1253 Dunberry Lane - Heat CalculationsSeptember 26, 2010 le Schoeppner Chief Building Official City of Eagan Dale= We hoc rr ituation with heat talc S for 1251 and 1253 Dunberty " en f, yetur city the heat ca/ 's that arc cu/cu[atet are hurting 26,000 and coolin,g is la 500 81 . 1 `.,1 he mallet /urnaee and at: unit that 1 have available is a, furnace with at t tt ':I Z300 and the ar unit is lea meaning that the units according to guide lutes exceed the 13% differential that is allowed t elf contacted 'cots Nets trr€ wh i with the ate. lie ,toted in nation like the one that we are addressing it i altowable for the local cr ucial to ff on the adjustme nl of the oversized eq ipment% Should you have any questions or c 463 -7824 or cell h. 612-369-3469 -$469 Pr It'oi it' h r equesting a re .1 rr f the plan and get your input as h io pr occcd 1 can be r , ache d at 51- Make Trade Mode GAMA Ti TOTALS Ights jec format For edbrF) b (`F) Ci TO (F) Daily range inside humidity (%) Moisture difference (r11b) HEATING E!C UIPMENT TEMPSTAR SIGNATURE T9MBX040F12 Entire ficKi Other evip !Cade Bede. a b,93 RSM Latent c ling Load Short Form Entire House Farrrt ngton Plumbing and 14 Tru'Value Homes PO Box , Mn 55020 P/,tr~ on Design l fo S load tl) 12495 Clg (Btuh) H AVF 732 688 2667 8 COOLING Make LENICX Trade EUTE Co nd X.014 -0I8 23Q Coil CX3441A AR! ref no. fficiayy 13.0 E Sensible Serisible coati Lesant cooll ng Total cooling Actual air flow Air flow factor StAliC pr aura Load sensible he* ram) 142 0.11 Method 70 7 Construct on quality 85 1 Fireplace 28 95 AFIRE 39000 tub 37 Btuh 25 1420 cfm 0.055 n!Btuh 0 in H2t 2024 ng on Job: 1 Dat : sop 26, 2010 By: ten UIPMNT tried Tight p Sin 1420 1420 1420 Ay' Notes; 4 Pro ect For: 1253 unb Ave, Tru Value Homes PC Box 1 ,... , Mn 56020 si t' 0 of rt' tation Winter Design Condi tIons db Du ct s Central ven Humidification Piping Equipment load Area Volume Air chmigies AVE Equiv., t Project Summary Entire House Farmington Plumbing and ling Sum Infiltration th ' 70 °F B `F 25799 B 0 Btuh h th 20 1 OE11 00 25 13 Heating Equipment Sum rrtary Trade e SIG THE Model ID T9MBXF1 DAMA Efficiency H nB €npc Temperature e Actual air floe Air nom fector State pressure Bye thermostat Stub Btu tt 25 °F 1420 n 0.055 0 in H2O t Paut, MN US me r Deel Conditions Outside db Inside db Design TD D eily rar Relative hum a ty Moisture difference Sensible Cooling Equipm Load Sizing Structure Central t tr ral vent tp c Blower uilrt ' 75 'F 13 °F 50 28 gt 12225 Btuh 0 Btuh 0 Bain 0 Btuh Use manufacturer's B eta Rate/swing rrtuttiplier 0.93 Equipment s ib kdi Btuh Latent Cooli 0 Structure Ducts Central vent Equipment t Equipment tc Req. total ca' ity 010 BHR Co Hng E ulpt`ttent Make LEl X Trade Cool 0X34- to ARI ref no: Efficiency 130 1 BE Sensible cooling 10360 Bluh Latent • ll lie ,. Stitt Actual air firm 1420 cirri Air flow fact' 0.11S gtYniBtu Static pressure 0 in H2O Loral sensible heat ratio 0 ,91 Load Sizing 1251 Btu 0 Rauh 0 Bah 1251 Stint 12607 Btuh 1:4 ton j11:i4. FAR koM3T 4„ tot 5 26 Prow bb1-4--.-1324 Projec nor rt est i n ghtso Wads 12C-1)rtr Frn. wati, rctt# Component Constructions Entire House FARMINGTON PLUMBING AND HEATING o:) ogee all.r•iw 1 ek t , t ?n,. t dry tog, "x 4 intf w wouetu r trek lfr ura boar tort fos DOOM ? rmtl oo 11 Door, ettr Eta lE, tt i ys vd, wrXt tv wjt, t-B na ir boa 1256 u,i Ave,, TRU VALU PC, BOX 51, ELKONN 55020 Phone: 952 - 1X9782 F a 052451-3986 72 7,5 Gel ti 8tttcIt, asprtati crvms ton bo aft fret 1r€t ti t 0. 4 n 4 r r,• ME ! Indoor Indoor temp De& TO Realativc hu Most ire differe Irtf11 tration Method Comet wad qua F ;rerlaces 41 0,340 0550 1'9.0 180 578 5,78 578 Job: Trtt Value k rnRS, " Date, 647 1, tt 0 242` 474 059 310 1422 2255 727 '478 853 41 423 133 1 X 30 Floors 21A -32c Sg floor, light dry s 0 .020 110 Input _ Btu/hr RVF : 630 ft' Input: 10 Btu/hr (RVNFA) RVNE i:___ d, ft' TRV= C + 0 = WOO ft' openings are needed. ed volume. p4b) Ratio= L- //O / 60oo = .04, RF =1 006 = _ .�. outside. //yy ?PT DIRECT VENT) Input:71010 tu/br CAOA= / 31)00Btu/hrperid= 14-43 in Minimum CAOA 4:6-.33„ = k n' CAOD = 1.13 Vt vlinimum CAOA = IJ4 I in M N M N M N M N M N M M N M N M N M N M N M N N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N v VI J A A t M N M N M N M N M N Step 1: Complete vented combustion appliance information. N Furnace/Boiler: ❑ Draft Hood %Fan Assisted N (Not fan assisted) & Input: M Power Vent 'P O Btu/hr N Water Heater: M ❑ Draft Hood M lFan Assisted O Direct Vent (Not fan assisted) &Power Vent M M N Step 2: Calculate the volume of the Combustion Appliance Space (CAS) containing combustion appliances. CAS M The CAS includes all spaces connected to one another by code compliant openings. 40 ft, AS voles te: Step 3: Determine Air Changes per Hour (ACHY. Default ACH values have been incorporated into Table E- I for use with Method 4b (I( AIR Method). If the year of construction or ACH is not known, use method 4a (Standard Method). N M Step 4: Determine Required Volume for Combustion Air. N 4a. Standard Method In Total Btu/hrinput of all combustion appliances (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES) Use Standard Method column in Table E- lto find Total Required Volume (TRV) put: — Btu/ f t ' TI If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor openings are needed. V: ft If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5. 4b. Known Air Infiltration Rate (KAIR) Method Total Btu/hr input of all fan - assisted and power vent appliances M (DO NOT COUNT DIRECT VENT APPLIANCES) M Use Fan - Assisted Appliances column in Table E -1 to find Required Volume Fan Assisted (RVFA) N Total But/hr input of all non- fan - assisted appliances N Use Non- Fan- Assisted Appliances column in Table E -1 to fmd N Required Volume Non -Fan- Assisted N Total Required Volume (TRV) = RVFA +RVNFA M If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is greater than TRV then no outdoor M If CAS Volume (from Step 2) is less than TRV then go to STEP 5. Step 5: Calculate the ratio of available interior volume to the total requir M M Ratio = CAS Volume (from Step 2) divided by TRV (from Step 4a or St Step 6: Calculate Reduction Factor (RF). RF= 1 minus Ratio Step 7: Calculate single outdoor opening as if all combustion air is from Total Btu/hr input of all Combustion Appliances in the same CAS (EXC Combustion Air Opening Area (CAOA): Total Btu/hr divided by 3000 Btu/hrper Step 8: Calculate Minimum CAOA. Minimum CAOA = CAOA multiplied by RF Step 9: Calculate Combustion Air Opening Diameter (CAOD) CAOD -1.13 multiplied by the square root of Minimum CAOA 'If desired, ACH can be determined using ASHRAE calculation or blower do MINNESOTA FUEL GAS CODE / ).7 3 IFGC APPENDIX E (IFGS) RESIDENTIAL COMBUSTION AIR CALCULATION METHOD (FOR FURNACE, BOILER, AND WATER HEATER IN THE SAME SPACE) ❑ Direct Vent [nP ut: ;Btu/hr 125 N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N M N N M N M N M N M N M N M PPP? A no c c c c 0 ( "' u m o CIS O Q S 5 S S .t o 0 0 CA CO 3 0 0 0 0 0 P' T 2. 3 3 3 e = % 0 w . : ', Pn a> N N CD I5 6 8 3 8 0 °' as ui F. su 13 3 i R m o E m w e m r0 Sli a m m y v n mO w `P CD *{ _b [ fi n 3 m j - DT gs 0 m o 0 W 61 n 0 o ▪ - a N 0) 2 0 6 :�7 N ry O n r T- IT; W E ▪ s O 01 N 04) a-- o 0 rQ o = ° ..a 01 D 0 - W c) ti m v Yy a- 0 o 0 �. m m n m m to IR 9 3 io rn (� fi a m N'0 SD iv N w. d 0 (D 2 0 3 2 (y {{ 3o yy � w 3 D 3 3 S (D ' -- 3. N W 3 0 Q 0 iR t7 K ,Q1:-3- 6 m .3 0 D N n A a a • Z a 0 i a m A- rt o ( co m fir P. 3 z 2 11 - 2c 1 4. c co 0 so v to a 0 co cr c O i 1 1 [7; nOr`£OOd OLOZ OZ $ny 61/6178 S9 xe3 80013 QNZ )3313 1NOb3 IV m , Cr • h to • SO Er. Ct C) A. § At ▪ 0 'a 4 w $ ° a ▪ m at I 0 u d A s cr i 1 0 Q) C is C . m So a 3 0 00 m 0 V ^s a o z_a m t o ey.- �� + LA. q f� y a co < p1 1:1 ro ir c l m m 0 ck _ m z e 0 0 At 0 " 77 m m — 2 : 0 M x m C r. t o m 0 3 C ? 0 W-. c 3 4S A r�C 7 m m c ra m c ct nl 7 ems^ .L3 • 3 er- 0 3 to a e NI10I R . titairing Address of the Dwelling or Dwelling Unit Mum CiCity lt b ivi j Na of Residennal Contractor ��ryryjj^^ � � ioN Li ccriyl ltim .THERMAL ENVELOPE RADO SYSTEM Type: Check AU That Apply Pas eve (No Fan) o. 0 m 0 F y a Act ve (With jaw and manometer or k. c > afire s monitoring device ) o v 'a o � 3 y 0. o o a y U — o v 0 c Q W m v U a v G Insulation Location > o ° Z '" v; ° a i~ r g 0 a, E 6 v v v C O .D .n cG 6 G oL tUl t ° z w w w ° a a Other Please Describe Here Below Entire Slab I Foundation Wall - _ ! I �/ i a � Type in Wati° Yilliib Merior or integral Perimeter of Slab on Grade 1". Rim Joist (Foundation) nn t R' � _ � Type In localio • ten exterior or integral Rim Joist (1' Floor+) f+ , I " Type in toratroi mlerior xterior or integral Wall ii q '( —X Ceiling, flat 3 Ceilin vaulted 1/ Bay Windows or cantilevered areas ✓ Bonus room over garage _1r ' Describe otber insulated areas - 1 . Windows & Doors Heati . or Cooling Ducts Outside Con fitioned Spaces Average U- Factor (excludes skylights and one door ) U: a 3 Not applicable, all ducts located in cond tioned space Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC): 1 2 _ 7 ■ R - value MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 1 fYfake - A r Select aType A ppliances 1- heating System Domestic Water Hea ter Cooling System X Not n quired per mech. code Fuel Type 0 at Oar Elec. Passi e Manufacturer Cm lafv h ;�. :d M Len Poore Model a intent eked with exhaust device. F ` 'r 0 "10 l ' r `_ . 8 Descr be: nput in Capacity in Output in Other describe: iv Rating or Size HTUS: Gallons: Tons: Heat Loss: Heat Gain. Location Ofd let or system: Structure's Calculated - . t ' AWE or HSPFJ SEER 1 (y9 Calculated ETTcicncy _ JQS cooling load: 1I3r t Cfm's " rot d duct O.R Mechanical Ventilation System/ " met J duct Describe any additional or combined heating or cooling syst if installed: (e.g. two furnaces or air Combustioi Air Select a Type .ource beat pump with gas back -up ffurnace): Not re( aired per meth_ code Select Type MI Passiv, Heat Recover Ventilator (HRV) Capacity in cfms: Low: High; Other, leseribe: Energy Recover Ventilator (ERV) Capacity in cfms: Low: High: Loca ion oft uct or system: Continuous exhausting fan(s) rated capacity in cfms: — Location of fan(s)_ describe: Lid.. c Cfm s Capacity continuous ventilation rate in cfms: Total J " roan !duct OR Total ventilation (intermittent t continuous) rate in cfms: . _ - - melt duct New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Per N1101.8 Building Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted in a pemnently visible location inside the building The Date Certificate Posted certificate shall be completed by the builder and shall list information and raiu permanently of comDOnents lkh..1 in T bt Created by BUN version 052009 New Construction Energy Code Compliance Certificate Per N1101.8 Building Certificate. A building certificate shall be posted in a pemnently visible location inside the building The Date Certificate Posted certificate shall be completed by the builder and shall list information and raiu permanently of comDOnents lkh..1 in T bt Created by BUN version 052009