflE °?, i? ?'?' EN SuRe '$RCk 0\1 ? )YARD '?RAZN?E , ?o o\? Yn..?'1 ?0oa7??-? ?o ?. ?01 ?1Zi o f > LD i= 16, 061 5d1, Fr: p oVs? = z13D4 sW:F`r, , 7op curb to Gar slab =_3L0__ ` Top block = .1a5?69 ? Lowest bsmt flr = lg?,32 887 Oak Court t DESCRIPTION hereby certify that thfs survey, plan, or Lot 6, Block 1, ort was prepared by me or under my direct GARDENWOOD PONDS THIRD >ervision and that I am a duly Registered Dakota. County, Minnesota id Surveyor under the Laws of the State plat b'earings shown Mi?gsot . o Denotes fron monument Exlsting_,,, Proposed te P 9 Reg. Nb. 8140 ----- R6v zo SE? 99 BRANDT ENGINEERING & SURVEYING CERTIFlCATE OF SURVEY for D.R. HORTON ? ? N?g•o653 ? cr $5 ? _ qo9 ,---- ? `o?y?? ? Drainage & ? utility easement \ \ \ ? \\\ ? ? \ \ \ ? ? ? 1 ? ---? \ \ \ ? p°lo , _nN?sr6 ? 19'I e\ ?? i? a 05 qos.c?? ?3,9i $ ? `^ ? 9AC r2o•o q?o??? \ - 7 < 5 6? ? ZoP qo' 1a _v / . 10 MAxroTATN Sr„vAt-e OM & 2-7e 6RwoE- ZP,`ro. F- Ta E?SURE 'BRCk- ? )YARD 'i)RAaNAr=E: \ ? ? / ?.. 'a ,,EfVED SfP 2 01999 ?3 0 ?QI.?J a3 5y ? ?o M32-2070-99 / '°_ 19oa6?? c??o ?D ?,. ?.... .. .. _ . , . ,.. FI:t?.FN(z DFP'i: Scale: 1" = 30' I hereby certify that this survey, plon, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Laws of the State of M'n??gsot?. / , ?Dat ^ ?EQ ?9 g _Reg. No. 8140 Lo i = 16,061 SdI,Fr ?IovsE = z?3?6 Ss? ? Top curb to Gar slab =_3L0__ ' Top 61ock = 2a5,2- ? Lowest bsmt flr = 887 Oak Court DESCRIPTION Lot 6, Block 1, GARDENWOOD PONDS THIRD Dakota County, Minnesota Plat bearings shown o Denotes iron monument ? Existing-*IN Proposed BRANDT ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 1600 West 143rd Street, Burnsville, MN 55306 (612) 435-1966 Su ite 206 M32-2070-9y RECEIVED SEP 2 0 1999 ( "l ? .tI VEp ..MA1(`f7qZ4 St)ALEe PRJD,P. L.x48k1 27.4;RADE' Td EN5URE 'gp CKyAPD ? ?)RHTNAGC. .. ?. ;!?;L'.rl'•7.._?Sf7GDk;P'i. Scale: 1" = 30' DESCRIPTION 1 hereby cer[i(y that this survey, plon, or report wos prepored by me or under my direct supervision and that I om a duly Reqistered Land Surveyor under lhe Lows o( the Stale af Minngsol Dote ?SFP Reg. No, 8140 Loi = 16,o61 SQ,Fr ? Nou sE= 213e6 re.Fr. ? Top curb to Gar slab ? ToD block = 145-¢L , Lowest bsmt flr - $?7_..P2 887 Oak Court Lol B. Block 1, CARDENW00D PONDS THIRD Dokota County, Minnesota Plat bearings shown a Denoles iron monumenl /` - - Ezi sling j Proposed BRANDT ENGINEERING & SURVEYING 1600 West 143rd Street, Suite 206 Burnsville, MN 55306 (612) 435-1966 M32-20?0-99 M32-2070-99 cERnFIcATE oF suRVEY for D.R. HORTON