4245 Dodd Rd - Site SurveyT T,,-RI-LAND INC. SURVEYING JOSEPH M. MILLER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Eagan. Minnesota 55121 a¢ Vie' a? J i? Ngg°_yg'.ty?E a ri* O J I Sj 0@9.48-24L ` h M M ? O N LL I v O^ 640 ti ^Q, R? I LEGAL DFSCQIPT101J, tetx, BLK t1 SWOUT F1FTA 100. Scat I hereby certify that this survey, plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Land Surveyor under the Laws of the State of Minnesota. Bradley J. S wefi&n Mn. Reg No. 15235 Date: /O/a/8y