1789 Taconite Tr - Tuff Shed Project,60 /g l 7-4-0/ / 7=-z T� McGINNIS & ASSOCIATES STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS -- PROFESSIONAL LICENSURE IN ALL 50 STATES October 6 2010 Mr. Rory Kling Puff Shed Store 480 8687' Highway 101 W Savage, MN 55378 RE: Clarification of Shed Base for Jerry Calhoun's Accessory Building 17t'ljTaconite Trail, Egan, MN Tuff Shed Project 480- 617434 McGinnis & Associates Job #18339 Dear Mr. Kling, The following comments are regarding plans provided by McGinnis and Associates for the above referenced project dated September 9 2010. From my understanding, the shed base was constructed with joists running the 20' length of the building rather than side to side with a 10' length as indicated on A2 of the plans. Because the grades were out of level, the shed base was constructed with blocking as indicated on the attached detail. Spacing of blocking is In accordance with the original specification of detail 3 on sheet A3 of the plans. I understand that blocks as are elevating the shed a maximum of 12' above grade. You also Indicated that in order to provide solid bearing, wood shims were used which are pressure treated for ground contact. Shims were Installed on opposite sides in all cases to provide level bearing. The indicated modifications are acceptable. If you have any questions or need any further information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, MCGINNIS AND ASSOCIATES, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Jeffrey S. Austin. R.E. gon : pagEgu measasamas hereby certify that this Flan, specification, cr report was pfd by rna or under my direct supervision end that l am a duly Mead Professional Engineer under he laws of the State of Wan Print Name: Daniel W. McGinnis, P.E. 41830 1110 WESTMARK DRIVE ST. LOUIS, MO 63131.1735 PHONE: (314) 835 -1224 mcgiinnissstructurai.com i"GEIVED . Oaring 1 Scale: NTS 8:h TUFF SHED' Title:JERRY CALHC]UN Storm a""�` &Gam eastMa:Fn+atY 8°' STEEL BASE BLOCKING 1Dtw SA. 5137. 1620tuIT TS488- 617434 STEEL BASE ASSEMBLY (1) AUGER ANCHOR AT EACH CORNER OF BUILDING AND APPROXIMATELY AS SHOWN. 4 ANCHORS TOTAL Drawn By: PK Date Drawn: 10 /5/10 Checked By; JSA Date Revised: