4179 Countryside Dr - Site SurveyR fne Billie V44 SLperior Court Eagan; MN 55123 454-1438 ni? DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND SURVEYORS, INC. Registered Under Laws et The stole el MMnwoti 8/e. /4.6 Ps. io 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 5506$ 612/423-1760 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Proposed garage floor elev. /60,36 0 W t;oz N86°zt'o9"w 16 1 Drainage & Utility Easements - ck\ /91 /7 Scale:. 1 inch = 30 feet • = Iron pipe monument = Proposed elevation pi = Existing elevation BM: Invert sanitary sewer manhole = 805.22 V "es c•Te"fre 610 38 T 04,644E M ( ZZ 48.o io.eg -Me fpi/ 7°38'3/ P.R.V. Description: Lot 5, Block 2, COUNTRY IiOLLOW, accordin thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. 30 Also showing the location of a or000sed I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was \ _w ... prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I em a duly Registered Land Surveyor under*; the laws of the State of Minnesota. DELMAR H. �_ SCHWANZ = gated 12-07-89 . — 8625 — :l4 Delmar H. Schwanz Minnesota Registration No. 9025 Certificate For: Wayne Blilie 644 Superior Court Eagan; MN 55123 454-1438 CO • tri 0 N I 22.4e i DELMAR H. SCHWANZ LAND SURVEYORS. INC. Rplshnd Undo Lmwof TM *M. M MImiNWe 14750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 550611 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Proposed garage floor elev. 6)2/.0 /60,30 0 A4i; N 86°/to o9" Ste. /.4 ,e4t . / 612/423-1769 Scale: 1 inch = 30 feet • = Iron pipe monument = Proposed elevation '1Existing elevation BM: Invert sanitary sewer manhole = 805.22 Drainage & Utility Easements 38 et,%•" 1-- L' /Nn/ 5E N br_ /4 r c44� M 50,24 48.0 /9/, /7 Sic.0 rce 'V S_9°35 3/ I of 1— Description: Lot 5, Block 2, COUNTRY HOLLOW, accordin thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. 0 Also showing the location of a proposed hotA.]eora AGI 1 hereby certify that this survey. plan, or report was __AS...... • prepared by me or under my direct supervision and ' ' •'9 that 1 am a duty Registered Land Surveyor under*:' DELMAR H. * the laws of the State of Minnesota. SCHWANZ Dated 12-07-89 `'s — 8625 -- E /!f Atinitritliii 0 30 DEPT ik1111 dt(r4i/V•( Delmar H. Schwanz Minnesota Registration No. 6625