4504 Oak Chase Rd?? ? I ? ? (.o RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD, EACAN MN 55122 -5 651-681-4675 O New Conshuction Renuirements • 3 registe2d site surveys shovring sq. ft. of lot, sq. ft. of house; and all roofed areas (20%maximum lat covera9e allowed) • 2 copies of plan showin9 beam & window sizes; paured found design, etc.) • 1 set of Energy Calculations • 3 copies of Tree Preservation Plan if lot platted after 7I1/93 . Rim Joist Det2il Options selecfion shcet (Gdgs with 3 or less units) DATE RemodellReoair Reauirements . 2 wpies of plan • 1 set af Energy Calculatians for heated additions • 1 sitesurveyforexterioradditions8decks . Indicate if home served 6y septic sysfem for additians VALUATION SITE ADDRESS D% k CIv*Se RD - MULTI-FAMILY BLDG _Y _ N TYPE OF WORK 7C-lTDO r FIREPLACE(S) _ 0_ 2 APPLICANT 41Co?e- 7ar7C?uS °?-' ?e1?rltJ? STREET ADDRESS ??BS??f,J!/ lE .B/?d? . S?Te /3 d CITY&eA) 4r,B rF STATE?ziP 6-6ayG TELEPHONE # 9j;2•975(-r_5'd35_' CELl PHONE # FAX # 9'5a"9n'1SBef PROPERTY OWNER //WZ_,?Wl ky ISk? TELEPHONE # 07' I/a 7-36l d COMPLETE FOR "NEW" RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ONLY Energy Code Category _ MINNESO"CA RLIL.E:S 7670 CATEGORY l MINNESO'1'A RULES 7672 (J su6mission type) • Residential VentllaUOn Category 1 Worksheet SuBmitted • New Energy Code Woricsheet Submitted • Energy Envelope CalculaGons Submitted Plumbing Contwctor: __ Plumbing systetn includes: Mechanical Contractor: Mechaiiical systecn includes: Sewer/Water Contractor. Air Conditioniiig _ Heat Recovery System ,''Vc:V ?000.? (i 3V 0 8 2002 Phone # Pc:- Phone # I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to comply with all applicable Stote of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant gz'C1? OFFICE USE ONLY _ Water Softener _ Water Heater _ No. of Balhs __ PEtOtlC {k Lawn Sprinkler No. oF A.I. Bad Certificates of Survey Received _ Tree Preservation Plan Received _ Not Required _ Updated 4102 PERMIT # 14 `C -D- G- I RECEIPT DATE: ? - ? q - v ? RESIDENI7AL PLUM$INfi PF"1T A"LICATION C--- ? j? crrYoFEAsM 3830 -Pu.ar Kvos Ru EAHAA, Mft 551E8 651-681-4675 ? Please complete for: ? single family dwellings ? townhomes and condos when permits are required for each unit ? backflow preventer for irrigation system SITEADDRESS: OWNER NAME: : TELEPHONE #: (AREA CODE) INSTALLER NAME: ?LMK; NJ(i ??FM? ?.1C , TELEPHONE #: 2? S33' ?.0?3 > n 1 STREET ADDRESS: L?j 't'j (AREA CODE) ? o?Ca Al,nn' ?Qn\ CITY: ?RIDp"eJ nSTATE: AvlIIJ• ZIP: SS?! a ? Place a check mark next to the permit work type New residential dwelling unit under consVUCtion and not owner/occupied $ 90.00 Add-on, modification or alteration to existina dwelling unit, including: $ 50.00 • abandonment of septic system • new installation/repair/rebuild of RPZ • lawn irrigation system • waterturnaround Nature of work: Fx4 mS , Septic System, new/refurbished - $ 225.00 • includes County & Consulting Inspector fees • requires MPC license State Surcharge $ 50 Total $ Reminder: Be sure to schedule inspections of alterations, i.e. water heaters, water softeners, etc. I here6y acknowledge tha[ I have read this application, state that the information is correct, and agree to complywith all applicable City of Eagan ordinances. It is the applicanPs responsibility to notify the property owner that the Cityof Eagan assumes no liability for any damages c2lised by the City during its normal operational and maintenance activities to the facilifies constructed under this permit within City propertyfrigh of- easement. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE Updated 1/01 BLOMQUIST, Beatta M. 3,?7-:,-lN)147 /DLH 38628340-05 ' -- ? CERTIFICATION OF BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENT TO: Local Issuing Authority of Building Permits RE: Building Pemut Requirements For property of: Beatta M. Blomauist Located at: 4504 Oak Chase Road, Eagan. Minnesota 55123 Please certify below the appropriate status regazding the Building Pemut requirements for the above referenced property. _ A Building Permit is NOT REQiTIRED for the repair/replacement construcdon on the above mentioned residence. _ A Building Permit is REQiJIItED and a copy of said permit is attached hereto. Seismic StudY Pursuant to Executive Order 12699 on Seismic Safety of Federal and Federally Assisted or Regulated New Business Construcuon, all new building construction that is assisted by the Federal Government must meet Seismic Safery Requirements specified in the National Earthquake Hazazds Reduction Act of 1977. Piease cerdfy below regarding compliance with said requirements when loan funds aze to be used for the construction of a comnletelv new buildine or an addition to an existing buildine. _ All new building construction on the above mentioned pmperty meets the "1988 National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program Recommended Provisions for the Development of Seismic Regulations for New Construction." _ Local building code does not include Seismic Safety Requirements. DATE: 00 i SIGNED: d* as /e?---e/ m.,?. .. ? n Q . ? ? ???JI_ ? // After completion please return to: U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMIIVISTRATION One Baltimore Place, Suite 300 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 PERMIT City of Eagan 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN 55122 (651)681-4675 Permit Type: Building PernvtNumber: EA042296 Date Issued: 08/15/2000 Site Address: 4504 nak Chase Rd Lot: 2 Block: 2 Addi6on: OakChase Ist PID: 10-53500-020-02 Use: Description: Sub Type: Exterior Alterations - SF UBC Occupancy: Work Type: Reroof Construction Type: Description: Zoning: Census Code: 434 Squaze Feet: Remal.kS: Two inspections aze tequired: Ice and water / and a final inspectioa (ld) Fee Summary: Valuation: $6,000.00 Base Fee 125.25 3210-900I State Surcharce 3.00 2155-9001 5128.25 Contractor: - nPpiicant - Owner: Gopher Co St. Lic.: 8617 Beatta Blomquist 445 Malcolm Avenue SE 4504 Oak Chase Road Minneapolis, MN 55414 6123311555 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to comply with all applicable State of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. ApplicanUPermitee: Signamre Issued By: Signature 2OW STORM DAMAGE PERMITAPPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EAGAN ?/ 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 651-681-4675 ? Reaulremenh ? 2 copfes ot plan a a DATE: ' 9'- 61 CONSTRUCTION COST: Ia O L.I DESCRIPTION OF,Y?VORK: If mulN-family bldg., how many units? INDICATE TH FOCC09V?QE?O BE 'REPLACED AND BY W OM: X Plumbing Homeowner gd Contractor Name _ Mechanical _ Homeowner g[ Contractor Name "Note: If somebody other man me homeowner is performing plumbing or mechanical work, They mustapply forappropriote permit. Only licensed plumbing contractor or homeowner may complete plumbing work. STREET ADDRESS: CI Cl-,- ed LOT: BLOCK: Name: /871_0(1') QU t S T OE/4 Phone ??: 6,5- 1- c/i~q? VJ1 LaSf Firsf ? SUBD./P.I.D. #: PROPERTY OWNER ?c/z CGca? R __? CiTy Sfafe: l2. ? ,f 1 Zip: Street Company: CONTRAC70R Sheet Address: V?5-d Ci1y d-1- ,-: --r4a-? P ? Sta? / I ? ? ? M I I L'J ? ? ? JAN 9 2001 I J I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state thaf The information is conect, and agree to comply wilh all applicableState of Minnesofa Staiutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signature of Applicant: ? n a: GiZ ??9- qi?? (area code) License# a0j9ao? Exp. 21p: S'?/?3 .4T5- _ _- -"" - - _'_'---- ? VH 4 _ j'?• -i? . . _ 'n (i` .. . .._µ..._.___.._._...._....____ _......._..23'B_:.-: ? ? N? (Fp ? V ?r ? e n? ,•1 X ? ?l ? *****?********************************* CITY OF EAGAN CASHIER: JS TERMINAL NO: 775 DATE: 08/15/00 TIME: 10:09:56 ID: , NAME: THE GOPHER COMPANY, INC. 3210 9001 4504 OAK CHASE 125.25 2155 9001 4504 OAK CHASE 3.00 Total Receipt Amount: 128.25 CR135870 USER ID: JAN 2000 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (RESIDENTIAL) CITY OF EACAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD - 55122 851-681-4875 a?5 New ConsfiucHan Reaulremenh ggmodel/Reoaif Reaulrert?is > 3 reglatered flte auney$ showlny sq. fl. OI bt, aq. fl. of house antl pa rootetl areas (40% mmAmum bt covemae atlowedf > 2 coplea ol plans (ahow 6eam & wintlow slzea; pouretl tnd deslgn; etc.) > 1 aef o1 enerpy calculalions n 3 coples of hee preAonaHon plan It lot platled aNer 711 /93 DATE: (// l "l/ Z0C10 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: STREET ADDRESS: LOT: BLOCK: J- SUBD./P.I.D. #: 2 eopies W plan 1 set ol energy cdcWatlons lor healed addlMOns 1 site wrvey for extedor addHlau d decks CONSTRUCTION COST: ? • ov PROPERTY OWNER f??` ?_. L Name: f-?'?o -e-L Phone lf: 7-? l7 ?? O v LOa Flrs1 Sheet Address: jTvJz oa CiN E A4,? Stafe: zip: D" . Company: -7?'/l? Phone /: Tt- (area code) COMRACTOR STMee, Address.yy.5/ .-!a= lJcense A ?R.147-ExP• 3? f City 2I.fLZ- Stafe: M/V Z1p: J J?H ARCHITECT/ ENGINEER Company: Name: Telephone 9: ( Sheet Address: RegishaHon #: _ CMy State: Zip: SeweNdvater licensed plumber (if treWltlm sewer/water): Phone #: I hereby acknowledye ihat I have read this applkatbn, alafe thaf Ihe infortnatlon is cortecf, and agree to comply with aO apppcaWe Stafe of Minnesota Stahites and Cily of Eagan Ordinanees. PAA Signature of ApplicanY. G OFFICE USE ONLY Certificates of Survey Received _ Yes _ No Tree Preservation Plan Received - Yes - No - Not Required ? RFCEiVED AUG 14 2000 BY: fiAG.4N TCIWNSHIP 3795 Pilot Knob Road St. Paul, Minne•ota 55111 Telephone 454-5242 PERMIT FOR SEWER SERVTCE CONNECTION DATE: November 13, 1972 QWNER: James Marosa PLUMBER same NUMBER 1203 ? Address tx 4504 Oak Chase 3',?) GG. I? TYPE OF PIPE heav,g cast ison DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING industriall Coffiercial[ Residentiai I Multiple Dwelliag I No. of units Location of Connections: Connection Charge 260.00 pd 71/13/72. Permit Fee 10.00 pd 11/13/72 2 Street Repairs Total Inspected by: Date Remarks: Sy Chief Inspector In consideration of the issue atnd delivery to me of the above pexmit, I hereby agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulations of Eagan Township, Dakota CounCy, Minneaota Hy James Marosa Please notify when ready for inspection and connecCion and bafore any portian of the worlc is covered. EAGF.N TOWNSHIP 3795 P11ot Knob Road St. Paul, Minaesota 55111 Telephoae 454-5242 PERNII T FUR WATER Date: November 13, 1972 - Billing Name• James Marosa Owner: tion ? ?. Building is a: Residence xx Multiple no. coonnercia 1 Ixtdus tria 1 Other Meter G i 'f o 1 /13/72 Permit Fee 10.00 pd 11/13/72 ./'13/72 s/c Meter Reading? 'Meter Dep. MeCer Sealed: Yeai lAddll Chg. NO iTotal Chg. Inspected by Date Remarks: CONNECTION Number: 103$ o? o) SiYe Address: 4504 Oak Chase Billing Address $25.00 RE-1NSPECTIO(V FEE FOR IMPROPERLY iPJS7ALLED METERS. By: Chief Inspector Ia consideration of the issue and delivery to me of the above permit, I hereby agree to do tir proposed work in accordance with the rules and regulations of Eagan Township, Dakota County, Minttesota. By: Please notify [he above office whea ready for inspection and conaection. MASTER CARD 0 OWNER STRUCTURE AND c I LAND USED AS yir f;1,4j M /+ nk/ r UG+'l Permif No. i Issued Issued Ta Conirador Owner BUILDING PLUMBING ? v? CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK - - WELI ELECTRICAL HEATING GAS INSTALIING I SANITARY SEWER OTHER ? oe OTHER I • LJ Items Approved (Initiap Date Remarks Distance From Well FOOTING ? v SEPTIC FOUNDATION A. 7 1/ CESSPOOL FRAMING TILE FIELD FT. FINAL ELECTRICAL HE4TING DEPTH OF WELL GAS INSTALIATION I SEPTIC TANK CESSPOOL DRAINFIELD I PLUMBING ?12 WELL SANITARY SEWER _ . ? ??? . `-P ? ? . / Violations Noted on Back COMMENTS: 6124545445 FROM : BER BLOMQUIST PHONE N0. : 6124545445 Sun. 36 2000 16:52AM P2/2 7une 2R, 200E1 Art and Karar Perri 4486 Oa& CUxse Raed EMa hRN, 55123 Ilear Kanett and Art, Pleasc let this Fetter servc as written aatice to you thrt !he 1wokxaPir'g you fiavc done m ywr ProDerty On the souW sidc 514486 Oak C.iau Read tps enaoaclud oa my propc[ly ffi 4504 Oak CEiase RaeQ. I have not nm have i ever 6ad any intcMion of gvvig up this 3mid. i am aware thmt you rearoved the propCrty mazker for our respeCtive properties at the lime the landscaping was dane. Ftuther I am awsxe tk4M you liave 6een intentionx33y mowing mq I»wn aml reueaving pFmA enaterial 3 have Plazzod on mS DroPutY- I ask that you cease any and a31 activity on my propeiky at 4540aic Cfase Road 'umnae}ialefy- I wi}l liave to determine w•haf to do about the Ixndacape enxoeciaventt. Again it is not n1y inErniion to ever give up any of my property far ya+r ose. Si Hea Blomqnist 4504 Oalc Chase Itaad Eagan, MT•F 55123 a -;? oeck uxLee 7 -"? ? Lg ? ? 1345 Crestridge Ln. #203 Eaganp Minnesota 55123 May 3, 1979 Ms. Heatta Blomquist Vice Chairpersan - A.P.G. 4504 Oek Chase Road Eagang Minnesota 55123 Dear Ms. Blomquist, I want to thank you for your support and your vote which once again denied the proposed community shopping center along Crestxidge Lane. A center o8 this size and scope would not only have a severe negative impact on the residential character of the neighborhood, but would also harte a negative impact on the economie 6alance within Eagan as well as on the surrounding environment. While I understand that commercial development on a smaller scale, such as an offiee park# may eventually be approved, I ask that you stand fast in your conviction against the type of large scale community shopping center proposed along Crestridge Lane. Sincerely, vv /I??//r Wm. P. Grantz, Jr. 3 ? PRRctL- 450¢ OAV- Cv4hSE 9 MEMO T0: PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR COLBERT FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: MAY 2$, 1982 SUBJECT: ED BLOMQUIST PROPERTY ?I o_ 33??n aao o a= This past winter, Bea Blomquist submitted a letter to the City regarding alleged damage that was caused to trees on her property due to snowplowing operations. lt was the position of the City that if there was any damage she should bring it to our attention in late spring or early summer and arrangements would be made to replace the damaged bushes or trees. Mrs. Blomquist brought to my attention yesterday that there is one tree that apparently was severely damaged due to the snowplowing and she is re- questing that a new tree be planted. Your cooperation and coordination in reviewing the property and making arrangements for replacement are appreciated. ? ity A ministrator WQl' ?S , Dear Mrs. Blomquistt We thank you for your etand Tuesday evening in regasd to the Shopping Center Iesue. Your knowledge and understanding aad oratory talent ahould be commended. There should be more women like you in governmeat. Thie Shopping Center is about the moat rldiculous project for this area that we caa conceive. The xhole thing ra6 handled in euch a messy, aneaky wa' in the first place, ae though the resldente here were nothing. Thie ie a trend nowadaye, and we think it ia time to turn it a;ouad. YPhy do ae have to have these outide degelopers moving 1a and creating another asphalt juagle in our residential areas. Eagan is a lovely area and we should try to keep it that way with carefnl and intelligent planning. If all these commercial centera take over, it ie going to disconrage families from moving in. Then rho aill support them. Parking lots are one oY the greateetcrime ineentivee there are. Drinking and drug exehange is taking place there, theft and pnrse snatching, also. We know that Mr. %lein carriea a lot of elout up at the City Hall, and who his cohorts are. We have not heard a good reord for that man since ae moved ia. His main intereet reeka of greed, and money takes prededenee over the resideata. He cares for no otte but himselY and eohorts. He seems to revel in holding some kind of threat ovsr these citizens as to the uee of that property if we don't let this project in. We are just trying to keep our area clean, decent, and safe for family life and iatend to fight for Lhat. They are crying over all the money they have spent in excavation. That io their faulY alone. They had no business coming in and tearing it sll up, uprooting ell the treea, without permiasion. They have only themselvee to blame. Mr. %leia is certainly spending a lot of time with the council membere trying to aet things up hig way and have it all cut and dried bsfore it gets to the Council Neeting. We do not like the way he operatea, or anything connected with him. Citizens are getting together because of his dealings. The yankee Doodle Square is a fine shopping area, and ehould not be threatened, after the inveatmants they have made. Let's give them 8 Ct18AC0. Sincerely, Y P.S. Why is it that Mr. Wohlere is never there at the memtings? He certainly attends the private onee. Thie is eleo questionable. Mr. Blein knows the circumatances around this property handling and is trying to aweep the dirt under the rug. He of all people, ahould know better. We aren'* atupid. It'6 too bad this letter was necessary, but re believe in telling it like it ie. ,Aln rD 5E, ? \ t??,? a?k HOME MODERNIZERS INC. 2261 3T. CROIX ST. X PAUL MINNESOTA _ ? ORDER FOR MATERIAL AND (T.. ABOR TO FURNISHED AT Street 5aid materials and labor to cost $ $ payable in +nonthly installments of $ eaeh, interest included. Any work done at the request of the owners and not apecifically lieted herein will be chazged for as an extra. This agreement ahall bewme binding only upon the Contraetor's written acceptance hereof or upon the Contractor's commencing performance and upon such acceptance or commencement of performance this shall constitute the entire contract and be binding upon the parties hereto, there being no covenants, promises or agreements, written or oral, except ae herein set forth. The Purchaser ia dealing with the Contractor as principal and that the Contractor is not acting herevnder aa the ugent or representative of any person, firm or corporation. Owner agrees that in event of cancellation of this contract be£ore work is started, Owner ahall pay to HOME. MODERNIZER$ INC., on demand, twenty-five per cent (26%) of the contxact price as its stipulated damages for the breach. Make all checks or money orders payable to HOME MODERNIZERS INC. SURPLUS MATERIALS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR 0 Bw+esboo. Rosene. Antlerlik antl Associates, Ix. I5 an AHirtnafive AcliorvE9ual OpportunM1y Emp/oyer and Employee Owned PnncipalsOtto Boneslroa, P.E.. Marvin L. Sorvala, P.E. • Glenn R. Cook, P.E.. RoheR G. SchunicM, P.E. • Jerry A. Bourdon, P.E. SenrorConsuttants: Robert W. Rosene, P.E.. Joseph C. Antlerlik P. E.. Richard E. Tumer, P.E. Bonestr00 •SusanM-Ebedin,C.P.A. Rosene Assomate Pnxipals Howard A Sanford, P E. Kedh A. Gordan, P E. Robert R MeRetle, P E. ? RichaM W. Foster, P.E.. DaviA Q Loskota, P_E. • Rabert C. Russek, A.I.A. • Mark A. Hanson, Anderlik & P E . Michael T. Rau[mann, P.E. • TeC K. FiHQ P.E. • KennethP Anderson, P.E.. Mark R. Rolh, ? q i P.E. . atG D? S David A. Bones[mo, M.B.A. • Sitlney P Williamson, P.E., L.S. • ABnes M. Ring, M.B.A., • Allan Rick Schmidt, P.E., Oan EOgehon, P. E., . Ron SarRrach, . Tom Pe[erson, P.E,. Phil Engineers & Architects Gravel, P.E, . Dsle Grove, P.E., • Jim Maland, P.E, . Shelly Johrrson, . Ismael Martinez, • Miles Jensen, P.E, • Tom Roushar, P.E., • Tom Syfko, P.E. Ollices: St. Paul, Roches[er, Willmar anE 5[. Cloud, MN . Milwaukee, WI Grayslake, IL Website: wv,v.banestroo.com To: Russ Matthys Copy: Tom Colbert From: Mark Hanson Subject: Bea Blomquist Storm Claim 4504 Oak Chase Road Storm of July 2000 File No. 49-00-109 Date: June 8, 2001 The property at 4504 Oak Chase Road inGudes a landlocked drainage basin in its backyard. The drainage boundary identified in the Preliminary Design Report (PDR) is taken from Eagan's 2' contour drawings developed in the early 1990's. The PDR did state the existing low entry elevation (918.9) is 0.1 below the 1% rairifall event (919.0). The property owner has provided correspondence which shows a reduced drainage area than that shown in the PDR. We have recalculated the 1°k rainfall event based on the information provided, which is summarized below. Property Owner PDR Drainage Basin April 2001 Mav 2001 Low Entry Elevation 918.9 918.9 1% Rainfall Event 919.0 918.8 Our calculations, based on limited survey work done earlier for the PDR, indicates a 1°k rainfall event will not overflow from Oak Chase Road into the landlocked drainage basin. However, a July 2000 storm event will overflow. To prevent storm water overFlow to the landlocked drainage basin, the PDR proposed street reconstruction in the intersection of Oak Chase Road and Oak Chase Lane. To reduce the street reconstruction proposed in the PDR, the boulevard areas could be re-graded by providing additional berming to eliminate storm water overFlow to this area. MAH:crw TEWRSBURY • KBRFBLD • ZIMMER Allomeys nr !mv December 11, 2000 Thomas L. Hedges, City Administrator Municipal Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 RE: Notice of Claims (Municipality or Municipal Employees) Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §466.05 Dear Mr. Hedges: A Projessimd Aatxianon lflCBA61 D. T8W&SBORY MH J. %EBFEID AllC9AEL A. ZIMMEH MARR F. KEHFELD TINA M. DOBBSIABRE Enclosed herein and served upon you by U.S. Certified Mail, please find pursuant to Minn. Stat. §466.05 Notice of Claims on behalf of: 1. Bea Blomquist. Very truly yours, TEWKSBUR. KERFELD • ZIMMER ? Mark R. Kerfeld Attorney at Law MRK/ilp Enclosures cc: Bea Blomquist 219 Snure Fourra Sneer • Smre 500 • Mtraeteous, AtN 55401 612• 334•3399 0 800-837•9117 • Fea612 •334.5787 1YUh Imvyen oMJned m pmttice in Mimada. IYtcan[in, Arirpn md Colorado TEWKSBURY • KERFELD • ZIMM6R December 11, 2000 Thomas L. Hedges, City Administrator Municipal Center Anomeya af Lmv 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 RE: Notice of Claim (Municipality or Municipal Employees) Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §466.05 Dear Mr. Fledges: Pursuant to Minn. Stat. §466.05 please take notice of the following claim: Claimants: Bea Blomquist 4504 Oak Case Road Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Circumstances giving rise to the claim: A Pmfeamond As?m d(IC9AEL D. TBW6SBUBY Eet't'H J. aeFm UUCBAIL A. ZIMMER ALAW 1.KERFUJ) TWA M. mBBMAERE Date: July 7, 2000 Time: Approximately 11:30 p.m. Place: 4504 Oak Case Road, Eagan, Minnesota 55123 Description of Occurrence: On July 7, 2000 at approximately 11:30 p.m. as a result of the inadec3uate design and maintenance of the City of Eagan's storm and sanitary sewer systems and other negligent conduct of city employees water entered our property and home located at 4504 Oak Case Road, Eagan, MN, causing extensive and severe damages. Name of municipal employees known to be involved: Eagan public works employees and city oificiais. Amount of compensation or relief demanded: Damages continue to accrue, and to date exceed $30,000. TEWKSSURY • 4CERFELD • ZIMMER ! f.? Dated: /Z- IZ- OG gy. Keith J. Kerfeld (#143066) Mark R. Kerfeld (#025437X) Attorneys for Plaintiffs 219 South Fourth Street Suite 500 Minneapolis, MN 55401 (612) 334-3399 219 Sause Fou4re Sneer • Surte 500 • Mv+NrArous, [dN 55401 612 • 334• 3399 • 900 • 837• 9117 • Puc 612 • 334 • 5787 WfrA (mryen a&nfrted w p1ncNn in Mf?Ma. Wueonein. Anrpn mN CcJaroda AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Eagan Flooding Tracey L. Petersen, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that on the _LLth day of December, 2000, she served the following: Notice of Claims regarding the foilowing individuals: 1. Bea Blomquist. by mailing a copy thereof, by United States mail, with proper postage and enclosed in an envelope directed to said party at the address referenced below, the last known address of said party: Thomas L. Hedges, City Administrator Municip2l Center 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 R. ?9&6"-z • ? ?racey L. etersen Subscribed and sworn before me this`???'Eday o` December, 2000. ....»...-w«? ? BRENOA L OOUW - }MQp1RY PUBLIC • MINNEQO'M Ca1MN n? 6W J?EL I. 2005 otary Public ?` _ cityoteagan FACSIIVIILE TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET ATTEN1'ION: u "" ? ?? FAX #: 2'D I " ? ZC ?I COMPANY: L, W, v` T CITY OF EAGAN 3830 PILOT KNOB RD EAGAN, MN. 55122-1810 DATE: I Z ' ( S -c9r! ? # OF PAGES TO FOLLOW: ? FROM: \ ?"` PHONE #: (651) K - ' ' (1 Comments: WIL - 14*77X-tP?, These are being transmitted as checked below: For Approval _ ffiGH PRIORITY FAX tl: OFFICE #: As Requested _ For Review and Comments For Publication For Your Information Administration/Finance/Parks (651) 6814612 Community Development/Engineering (651) 6814694 Central Maintenance (651) 6814360 Municipal Center Centrai Maintenance TDD (65]) 681-4600 (651)681-4300 (651) 4548535 Originals not forwazded Originals forwazded via Mail Note to Facsimile Oaerator: Please deliver this fax transmission to the above addressee. If you did not receive all of the pages in good condition, please contact us. 'fhank you. THE LONE OAK TREE...THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMiJNITY ?6yn ?"ame MINUTES OF A SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF EAGAN EAGAN, MINNESOTA APRIL 30, 2001 GhC%,a prc?PelN, A special meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Monday, April 30, 2001 starting at 5:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Awada and Councilmembers Bakken, Carlson, Fields and Tilley. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Public Warks Director Tom Colbert, and City Engineer Russ Matthys. AREA #4 BLACKHAWK PONDS, OAKBROOKE ADDITION, ROCKY LANE Public Works Director Colbert introduced the Preliminary Design Report that has been prepared by the Consulting Engineering firm as a result of the nuxnerous neighborhood meetings held over the past 3%z months and informed the public of its availability. He then presented and discussed the evaluation standazds and criteria previously adopted by the Council, the different types of improvement options and the different classifications of the various impacted areas. He then inuoduced Mark Hanson of Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik and Associates who discussed the Preliminary Design Report dated Apri120, 2001 for Area 4- Blackhawk Ponds, Oakbrooke Addition, and Rocky Lane. Mayor Awada opened the floor for public comment. Approximately ten residents spoke, inquiring about such issues as an emergency overflow pipe; cost differential in pipe sizes; the probability of another similar storm; future development issues; schedule for improvement projects; the second opuuon study; and City Code standards. Public Works Director Colbert and Mr. Hanson responded in detail the issues raised by the residents. Discussion was tumed back to the Council. Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to authorize the prepuation of detailed plans and specifications and easement acquisition for the Storm Drainage Mitigation Basic Improvement for Area 4.4.2- Blackhawk Ponds. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to authorize the preparation of a Feasibility Report for further study for Area 4.43 - Rocky Lane. Aye: 5 Nay: 0. Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to continue consideration of Area 4.4.1 - Oakbrooke to a 7une Council meeting. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Special City Council Meeting Apri13Q 2001 Page 2 ARFA #9 NYBRO POND, CARLSON LAKE, MALMO LANE, OAK CHASE ROAD AND POND At approximately 7:20 p.m, Public Works Director Colbert introduced the next impacted area and again presented the Preliminary Design Report, discussed the evaluation standards and criteria, flood azea classifications and 'unprovement categories. He then introduced Mark Hanson of Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik and Associates who discussed the Preliminary Design Report dated Apri120, 2001 for Area 9, Nybro Pond and Carlson Lake. Mayor Awada opened the floor for public comment regarding Easter Lane / Malmo Place. Approximately 12 residents spoke. Their comments and inquiries included restriction of water out of Quigley Lake and the pond on the north side of Diffley; possible improvements to the lift station on Carlson Lake; existing outlet on Nybro Pond; tree removal; and the drain from Nybro Pond to Carlson Lake. Public Works Director Colbert and Mr. Hanson discussed in detail the issues raised by the residents. Mayor Awada turned discussion back to the Council. Councilmember Awada moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications and easement acquisition for Storm Drainage Mitigation Improvements for Area 4.9.1 - Easter Lane / Malmo Place. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specificafions and easement acquisition for Storm Drainage MitigaUon Improvements for Area 4.9.2 - Nybro Pond. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to have the water level of Carlson Lake lowered by one foot. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Mr. Hanson gave an overview of the Apri120, 2001 portion of the report regarding Malmo Lane, Oak Chase Road and Pond. Mayor Awada opened the floor for public comment. There were five residents who spoke. Their concerns and inquiries included a request for a catch basin to be installed and modifications made to the intersection adjacent to 4504 Oak Chase Road; and the pump on Carlson Lake. Public Works Director Colbert and Mr. Hanson discussed in detail the issues raised by the residents. Special City Council Meeting Apri130, 2001 Page 3 Discussion was tumed back to the Council. Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications and easement acquisition for Storm Mitigation Additional Improvements for Area 4.9.6 - Malmo Lane / Nybro Lane. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to deny authorization for improvements for Area 4.9.5 - Oak Chase Road, Oak Chase Lane, Oak Chase Way. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to deny authorization for improvements for Area 4.9.4 - Oak Chase Ponds. Aye: 4 Nay: (Tilley opposed) AREAS #8 AND #1 FAIRWAY HILLS, ERIC'S BOULEVARD RICHARD LANE DELORES LANE, RIVER HILLS/CLARK STREET, EZ MINI STORAGE, OAK CLIFF COURT At approximately 9:30 p.m., Public Works Director Colbert introduced the next impacted area and again presented the Preliminary Design Report, discussed the evaluation standards and criteria, flood area classifications and improvement categories. He then introduced Mark Hanson of Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik and Associates who discussed the Preliminary Design Report dated Apri120, 2001 for Area 8 Fairway Hills, Camelback/Pilot Knob Road, Delores Lane, Eriks Boulevard and Richard Lane. Mayor Awada opened the floor for public comment. Seven residents spoke. Their concems and inquiries included the size of the storm drainage pipe and cost differential; current drainage problems from golf course; and the possibility of the golf course being sold. Public Works Director Colbert and Mr. Hanson and Counciimembers discussed in detail the issues raised by the residents. Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to authorize the prepazation of detailed plans and specifications and easement acquisition for the Storm Drainage Mitigation Additional Improvements for Area 4.8.2 - Camelback / Pilot Knob Road. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Cazlson moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to deny authorization for improvements for Area 4.83 - Delores Lane. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Special City Council Meeting Apri130, 2001 Page 4 Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to deny authorization for improvements for Area 4.8.4 - Erids Blvd. and Richard's Lane. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Cazlson seconded a motion to continue discussion of Fainvay Hills and authorize staff to begin negotiations with the golf course. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Mr. Hanson gave an overview of the Apri120, 2001 portion of the report regarding Oak Cliff Court. Discussion was held with residents regarding drainage that comes from Burnsville. The residents indicated they were in favor of the proposal as presented. Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications and easement acquisition for the Storm Drainage Mitigation Basic and Additional Improvements for Area 4.1.1 - Oak Cliff. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Mayor Awada noted that there would be no consideration or discussion for Area 4.1.3 - EZ Mini Storage due to the pond being owned by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to deny authorization for unprovements to Area 4.1.3 - EZ Mini Storage. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Mr. Hanson gave an overview of the Apri120, 2001 portion of the report regarding River Hills 9th Addition. A brief discussion was held with residents present who wished to have their property purchased by the City. Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to authorize staff to purchase properties in Area 4.1.2 - River Hills 9`h Addition from owners that desire to be bought out. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.m. Date Deputy City Clerk [f you need the minu[es in an alrernative form such as large pnnt, Braille, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 681-4600 (TDD phone: (651) 454-8535. • Special City Council Minutes July 10, 2001 Page 3 CEN1?L PARK UPDATE 3:f•:. City Administrator Hedges showed ftschematic plans for road placement, parking lots, and buildin Park/CommunitY Center site. ?? q"''?.' RE?NT CONCERNS Council member Cazlson reported that resident Bea Blomquist stated concems of flooding in her neighborhood, and is requesting road repairs in her neighborhood. The Counci] discussed Ms. BlomquisYg;poncerns. The Council ageed to send Ms. Blomquist a copy of the minutes from the Pui?Works-#Smmittee meeting and City Council meeting at which her pmperty con?fis wer6$?dressed. Additionally, a letter will be sent b the Ma or to Ms: Blom uist s"' Y y q tala?g that ity has addressed her soncems and any further concerns must be addressect..:cd?}?•}?et,v,r?eu:,skke;aneighboring property owners. Council member Carlson suggeste?"'???g?sg.i#j?£ wishes to pursue the matter, she has the option of peritioning the City for a new storm sewer pipe on her property. ROYAL OAKS DEVELOPMENT • Council member Fields brought the concems of.#1 Oaks Development to the Council, and the Council agreed no? Zo.?}?ti;???f pd'sition pertaining to development alterations. ?:? s ?• ? ' %0 ::• - • ?:? , ti•y: RED PI1V??#11f?,S,?CTION • r•'- . : , ; . ti Public Works Director Colbert informed the Counci? f1i?'t MNDOT will not approve the fourth leg of construction because the City plans on constructing a cul-de-sac at the end of Dodd Road. MNDOT stated that the fourth leg would be detrimental to Highway 3. The Council instructed Public Works D'uector Colbert to continue negotiations with MNDOT. Council member Cariso ?,Pat r?j4entr living on Dodd Road expect to have a cul-de-sac built. Public W"'- b66oM?J"greed to bring an updated work strategy to the July 17 City Co ce?. . . ... ? IGNS ?;;,;... s..:.;.•:.t.:;.?;,..,; :• Council agreed to consider an ordinance limihng'sign usage on property at the July 17 - City Council meeting. . . . {r.::r,.::::c,. . L,:;r?: .:•:.{ ?a. ?:,:;:x'•:<;:;:.t:•;??•+v:?:: • ;•'.:;%? ',::.•:+ . ? .•.r ?.; S•?•? i ? r.ti{. fr:::t?.;?.:•?::•::?}?ti{.;{{.: ;.?i:•.v {.•.?'. ti::•.: J.}?r.?••. ? } ...? : ?? ti?. ?: ' ?{i:?:?:Y. ?:•:/: ii?': i:.1i ?'l.Y{y .? Special City Council Minutes July 10, 2001 Page 4 ?.•:: •. WA? RESTRICTIONS s.v.. The Council agreed with the action8.',¢cyW tor Colbert to continue enforcinS the odd-even water restriMafl?;? agreed to consider surcharges on residents' water bills if they are-ftnd in violation of the water restrictions. Public Works Director Colbert will add a"al item to the City Council consent agenda to approve the use of the swcharge. POLICE UPDATE Police Chief Therkelsen updated tie-tounciW the most recent meeting that occurred at Wescott Squaze. He reported that ?roxima(?C? 20 Wescott residents were in attendance, as well as a St. Pau1 resident, Kati??oyce. }} The meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M. Y?:?:? :ti•::L'ti •..:...::;?:;? ::?:' :•:•: ? }'l'? •••?{? j . • r.: '••ti• , ti ;r._ r: r,.•.?.,,.a y } ?/? }i:v}••,: ?{? fi:?:?: i}: }. ::v:•:?:ti•'.•: : r ?S,'.v..•.}• v.;. i•:•:{t?{O:ti;;r::?}'.? :: , ?':•..?.::?•:•'•:.:?'r'?t ;ti!::~?'?:.;L;? ?i'r?:v::%?r'•.vT'r?r::r >,'•.??•',w:{ E • ,d.r,•!n:;:?; ;:::,?.} ? . • .:: : r: ?'•?• ?::{?.'?'•'.•:::•.•..% :•: ?;r•?,'{: . .y' y.:::y •'S?'. S•.•'•?? Y'?•. •• . A?•'•:•i v. ?S £{.:?y ?•?.t i??L:::??:.:: :{:•::'?{•? j'?' ?? ? Y r:ti?: ?'::;: ; =:'i::.:•i:•:.ti:'r:}?$ ' . 'S+i.::•:•: i. ?:•.'•'r::?ii':t:•'•:;fR .e i? ,??i.'tiiai,il'a., (? - ?'?5??.? ??? ,,,r , ?J,.c.,,.?t, .' To: FROM: DATE: MEMO city of eagan MAYOR AWADA CITY COUNCILMEMBERS CARLSON & TILLEY PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEMBERS. COUNCILMEMBERS BAKKEN & FIELDS JUNE 12, 2001 SUBJECT: PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE MEETING/JUNE 13 A Public Warks Standing Committee meeting was held on Wednesday, June 13, at 10:00 a.m. in the first floor conference room at City Hall. The purpose of the meeting was to meet with Bea Blomquist and heaz her concems relative to drainage on her property located on Oak Chase Road. Cleazly, the meeting was in response to requests by Ms. Blomquist to meet with members of the City Council to discuss these issues. Representatives of the Engineering staff, including Director of Public Works Colbert, City Engineer Matthys, Mazk Hanson of BRA&A, consulting engineering staff, and the City Administrator were in attendance at the meeting. Chairperson Bakken noted that the purpose of the meeting was to heaz any and all concerns that Ms. Blomquist wished to shaze with the Committee and City Councilmembers regarding concerns about drainage on her property. Chairperson Bakken also stated that the role of the Public Works Committee is to determine a common set of facts and provide information about the meeting to the City Council as a whole. The following is a summary of discussion points that were made at the meeting: • Ms. Blomquist was invited to share her questions and concerns. She stated that her questions were outlined in a letter that the City Council had received dated May 11. • There was reference made to a hand-out that City Councilmember Tilley provided the City Administrator and City Council at the Special City Council meeting held on 7une 12. The City Administrator was asked to shue a copy of Councilmember Tilley's fax with Ms. Blomquist. A copy was provided. • City Engineer Matthys described the location of catch basins on Oak Chase Road and spoke to the improper placement of a casting that occurred during the street reconstruction and further, the conective measures that have been taken by the contractor and the City. • Mazk Hanson was asked by Chairperson Bakken to refer to questions that have been raised by Ms. Blomquist regarding a statement that numbers in the BRA&A storm water mitigation report were incorrect. Mr. Hanson provided a good explanation of how runoff occurs and collects on Oak Chase Road and why certain improvements were suggested in the report. • Ms. Blomquist was asked if the landscaping/grading improvements were made since the storm or if certain improvements had occurred prior to the July 2000 storm. She responded that all landscaping/grading improvements were made after the July 2000 storm. • There was discussion about how the Sholl's property (the neighbor directly south of Ms. Blomquist) continues to be washed out. According to Director of Public Works Colbert, the building permit far the Sholl's property identifies the drainage flowing to the southeast. There was discussion by the Committee that apparently, the drainage on the Sholl's property is not flowing according to the approved building permit. • Ms. Blomquist was asked if she discussed runoff issues with the Sholl's. She indicated that she had not had any conversation with them. • There was more discussion by the Comxnittee that the conflict of stormwater runoff may be more of an issue with the Sholl's. There is some possible necessity for the Sholl's to regrade their property. • Committee member Fields asked if Ms. Blomquist had sodded or seeded her property last suimner/fall following the relandscaping. Ms. Blomquist responded that it was seeded by volunteers from St. 7ohn Neumann Church. • Ms. Blomquist stated that she wants a solution to the problem as outlined in her letter. • Committee Chair Bakken stated that if there is any new information that Ms. Blomquist would like to provide, she should submiY it to the City and it would be disseminated to both the Committee and City Councilmembers. Summarv In conclusion, Chairperson Bakken reminded Ms. Blomquist, members of the Committee and staff that the purpose of the Public Works Committee is to gather information and provide a report to the City Council as a whole. This report will be forwarded to the City Councilmembers as a part of an Informative Memo process. If inembers of the City Council would like to discuss Ms. Blomquist's drainage concerns at t special or a regulaz City Council meeting, that request should be presented to the City Administrator and Ms. Blomquist will be notified of such a meeting. It was agreed that Ms. Blomquist and the Sholl's would be noticed if such a meeting should occur. Ms. Blomquist asked for a copy of the findings of the Public Works Committee. The City Administrator will provide a mailed copy of that report when it is dishibuted to the City Council as a whole. The meeting ended at approximately 10:30 a.m. City Adminish-ator TLH/vmd EGCE or [, V Rf_ g' \J ? d ^ i u ? N / ? N \9?.55 -? \ , ti EAGAN REV -EV r_o DY-- DATE lU? 2?i ?S 6 REFt.REAICE /oa` .` - .. PoINr 3'?-OaKCh0.s< r•? 111rno*f r i111,w o8i eo[([(s _?,_ 3YY1105 C?133Ns Oi, IYL"C? I's e??? r Char? /Yd ? 4S' i n. . FLR tL6v voN=9 - "` ? SZ,- l Z pSnT. c1R ELEV I'Y" 0 461 8` ss - . g'` ' 8Z i t 1$O' e' I Z' 3' 4'S'6' 7' 8' 9' u' u• 13Y.YQ' xx I Y'? ? I ? ADMINISTRATION Tom Colbert, Public Works Holl Duff , Administration Kent Therkelsen, Police Jamie Verbru e, Administration Crai Jensen, Fire Mira McGarve , Administrative Secretary Mike Ridle , Plannin Joanna Foote, Comm. Coordinator Dale Scho ner, ections Kristi Peterson, IT Tom P er, Finance Mike Reazdon, Cable Ken Vraa, Pazks and Recreation Ben Kristensen, Administrative Intem Mike Dou ert, Ci Attome Am Hertel, Administrative S ecialist Action Requested: CReview and see me ?Review and comment ?Prepaze reply for signature ?For your information ?File oDistribute *Other: Notes: Date: !o fz O ? ?Please submit copv of action/response and retum this form to me when complete. oPlease notify me by returning this form when complete. REQUESTED COMPLETION DATE: FROM : PHONE N0. : 6124541034 Sun. 12 2001 08:91AM P1/7 r Fax Cover Sheet Meg Tiiley 2000 1055 Wescott Road Eagqn, Minnesota 55123 651-454-7819 (H) 651-296-1628 (O) 651-454-1034 (Home Fax) meg tilley2000Cs h otmail.c om www.megtilleycom Sendto:Ta ez- QS From: /u? ,? ^ ? r Attention: Oate: L? Z d ?- Offce iocation: pffice location: CS U Fax number: L9 / 6'-i /to / /? 4 `? Phone number: a - 1J UrgenT ? Repky ASAP 1__j Please comment 1 j Pfease review -- For your informotlon Totai pages, including cover. .e??" 1. P iS, ?. ?- vv? ? ? ? 6124541034 => CITY OF EAGAN ,TEL=6516814612 06/12'01 07:29 FROM : PHONE N0. : 6124541034 Jun. 12 2001 08:01RM P2/7 -k^-. • 1(7 . ? .F:s•. r ? .^=. ? . ? May 11, 2001 . 1 Thomas L. Hedges, City Adrniaistrator City Council Members, Peggy Carlson, Cindee Fields, Meg Tilley City of EagBn 3830 Pilot Knub Road ? Eagan, MN 55122-1897 ? (A? . I?ear ? ? I h ave cpmpiled some in£ormation atwut the stoxm sewer in Oak Ghase Road. TBere seenns W be soxae misand?ersfanding on the gart af the y. ?j eixgineeri»g department_ '£he tapagraphy and actual drainage is mueh \ different then was descnbed in the consaltauts report. Unfartuuately with \ only the ineocreot informatian available when it came time to vote on any improvennants going forwazd an incorrect decision was zn;ade. + As you are aware my lot as weiI as others continues to fx11 with water aRer ? aimost every rain. The water is aot coming froni the private Iand adjacent to ?Q my property. The water is coming from the hituminous sur£aoe and curbs on Oak Chase Road. I have lived in the house for 28 years. We fiave never hatE ? aLth:e er come anywhere ?tear the fouadarion of the house or for that matter ?• ?" ? ious ow Ifind my badc yard witlt a pond that never dries up. One D d e water run in from the front of tbe iot where it ovesflow?the cw to the back yard. Fortunately I sperat a lot of time and money re-grading my tand away from the foiuxdation of my home. My iot has always been able to handte the water that eomes from the draxnage describest anci aarteated ia the eansultant's report but my !ot cannot hamdle any overtlow from Oak Chase Road_ Thppe each af you will take time to read and study the information. Tom I woixtd ask that this incorrect data be conected and brought back to the counci) for reconsideration. When tke property in Oaic chase is cxperiencing water from rain being cira=tA-ingc the road way on ta private progerty J.. .11 betieve that is c ' Te report stated the improvesnents apropo???cep drainagROW on the publie ROW. With this -cbrrected infonnation the MCS nee?to be recansidered. , 6124541034 => CiTY OF EAGAN ,TEL=6516814612 06/12'01 07:30 FROM : PHONE N0. : 6124541034 7un. 12 2061 08:02RM P3/7 I I cto wish to tell yvu by ihis rain not as yi ke'tc cear yards". Sincerety, Bea Btosftt}usst 4505 Oatc chase Reae3 Eagan, MN 55123 dt'10 homes in t)ak state "Two resideni iaSe AddztiOnS were darreagCal wexe impacted by ilooding in J a 6124541034 => CITY OF EAGAN ,TEL=6516814612 06/12'01 07:30 FROM PHONE N0. : 6124541034 FAX To:fmwmw From: Bea Btomquist 7late: 4/23/0I Jun. 12 2091 08:02RM P4i7 Subject: Letter to the tty ofF,agan abous the storm sewtr aa ak Chase Rnad. The city engine ketter in person Bvcause more hsve a laks bq? f wi1l keep yo? 'ng departmeot is ooming out at b:OQ PIM4 toda the 23`a. Ti presented tkis Tom Iiedges this morning so they now know r probleins. hesi a two-inch rains, I heard a totat of 3.7 in yestcrciay tha 22nd; i t 60 x 80 £eet ia size ia my back yard, advisod of thia matter. v 6124541034 _> CITY OF EAGAN ,TEL=6516814612 06/12'01 07:30 FROM ? B?onM_estroo 1[ a?r?w?j? ? ?a -l??7?'? ? ? I'VP`e.f ? Engfneers 6 Arrhttactr 70: Russ Matthys Copy; Tom Colbert Frwn: M81'K li8nson PHONE N0. : 6124541034 Jun. 12 2001 08:03RM P5/7 BanCdw . R1M?. Ar+dlAlk vid M1?ataN.e ??, ?s n AlMm?Uw AdpnA{'0? 7PP??Y lMO?V%C?K.a gro4yor CW/M 1 P?nCbO'Y. OMO90nCOa?o, 0.6.• AIOMn l. 9a?+h. P.C..OMre? DCwk e.R. - • I AaDMt0. 59??1kR?.l.. ?I/y 0. BWAen. P.8. ? ypnMrpacpryrnx ftpeAV? w. Fo0en1. P.P., r lawmW C. MdeMV?, A.E-.7?.d G. 7uFW, G 6. .guVn M, p,brrln.O.PA. AwooM YA"hel0.•lb"r7 R, SarWfd. P.y' -KpR10. Oer9on"M,_ # ftoo R. Pfe". n.l. R?'nna?1 W. AWM Rq. Ravld 0. tAtho1V. ?.L - VAbVC. Rur%. w1.A • Ma'k 0. Mnwn. a.c. ? rtrA?af T, IW?mM?p.& ? TW K, f Wtl, v.k. ? Ka?:? P• Mdx?nP•R. ? MdkA. No1fR t.8.• osMa ti eonaana wA • 2uMer P.vPVmoat ?X.. 6a.. nun.. M. raq. M.ew.. . ArYr awx HoMnbl, p&. 4m Zdpfti, ?.L • Ron Nftaah 91pn htertun. P.C, 9 Rm OrnN, ?A„ - OPM Oien, P.C., •.R?r. MKeN. P.fc,, • 8MP7 Jahmo4.. bRAOI `ApEnm• Mur amSanl P.611 .Tam MvoAn, R6,,, 7em 6ytk. P.O. OIAeU: 6! PoVI, 0.adiwbr. WIII11Mr aM 8t Oftdr MN• Ml:wMd81, WI.OrayNMM, IL K6eri:'M#14qMICeL.mM JL)? c,.?QQ.?9?'? La,-?; t22.Q , 3tibjeet; Bea Btomqulst Storm Ctaim 4504 Oek Chase RoW 5torm of July 2000 FNe No, 49-00-109 The properq+ Ot 4604 Oek Chase Rcad include8.s landlaclced drainago basfn In ns badhrerd, Y e? sry fdentH?ed I+ the Preiiminwy D?!8cReport (PDR) ts ?takerrtro an's 2' Contaur rswlnQS d6velOnext frt the e8ri f1@=d. 'fhe PAm afaft the exiatingiow-w-iitiT-eTavaUqn (918.9) , n;I evarrt (018.0Y Yhs pevpffirty flwner tias provfdeb Correspnnden C s owte ?'!€5?083 d?Sge area Eharn lhat shown !n the POR, We heve recalculated the 1% refnFdil evemk based on the htfor'fietlqn provldod, whiCh ie BummeAZed belOVd: Low Endy E?evatlon 1°ye RafnfaEf Event evant wAn ? PCR D nege BasEn M 918.9 9? 8.6RI ? 918.0 819.8 , work water 1 ? ? :i tiD / Oak Cbeas Rpad and Oek hase l.ane`njWucv the strset recon9truexion prapoe ?/ fn fha PDR, the bcu?vard a;?eac ?ai9'6e r'A3?a p?Id3np additionel hermfng , ,L elhninste sr,arm water oveotlow io is area. 1?'i ? MA,?i:Crvv c9.u'?/ 29$" W"t Mohwsy 36 • SL PaW, MN 'J8178 • e61-886-4600 • Fi4x: Sb1.836•19l1 C..-? -?? ?? ? I " , .?- , .On I?fr}itetl 1` -& ' w 1n _ . . < ?v.o flo.? (?.?1x4, A"-Q- ....? 2\4_ rat 6124541034 => CITY OF EAGAN ,TEL=6596814612 06/12101 07:31 FROM : PHONE N0. : 6124541934 Jun. 12 2001 08:03RM P6/7 • , , f_?? -------------- CI-fASE" Lfi. -- I ?i ..----^---??---? i i W ? ? ? 11 f i i i Ai f I I `1 t !: I' ? i'i 7MTA IC , I,s b g ?? a0 \ tn ? H v o> .K CHASE i.A. ----------------- -..----....-.------- E A 9t8.9=Ex. EOP , tow EtvrAY rLsv x ? 978,9 6*'[ , .` ..`, ? ? .ny1 . ? ? 1 ? ? I 1 ? 1 ? I I j Q I ? ? ' D ? .r-j?r 7 3 X g .- " ,,- r ? _ - ? *1 M= O? INE DR:4lN r-LA AY Ai35-C I ; i r j i , : I ? I 1 ? ; i ? < < swc. w n« r ? ArEA 9-- QAK CHAS£ ROAQ/WAY n 8oneatroo •....r Roaene 0c3m Anderlik 8 E4LaN, M1NNE05TA FIGURE 9.5 " Aasociates 2000 STORM FLQ40 ANA? YSIS Enginsen a,?ranu.er• . ?, Ki\49\4900109\Cod\drp\49Q0109F10.DVG 04/21/20C3 12'26'41 PH CI K. NAVFRMAER 7000 49-00-509 6124541034 -> CI7Y OF EAGAN ,TEL-6516814612 06/12'01 07:32 FROM : ?.... • 4.9.5 Oak Chase Road/Lane Issue(s): Two rs?sidence? ? Category: s C event) ? Existing Conditions: PHONE N0. : 6124541034 Jun. 12 2001 08:04AM P7i7 - Figure 9.' ? mp tca e by flooding in their rear yards. standards for drainage from public right-of-way during design Oak Chase Road East Oak Chase Rd. West ? NoRh South • Low Entries 1 home @ 918.9 1 home C 920 1 home Q 926.9 • 1% Rainfail High Water Level 919.0 925.4 925.7 ? • Applicable Freeboard Criteria 2' above 10lq rainfail HWL o Required Freeboard 2' 2' 2' o Actual Freeboard -0.1 N/A 1,2 , o Meets City Freeboard Cri teria? Np N/A NO • July 2000 Storm Peak - 920 929 ? Soecial Considerations• This area was sub-divided and devefoped in the 1970's; well before current review procedures and stormwater management standards were in piace. The objective of the improvements proposed is to keep the stormwater runaff in the public ROW to avoid ? exacerbating existing drainage problems on the private parcefs. Description of Basic Improvements: None needed. ? Description of Additional Imarovements: Re-consVuct ihe Oak Chase Lane/Oak Chase Road artd Oak Chase lanelOak Ghase Way street In4erseciions to keep drainage irom the public right-of-way in the ROW. Instail one-way flap gate in private drain file draining the side yard low ? point west ot Oak Chase Road to prevent beckflow from the street into fhe low point during extreme runOff events. 9 Effect and Cost of Addition8l ImDrovements • lmprovement Gost - $91.000 Meets Julv 2000 Storm Benchmark? `--, e J f.e ?CC,,,, o i ; a, . 3 ,. , •.•a ? YES (by keeping drainage from public ROW on public ROW) "? ?- (LC D) , wu??CU4 'Q..n 62 _> CiTY OF EAGAN ,TEL=6516814612 06/12'01 07:32 ci 6124541034 Akkl?- mmo city of eagan TO: JON HOHENSTEIN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FROM: RUSS MATTHYS, CITY ENGIlVEER DATE: JiJLY 19, 2004 SUBJECT: 4504 OAK CHASE ROAD - RETAINING WALL CONCERNS I am writing in response to a telephone request from Ms. Bea Blomquist on July 12, 2004, regazding her concems about a retanung wall built adjacent to her north property line at 4504 Oak Chase Road. The purpose of her call was to complain that a neighbor's retaining wall is encroaching on her properry. City staff responded that it was primazily a private lot line dispute, but that there may be some pernut or drainage issues that should be reviewed. This memo addresses the potential drainage concern. I am very familiar with Ms. Blomquist's property at 4504 Oak Chase Road and the associated drainage characteristics. I have responded to and wriiten memorandums on various previous occasions when Ms. Blomquist has expressed concems regarding the drainage pattems of her proper[y and those of her adjacent neighbors' properties. I visited the property at 4486 Oak Chase Road, the property directly north of Ms. BlomquisYs property, on the a8emoon of Monday, 7uly 19. During the site visit, I met Art Perri, owner of the property and the party responsible for the conshvcrion of the wall in question. Mr. Perri shared with me that he had been made awaze of Ms. BlomquisYs concems about the location of the wall, although not by her, and he had left a message with her requesting that they discuss her concems. Ms. Blomquist reportedly did not respond to lus request, so he obtained information from city staff at the municipal center to verify the wall location. Based upon the inforniarion he found at city hall, he relceated the wall, actually removing about 4" oF previously existing bituminous driveway to ensure that the wall was clearly located on his property. Mr. Perri also removed some additional retaining wall that had been established for some time to avoid any addirional concerns from Ms. Blomquist. I observed the locarion of the wall adjacent to the cut edge of a bituminous driveway about 10.5' from the south side of Mr. Pem's garage. Whereas the bitunvnous driveway would have previously directed drainage in the direction of Ms. BlomquisYs property, the newly placed wall will act to retain the runoff on Mr. Perri's properiy and redirect it into his back yard. Mr. Peiri explained how he completed additional work to keep the drainage on his properly and even redirected the drainage pattems away from Ms. BlomquisYs property, which was evident from my observarions. T'he natural drainage pattems appeaz to haue directed runoff towazds Ms. BlomquisY s property, as I have explained in previous memorandums. My understanding of Ms. BlomquisYs inirial concern included the percepfion of additional drainage contribution on to her property. I did not observe any evidence of additional drainage that would come on to her properry due to the work associated with the newly placed wall near the south side of the gazage at 4486 Oak Chase Road. I don't lmow that I can respond to any greater degree to Ms. BlomquisYs request. I would be happy to provide further details of my understanding of the drainage condirions at her residence. Please contact me with any ques6ons. Z--- City Engineer c: Tom Hedges, City Adminisfrator Tom Colbert, Public Works Director G:W.401lMmu/Blomquitt Rtmin W?HoFmslem City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Rd Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675 -5675 www.ci.eagan.mn.us Site Address: 4504 Oak Chase Rd Lot: 2 Block: 2 Addition: Oak Chase 1st PID:10- 53500- 020 -02 Use: Description: Sub Type: Work Type: Description: Census Code: 434 - Zoning: Square Feet: 0 Comments: Fee Summary: Valuation: 3,000.00 e- Fireplace Gas Fireplace (new) Contractor: Hearth and Home Technologies 2700 N. Fairview Ave Roseville MN 55113 (651) 633 -2561 Improvements to the home may requ concealing. PERMIT City of Eaan BL - Base Fee $3K Surcharge - Based on Valuation $3K Total: Applicant/Permitee: Signature - Applicant - Construction Type: Occupancy: e smoke detectors in all bedrooms. Chimney / flue must be inspected prior to Carbon monoxide detectors are required by law in ALL single family homes. Owner: Beatta Blomquist 4504 Oak Chase Rd Eagan MN 55123 Permit Type: Permit Number: Date Issued: Permit Category: $88.50 0801.4085 $1.50 9001.2195 $90.00 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application and state that the informa of Minnesota Statutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. on is correct and agree to comply h all applicable State Issued By: Signature Building EA089722 06/16/2009 ePermit CITY OF EAGAN Remarks Addition Oak Cha.sP Qrldn- Loc 2 Rlk 2 Parcel 10 5,3500 020 02 Owner A?.%.l ;n'Z: --'8treet 4504 Oak Chase Rd. , gtate Eagan,rN 55123 Improvement Date Amount Annual Years Payment Receipt Date STREET SURF. STREET RESTOR. GRADING SAN SEW TRUNK 1.973 1 ' .75 SEWER LATERAL WATERMAIN WATER LATERAL WATER AREA L' ? STORM SEW TRK ? STaRM SEW LAT CURB & GUTTER SIDEWALK STREET LIGHT WATER CONN. 11-1 - 2 BUILDING PER. sAC 6777 11-1 - 2 PAR K CITY OF EAGAN 3799 Pilot Knob Road Eogon, MN 55122 N2 4 316 PHONE: 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT Receipt # s93? To be used Date , 19 ' Site Address 450 4 ?'nY i h,-. , _ Erect ? Occuponcy- Lot Block Sec/Sub. ' Alter ? Zoning _ Parcel # Repair ? Fire Zone Enlar e ? e of Const T g yp . w W Nome Move ? # Stories 3 Address - 4' 50 5 '' ``' `' • Deroolish ? Front it. City Phone 4 _ Grade ? Depth ft. ? I Name Approvals Feea Z0 oV ? v ? Address Nome _ Address 1 here6y ocknowledge thot I have read this opplicotion ond state that the informotion is correct and egree fo comply with a!1 applicoble State of Minnesota Stotutes and City of Eagun Ordinances. Assessment _ Woter & $ew Pol i ce Fire Eng. Planner _____ Council _ Bldg. Off. _ APC Permit :- ? Surchorge Plon check 5AC Water Conn. _ Water Meter Totol 1n•Ufl Signuture of Permittee I A Building Permit is issued to: on the exprees condition thot oll work sholl be done in occordance with aIl opplicoble State of Minnesoto Statutes and City of Eo,c,an Ordinances. Building Official _ ?.••? # nar. h...e Plumbing Mechanical INSPECTIOIVS DATE INSP. Rouph-I n Final Footings Dote Irap. Dote Irup. Foundotion Plumbing Frume/ ins. Methonitol Final Remarks: z Z v-c--? VILLAGE OF' EAGAiV 3795 Pilot Knob itoad Eagan, rviinnesota 55122 rEWMIT Vo. 286 The Villaga of Eagan hereby grants to Jm98 M8Y'088 of 3745 Hleiedsle Ave., Mp1s 55409 a PLTIMBIN(} Permit £or: (Owner) smrte at 4504 Oak Ghaee , pursuant to application dated 11/13A2 Fee Paidg $20.00 dated this 13thday of NOVOmbgrt , 19 72 . 9 C Mechanical Permits: ^ - Buildin.g Inspector Bid Total: EAGAN TOWNSHIP BUILDING PERMIT Ownet ....... ? ............. .. .'....---......._........ Address (preeent) .?.7?.~.._...:s::?r.k:?S-:?:? .?° "??! `-71•-?.m Suildar ......... '-""..."'.......................... '-' ........................... Address ...... DESCRIPTION 11T° 2'700 Eagan Township Town Hall D a t. .....?.?..?.. _Z' ................ Sfories To Se Used For Fson! Depih Heighl Esi. Cos! Permi! Fee Remarlcs ?- 1;ILs " LOCATION y6?Sy Slrael, Road or oihes Descrip2fon of Loealion I Lo! Block AdditSon or Trac! `f`-?? % ? - (.G?4..a.•.C ? I a. 02 ff-a-?C ?7iXr?L? This permit does aot auihoxise the use of aireels, roads, alleys or sidewalks aor doas it gfve the owner or hie agent the righ! 2o crea2e anp sifuaSion which is a nuisance or which presenLa a hasard to the heallh, safely, conveaience and general walfare !o anyone in the eommunilp. THIS PERMIT MUST BE EPT ON THE PAEMIS£ WHILE THE WORK IS IN PROGRESB. This is !o carlifp, fha!_... ?.............._.-__._.hespermission !o ereet a...?c.. '.?ifh._- Q:Q?? -_:.`.J-upon the a6ove deseribed pre isa subjeci !o the psovisiona of the Building Ordinance fox Eag? Townip adop Apsil 11. 1855. .............................u:::c.r....../..?:../.?-.?..,............ ra: ......_......._......l...................r-:'.........-.---............... Chairman of Tnwn Board? Hvilding IrmpectorA CITY OF EAGAN 3795 PiloF Knob Road Eagun, MN 55124 N2 4316 PHONE; 454-8100 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION $y9000. Receipt #p - ro be uaea fe. Screen Patio Date May 13+ , 79 L7 Site Address 4504 Oak Cha_ce Rd_ Erect n Occupancy I Lot 2 B lock 6 Sec/Sub. Oak Chase i3t Alter ? Zoning E . parCel #. Repoir ? Fire Zone E l T f C n arge ? ype o onst. w Name W. B. NAiyka Move ? # Stories z 3 Address 4505 Oak Chese Rd, Demolish ? Front ft. o Ci EBgeA phone 454-5867 Grade ? DeDth ft. m Snma Aovrovals Feea p Name _ ? ?U Address Name _ Address I hereby acknowledge thot I have read this application and state that the information is correct and agree to wmply with all applicable Stote of Minnesoto Stotutes and City of Eagan Ordinances. Signoture of Permittee A Building Permit is issu all work shall be done ir Assessment _ Water & Sew. Police - Fire Eng. Planner - Council - Bldg. Off. _ APC Permit Y.VV Surcharge 1,00 Plan check SAC Water Conn. Woter MeTer Totol 10.00 W. B. N8Iy1C8_ on the expreu condition that dar?e wijM-a(I applicable St)te of Minnesoto Statutes ond City of Eegan Ordinances. Building O4fitial -ls ak, MEMO ' city of eagan TO: JON HOHENSTEIN, COMMiJNITY DEVELOPMENT DIItECTOR FROM: RUS5 MATTHYS, CITY ENGIlVEER DATE: NLY 19, 2004 SUBJECT: 4504 OAK CHASE ROAD - RETAINING WALL CONCERNS I am writing in response to a telephone request from Ms. Bea Blomquist on July 12, 2004, regarding her concerns about a retaining wall built adjacent to her north properry line at 4504 Oak Chase Road. The purpose of her call was to complain that a neighbor's retaining wall is encroaching on her property. City staff responded that it was primarily a private lot line dispute, but that there may be some pernut or drainage issues that should be reviewed. This memo addresses the potential drainage concem. I am very familiaz with Ms. BlomquisYs proper[y at 4504 Oak Chase Road and the associated drainage characteristics. I have responded to and written memorandums on various previous occasions when Ms. Blomquist has expressed concerns regazding the drainage pattems of her property and those of her adjacent neighbors' properties. I visited the property at 4486 Oak Chase Road, the property directly north of Ms. BlomquisYs property, on the aftemoon of Monday,luly, 19. During the site visit, I met Art Pem, owner of the property and the party responsible for the construction of the wall in question. Mr. Perri shazed with me that he had been made awaze of Ms. BlomquisYs concerns about the locarion of the wall, although not by her, and he had left a message with her rec{uesring that they discuss her concems. Ms. Blomquist reportedly did not respond to his request, so he obtained information from city staff at the municipal center to verify the wall location. Based upon the information he found at city hall, he relocated the wall, acmally removing about 4" of previously exisring bituminous driveway to ensure that the wall was clearly located on his property. Mr. Perri also removed some additional retaining wall that had been established for some time to avoid any additional concems from Ms. Blomquist. I observed the location of the wall adjacent to the cut edge of a bituminous driveway about 10.5' from the south side of W. Perri's garage. Whereas the bihuninous driveway would have previously directed drainage in the direction of Ms. BlomquisYs property, the newly placed wall will act to retain the runoff on Mr. Perri's property and redirect it into his back yazd. Mr. Perri explained how he completed additional work to keep the drainage on his properly and even redirected the drainage pattems away from Ms. BlomquisYs proper[y, which was evident from my observations. The natural drainage pattems appeaz to have directed nanoff towards Ms. BlomquisYs property, as I have explained in previous memorandums. My understanding of Ms. BlomquisYs inirial concem included the perceprion of additional drainage contribution on to her property. I did not observe any evidence of additional drainage that would come on to her properry due to the work associated with the newly placed wall neaz the south side of the garage at 4486 Oak Chase Road. I don't lmow that I can respond to any greater degee to Ms. BlomquisYs request. I would be happy to provide further details of my understanding of the drainage conditions at her residence. Please contact me with any quesrions. Z? City Engineer c: ? Tom Hedges, City Administrator Tom Colbert, Public Works IJirector G:RM/01/Memo/Bbmquin Rctein Wall-Halwmtei. L430 4 b"? Homes Of ManY Eagan Residents Unite Now RAIN How beautiful is tlie rainl After the dust and heat, In [he broad and fiery street, In the narrow lane, FIaw beauliful is the rain, How i[ clatters atong the rools, Like the tramp of hoofs, How it gushes and struggles out, From the tluoat of the werflowing spout. Longfellow Where as rain storms in recent years have caused nurnerous floods in the city of Eagan and; Where as in the years of 1987 and 2000 such storms occurred causing extensive damage to many homes in Eagan and; Where as the citizens whose homes were damaged spent endless hours and thousands of dollars in repairing their homes and; Where as the City of Eagan started to up grade the storm water sewer system to a 200 year storm standard and; Where as the county through the Regional Park System of Lebanon Hills which includes Holland, Jensen, Shultz can no longer contain their storm water in the park and; Where as they plan to release excess storm water fram the park into lift station 26 which is located on the north side of Ctiff Road east of Lexington and purnp the water west to integrate the storm water with Eagan's neighborhood storm water system and; E I 'zi 10? HOMERUN is a Not For ProCrt cammunity goup and is a nan palitical wgunizalion. a Where as the storm water main on Cliff Road is sized to handle a 100-year storm. Be i# therefore now resolved that the residents of Eagan know as the "Homes Of Many Eagan Residents Unite Now" or HOMERITN (here after to be referred to as HOMERLJN) request the City of Eagan to: Set up and facilitate joint meeting with the County the City staff and council and HOMERLTN residents: Look into the 1987 agreement when the County Park people agreed not to send any water into Eagan's storm water system. Supply copies of all information that has been given to the county staff and consultant to members of HOMERUN for their review and comment. Laok at the possible liability to tfie city in the case of more residential flooding. Please refer all contacts to: Bea Blomquist 4504 Oak Chase Road Eagan, MN 55123 Phone 651 454 5445 e-mail beablomquist cr AOL.com HOMERUN is a NM Fa Profit cuuiamvify goup aod is a nun polilical mganization. -          ýò  ÿ ÿþþ  ýüýü úú     ùþþ òñéîþ ççñöì õçç  ÿþö  þ ýüûú ù øöø üû úøüû÷û øû ö öõñ û ô  þó øò þ ø  þ çõïîëøæé æÿêë íîõíç òèèéé õù  þ øìø  èéïéçï  îçïé  ôóò ö ñ÷ ûû öìäûú öäûåêûêäó ü áúÛîïëÿÚñöì÷ ë áûêëç êëçõ ãíîõâíç ìøý  ì ìæøìûûììåøäøø øäû ìûûýþ åêþ öå ñøé ûûù øäþ  ø  þ  ø Use BLUE or BLACK Ink r-------.---------- For Office Use / City of Ea Permit#: I I I Permit Fee: ~ 3830 Pilot KnobRoad I I Eagan MN 55122 Date Received: Phone: (651) 675-5675 I I Fax: (651) 675-5694 I Staff: I I 2013 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Date: -/0/-/.3 Site Address: -Unit Name: Phone: Resident! Owner Address / City / Zip: Applicant is: Owner -Contractor Description of work: ^ S l Type of Work C) 100 Construction Cost: ~a Multi-Family Building: (Yes / No/ e ) Company: \OC t Contact: 71t r 2 L Contractor Address: t l City: j,A„C~e po,~ State: U"Vly Zip: Z) Phone: 769 2'n - License Lead Certificate If the project is exempt from lead certification, please explain why: (see Page 3 for additional information) COMPLETE THIS AREA ONLY IF CONSTRUCTING A NEW BUILDING In the last 12 months, has the City of Eagan issued a permit for a similar plan based on a master plan? _Yes _No If yes, date and address of master plan: Licensed Plumber: Phone: Mechanical Contractor: Phone: Sewer & Water Contractor: Phone: NOTE; Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at (651) 454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecalI.org I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. Exterior work authorized by a building permit issued in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code must be completed within 180 days of permit issuance. x Applicant's Printed Name Applic nt' Signat re ` Page 1 of 3