4178 Countryside Dr - Site SurveyS('ALE • /" = 3a' ROBE ENGINEERING { C0MPnNY, INC. .t00D VST t46211 STREET, 4URHSV1LLE, U1HHESOTA 5 337 PH 432-3O00 j,ar De4 cr pC i o n: LOT 6, BLOCK /, COU/'/7Y gDLLDpV, DAKOTA COU/VTY, MINNESOTA j 4C 4 a Ce ?%O 7 DENOTES EX /ST /NG ELE VAT /OA/ (82Z, o) DENOTES PROPOSED ELEVA7YD/J /ND /CATES D /RECT /OAJ DP SURFACE DRA /MACE SZZ• 33 = F/N /SHE'D GARAGE FLOOR ELEV,9T /4kJ tsz4, (E47 3 0. 00 CONSULT1HG ENGINEERS, PLANNERS end LARD SURVEYOQS I bereby certify that this is a. true land as shown' and described hereon., ,Cevorome. 13 e7 • 3D' FROA/T BU /L MaG SETFaAGC LINE PRA /MACE AND UTILITY EASEIVIWT / r -r - - 7 L. / / N 89° 38' 3 / "14/ f¢z.00 /¢Z. do N 89 58' 3/" /W «c&y of ^ and correct representation of a tract of As prepared" by me on thfs k t