1010 Aldrin Dr - Neil Armstrong Project; Special Inspection ReportEdge Consulting Engineers, Inc. October 4th, 2010 Craig Novaczyk City of Eagan Building Inspection Department 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Phone: (651) 675-5683 Fax: (651) 675-5694 SUBJECT: SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT NEIL ARMSTRONG [274262] Dear Mr. Novaczyk, g # EA -0 4431g. 624 Water Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53578 608.644.1449 phone 608-644-1549 fax Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. performed various site inspections for the above noted site in order to satisfy the special inspection requirements of the City of Eagan and the International Building Code (IBC) 2006 Edition. The proposed project consists of the construction of a 150' monopole telecommunications tower at 1010 Aldrin Drive in Eagan, Minnesota. Proposed equipment will be located within a 30 -foot by 30 -foot fenced graveled compound at the base of the tower, and access will be provided from a proposed gravel drive off of Aldrin Drive. This report will focus on the inspection observations and requirements pertaining to the tower foundation and tower steel as specified by the City of Eagan and the design professionals and engineers of record involved with the project. Scope of Work: The scope of work pertaining to the foundation design was developed by American Tower Corporation (ATC) using the specifications set forth in the IBC 2006 Edition Chapter 17: Structural Tests and Special Inspections. The inspection items include verification of the soils encountered during the excavation of the tower foundation with the geotechnical report (prepared by the Pinnacle Engineering), visual inspection for compliance of the structural reinforcing steel and anchor bolts with the foundation design, continuous observation of concrete placement and preparation of concrete cylinders for compression testing. Edge Consulting personnel will also perform slump tests and monitor concrete supplier delivery invoices to check the compliance of the supplied concrete. The scope of work pertaining to the tower design was developed by Sabre Towers & Poles, using IBC 2006 Edition Chapter 17: Structural Tests and Special Inspections. The inspection items include verification of anchor bolt placement in the pier foundation, and high-strength bolt tightness Neil_Armstrong_(274262)_Special_Inspection_Report 10/04/2010 verification of the tower base plate and antenna mounts. Edge Consulting personnel will also visually inspect the tower for any defects, missing hardware, settling or movement and verify general compliance of the antennas, feed lines, and grounding systems with the construction drawings and applicable standards and practices. Limrtations: Specific limitations, restrictions and exceptions regarding the inspection of the tower foundation and tower steel will be individually described in the following reports. It should be understood that the contractor is still the guarantor of the work and responsible to construct the tower site according to applicable plans, specifications, and standards. Sincerely, Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. 7 Michael Muehrer Engineering Technician Ryan John Reader, P.E. Professional Engineer Attachments: J o fo /i Bruce Kiesling Project Manager Appendix A: Special Inspection Program Summary & Acknowledgement Forms Appendix B: Site Maps Appendix C: Foundation Inspection Report Appendix D: Tower Inspection Report NellArmshong_(274262) Special_InspecflonReport 10/04/2010 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM SIA VW011014PINt AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IPOSINSI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 05/24/2010 10014 IFAX Las • + Barry Panfil iNe01/401 Q apeclal Structural Testlii tad hespection Summary 11.EJL A"Actr,EPNIZ+ 1 room • bTahl •1t (l K a e e bandvssped504auao• W Kbs ` SOpaelilospaedew These 44nielloil JOUSata 81 tla t Eu tlb4e afgpir5a4) ;A lwinalsei54104 *ipaedili es a (ri PemilW« felelinerlleitiyfisl3414 O1eb! i - Rgamoetes8sopeol isactilliel soles aisilloilatis seen& the pemCCW'1110h+ dW3d erode wr_ aaek. 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September 3 2010 American Tower Corporation Kendra Moorhead 1898 Leland Drive, Suite A Marietta, GA 30067 (678) 265 -6755 SUBJECT: FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION NEIL ARMSTRONG [2742E2] Dear Ms. Moorhead: 624 Water Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53578 608.644,1449 phone 608-644 -1549 fax Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. performed site inspections at the time of the tower foundation installation for the above noted site on August 6 of 2010. The project consisted of the construction of a 150' monopole telecommunications tower at 1010 Aldrin Drive in Eagan, Minnesota. Edge Consulting personnel arrived on -site to inspect the caisson foundation excavation and inventory the structural reinforcement steel. It was found that all reinforcement steel was in general accordance with ATC's tower foundation plans, and the soils generally matched the geotechnical report prepared by Pinnacle Engineering. Concrete for the tower foundation was supplied by Cemstone. One set of five concrete test cylinders was cast in total by Edge Consulting Engineers for the tower caisson foundation, and Soils and Engineering Services (SES) reported that the 28 -day compressive strength requirement of 4,000 psi was achieved. Scope of Work: • Check soil conditions for general compliance with the geotechnical report. (Soil type, depth, groundwater depth, etc.) • Check overall excavation dimensions for general compliance with plans. • Check reinforcing steel for proper quantity and placement • Check for proper concrete cover on reinforcing steel • Cast five (5) concrete cylinders for compression testing at each pour location Edge will also attempt to spot check various other items such as the anchor bolt height, use of bonding agent, placement of bolt cage within the pier, etc. However, limited time will be available and it should be understood that the contractor is still the guarantor of the work and Neil_ Armstrong _(274262)_Foundation_Report 1 of 2 9/03/2010 responsible to construct the foundation according to applicable plans, specifications and standards. Limitations: • Due to inaccessible nature of the caisson foundation excavation, soil conditions and bearing capacity at the base of excavation could not be effectively verified. Inspection Summary: Date 08-06-2010 Sincerely, Report Field Report #1 Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. Chris Velie Engineering Technician Attachments: Figure 1: Site Updates (Field Report #1) Figure 2: Concrete Cylinder Results Neil Armstrong_(274262)_Foundoti Report Comments Concrete foundation inspection. Cast (1) set of (5) cylinders for compression testin Bruce Kiesling Project Manager 2 of 2 9/03/2010 1 Consulting Engineers, Inc. Scope of Work: Edge 7:30 am - 12:00 pm Neil Armstrong 1010 Aldrin Drive Eagan, MN Chris Velie Sunny, 80 FIELD REPORT # 1 • Check soil conditions for general compliance with the geotechnical report. (Soil type, depth, groundwater depth, etc.) • Check overall excavation dimensions for general compliance with plans. • Check reinforcing steel for proper quantity and placement • Check for proper concrete cover on reinforcing steel • Cast five (5) concrete cylinders for compression testing at each pour location Field Report #1 1 of 2 624 Water Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53578 608.644.1449 phone 608.644.1549 fax Caisson Fnd. Installation Dart Transit Co. Gary Santergeon 651 -688 -2000 ext.1406 Kendra Moorhead 770- 714 -9771 Tower MRL (General) Kevin Czappa 608- 244 -1855 Tri -State Drilling (Sub) Tony Edge will also attempt to spot check various other items such as the anchor bolt height, use of bonding agent, placement of bolt cage within the pier, etc. However, limited time will be available and it should be understood that the contractor is still the guarantor of the work and responsible to construct the foundation according to applicable plans, specifications, and standards. 4 -man work crew, drill rig, transit, generator, etc. 8/5/10 Edge Consulting arrived on site in the evening to observe the construction progress. The contractor had the rebar cage tied and finished drilling the caisson foundation and were ready to install concrete the next morning. 8/6/10 Edge Consulting arrived on site in the morning. The contractor had finished drilling the caisson Field Report No. 1 foundation the previous day. The rebar cage was inserted into the caisson foundation and was held up off the base with chains connected to the drill rig then released once enough concrete was poured to hold the rebar cage. No groundwater was encountered so there was no need to flood and add slurry to the excavated caisson foundation. The contractor had put casing in the entire length of the drilled foundation to maintain the side walls. 8/6/10 The drilled caisson foundation had been drilled to specified depth, casings inserted to maintain the sidewalls; the rebar cage installed, and concrete installed. By the end of the day the contractor had removed all casings and installed concrete. Once the concrete neared the top of the foundation the reveal was set, leveled and anchor bolts positioned on top of the reveal with approx. 12'/4" of bolts being exposed. The excavation of the drilled tower foundation was advanced using conventional excavating techniques. Soils encountered generally matched the geotechnical report and consist of grayish brown sitly, sandy soils with a little clay; trace gravel and cobbles. No groundwater was encountered. The rebar for the tower foundation was inventoried at the time of the inspection. The inventory was based on visual observations and all rebar installed was in general accordance with American Towers foundation plans. (5) Five concrete test cylinders were cast in total. The contractor ordered and poured a 5,000 psi concrete mix from Cemstone. The cylinders were stored on site until concrete was set. A slump test was also performed for quality verification and was found to be adequate. The concrete test cylinders will be scheduled for pickup and compression testing at a later date. Field Report #1 2 of 2 INSPECTION SUMMARY FORM Project Over View Site Name: Nell Armstrong Proj. #: 5035 Installation Type: Caisson Foundation Tower Height: 150' monopole Site Address: 1010 Aldrin Drive E•"an,MN55122 Edge Csa_WelnO Engineers, Ina 624 Water Street Prairie clu Sac, 2453578 608-644-1449 Project Team & Resources Site Engineer & Plans: Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. Geotechnical Engineer: Pinnacle Tower Owner: ATC Cell Technician: N/A Prime Contractor Tower MRL Tower Crew: N/A Electrical Contractor: N/A Excavator /Foundation: Tri-State Drilling Tower Designer: Sabre American tower Structural Engineering designed tower foundation Comments /Work Summary: Date Inspector Comments 8/6/10 CV Inspect rebar quantity, slze, spacing. Inspect concrete placement and cast (5) test cylinders for compression testing Concerns: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 LL 2 I W • 2 0 • Y P N / 0 / � Y 1 O 0 a c oto m co o 0 O c7 N 3 t c c 0 0 U 0 0 a O c O 2 0 0 C 0 0 D O LL 3 0 O 0 E E Q . z C E Z N m 3 cf) o C O 0 O O 0 0 0 U CN (N z Z ❑❑ •• c a 0 0 c 0 O O 0 X w 0 0 0 iii M d 0 + Z c 0 Q E c o 0 X 0 J o C ON w c c o> M a) g N O 0 O O 7 O U w U (5 z ❑❑❑ ■ ❑ 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > O c 3 0 N C z O 0 L y O 0 } > ❑ 0 z J w Z 0 0 Z z z z z z z z g❑ ❑EC❑❑❑ 0 U } } } } } } } .1.1... .0 7 N c 0 > r- 0 L C } `O O 0 c 0 CY (ID J Z Z Z Z z z } O O U >- >- } >- >- >- 0 0 111...'0 o ^ O C LO O Os (1) E in *k -O co y E c E x N a o> O E N N O O a in CD 0 (1 0 J 0 c Z Z Z Z Z Z a LIED= 0 L } } } } } } 2 .1.111. O 4k z O '0 Q z N 0 co z z cp C c " O O CD a CO Q z Q Z m m C • 0 a) O O o O c N _ (n 0 C1 (n 0 czzzzz Iz ❑❑❑❑❑ } } } }} �} 2 E❑❑❑❑ 0 0 0 0 0 CN N 4- W 0 0 0 0 Q m c O E E O U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 1 1 1 Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. Project Number: #5035 Project Name: Neil Armstrong Project Location: 1010 Aldrin Drive, Eagan, MN 55122 Photo Date: 08/6/2010 PHOTO # 2 SITE OVERVIEW PHOTO # 3 REBAR CAGE INSTALLED PHOTO # 4 REBAR CAGE INSTALLED PHOTO # 5 CONCRETE INSTALLATION PHOTO # 6 INNER CASING PULLED PHOTO # 7 CONCRETE INSTALLATION PHOTO # 8 MIDDLE CASING PULLED Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. Project Number: #5035 Project Name: Neil Armstrong Project Location: 1010 Aldrin Drive, Eagan, MN 55122 Photo Date: 08/6/2010 PHOTO # 9 CONCRETE INSTALLATION PHOTO # 10 OUTER CASING PULLED X. PHOTO # 12 REVEAL & ANCHOR BOLTS SET Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. Project Number: #5035 Project Name: Neil Armstrong Project Location: 1010 Aldrin Drive, Eagan, MN 55122 Photo Date: 08/6/2010 PHOTO # 11 OUTER CASING PULLED PHOTO # 13 FINISHED TOWER FOUNDATION September 21, 2010 Mr. Chris Velie Edge Consulting 624 Water Street Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin 53578 Project: Neil Armstrong Boulevard /Aldrin Drive 1010 Aldrin Drive Eagan, Minnesota 1 -E Caisson Foundation Respectfully submitted, Octavio Tee a, OTG.mkm SOILS & ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS SINCE 1966 REPORT OF CONCRETE CYLINDER TESTS EDC NEABD Preliminary Concrete Report 1 Tested Average Maximum Compressive Cylinder Age Diameter Area Load Strength Number Location of Placed Concrete Date Cast Date Received (days) (inches) (sq in) (pounds) (psi) I -A Caisson Foundation 8/6/2010 8/11/2010 7 4.010 12.63 47,730 3,780 1 -B Caisson Foundation 8/6/2010 8/11/2010 14 4.000 12.57 49,830 3,970 1 -C Caisson Foundation 8/6 /2010 8/11/2010 21 4.020 12.69 54,010 4,260 1 -D Caisson Foundation 8/6/2010 8/11/2010 28 4.010 12.63 56,690 4,490 1. Moist curing of all cylinders began on the date the cylinders were received at our laboratory. 2. The 28 -day strength specification for these cylinders is 4000 psi. SOILS & EN ERING SERVICES, INC. 8/6/2010 8/11/2010 28 4.020 12.69 60,240 4,750 1102 STEWART ST. • MADISON, WI 53713 -4648 • PHONE: 608- 274 -7600 • 888 -866 -SOIL (7645) • FAX: 608- 274 -7511 • EMAIL: soils ©soiis.ws 1 AMERICAN TOWER CORPORATION NEIL ARMSTRONG (2742,B2) EDGE PROJECT NUMBER: 5036 jai Project Information: 1 Edge Project Number: 5035 1 Date: September 30, 2010 1 Inspection Date: September 22, 2010 1 1 1 1 1 ) 6°64 Jacob Jo son Engineering Technician 1 Bruce D. Kiesling Project Manager TOWER INSPECTION Neil Armstrong (274262) 1010 Aldrin Drive Eagan, MN 55122 09/30/10 Date 09/30/10 Date SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Description 1.2 Purpose of Report 1.3 Scope of Work 1.4 Limitations and Exceptions FIGURES Figure 1: Site Photographs TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 1 1 1 2 SECTION 2 INSPECTION ITEMS 3 2.1 Tower Inspection Checklist 3 2.2 Test Results & Antenna Inventory 6 1.1 Project Description SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION The project consists of the construction of a 150' monopole telecommunications tower. The tower site is located off of Aldrin Drive within the City of Eagan, Minnesota. An existing asphalt parking lot provides access to the compound. 1.2 Purpose of Report The purpose of this report is to provide information regarding observations made by Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. at the point of substantial completion. A visual review of the tower installation was completed. Items which did not match tower and site construction plans or standard installation practices have been noted. If applicable, a recommendation for correction has been provided. 1.3 Scope of Work The above noted tower was inspected following the general guidelines outlined in the most recent EIA /TIA standard (EIA /TIA - 222 -G). Specifications outlined in Sabre's Tower Erection Drawings were also observed. This inspection will serve to satisfy the special inspection requirements of the Minnesota State Building Code (Section 1305). A tower climb was completed by Edge Consulting personnel. The climber ascended & descended the tower along the fixed safety climb and a visual inspection of the tower was performed from this vantage point. Many assessment items noted are based on a general visual inspection completed during the tower climb. However, it is not within the scope of work to physically check or closely observe every member, bolt, connection, etc. • Tower Members o Visually checked for obviously bent, missing, or loose members on the tower. Any bent, missing, or loose members which are observed will be photographed and the approximate height will be documented. o Checked for any loose or missing bolts on the tower. While climbing the tower personnel visually inspected connections for obviously loose bolts. Any missing or loose bolts have been photographed. o Checked existing climbing facilities and platforms (specific carrier) to be sure they were secure. • Tower Finish o Visually inspected the overall paint and /or galvanizing condition during the tower climb. Areas of obvious rusting or chipping have been noted and photographed. • Tower Lighting (If applicable) o Visually inspected conduits, junction boxes, and fasteners to see if they were weather tight and secure. Obvious defects in the wiring condition have been noted. Finally, any obvious signs that a light is not functioning correctly have been reported. Neil Armstrong Tower Inspection 9/30/2010 • Tower Base Foundation o Visually observed the above ground portion of the tower foundation for obvious signs of settlement or movement. Excessive erosion around the foundation has been noted (if present). Finally, it will be noted if standing water is observed in the vicinity of the tower foundation. o Visually checked that all nuts and lock nuts at the tower base are secure and tight. If grouting is required, the grout condition will be noted. Finally, the condition of the concrete above grade has been observed for signs of cracking and spalling. • Tower Profile o Edge Consulting personnel has prepared a tower profile that contains the following information: • Antenna and Feed line ■ Elevation • Type • Size • Manufacturer • Connectors and hangers • Walkways, platforms, floodlights, etc. • Elevation • Arrangement • Antenna Installation (If applicable) o For the specific carrier, Edge personnel visually inspected the antenna elevation and noted if any of the following were identified: • Members - bent, broken, loose and /or missing bolts • Elements - bent, broken, loose and /or missing bolts • Corrosion condition • Feed Lines • Hanger condition, quality, corrosion • Flanges and seals • Line condition - Dents, abrasions, holes, leaks, jacket condition ■ Grounds Leads - Bonded both ends • Ground Kits - Secure, weather tight 1.4 Limitations and Exceptions It should be understood that the contractor is still the guarantor of the work and responsible to construct the tower site according to applicable plans, specifications, and standards. The following are limitations or exceptions to the punch list inspection: • Buried grounding & utilities: Due to the inaccessible nature of buried ground conductors & utilities inspection of connections, layout, etc. cannot be verified. Neil Armstrong Tower Inspection 9/30/2010 1 Conduit, junction boxes and fasteners weather tight and secure NA No tower lighting was installed. 2 Drains and vents open NA American Tower Corporation 3 Wiring condition NA Site Number 4 Controllers functioning NA Monopole a. Flasher NA Tower Height b. Photo Control NA 1010 Aldrin Drive c. Alarms NA Site City, State, County 5 Light Lenses NA 0 -5 MPH 6 Bulb Conditions NA Temperature (F) Edge Job No. 5035 Inspection By JRJ Client Name American Tower Corporation Date 9/22/2010 Site Number 274262 Tower Type Monopole Site Name Neil Armstrong Tower Height 150' Site Address 1010 Aldrin Drive Manufacturer Sabre Towers Site City, State, County Eagan, MN 55122 Wind 0 -5 MPH Latitude, Longitude 44.837 N / 93.142 W Temperature (F) 70 F 1 Bent Members OK OK 2 Loose Members OK Erosion 3 Missing Members OK 4 Climbing Facilities, Platforms, Catwalks - All secure OK 5 Loose /Missing Bolts OK 1 Paint and /or galvanizing OK OK 2 Rust and /or corrosion OK Erosion 3 FAA or ICAO color marking condition NA 4 Water collection in members OK 1 Connections checked and secure OK OK 2 Corrosion observed and remedied OK Erosion 3 Lighting protection secure OK a. Settlements or movements OK b. Erosion OK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. I. Tower Conditions A. Members B. Finish C. Lighting D. Grounding Item E. Tower Base Foundation 1 Ground Conditions Neil Armstrong Tower Inspection Checklist SECTION 2 INSPECTION ITEMS 2.1 TIA /EIA -222 -F TOWER INSPECTION CHECKLIST Condition Notes 624 Water Street Prairie du Sac, WI 53578 608.644.1449 Phone 608.644.1549 Fax 9/30/2010 a. Bent, broken, cracked or bullet OK Unverified b. Loose OK 151' AGL Antenna CL c. Missing OK See Section 2.2 of report for details. d. Loose or missing fasteners OK 4 Corrosion condition OK OK 5 Radomes and /or cover conditions OK Tower base plate was verified with a digital level. a. Frequency N/A Unverified b. Elevation OK 151' AGL Antenna CL c. Type OK See Section 2.2 of report for details. d. Size OK e. Manufacturer OK OK f. Connectors and hangers OK Tower base plate was verified with a digital level. a. Bent, broken or cracked OK OK b. Loose OK Chipped or broken concrete c. Missing OK c. d. Loose and /or missing bolts OK 2 Adjustments secure and locked OK OK a. Cracking, spalling or splitting OK b. Elevations b. Chipped or broken concrete OK OK c. Honeycombing OK d. Low spots to collect moisture OK Dwer Alignment and Twist and Plumb a. Elevation N/A b. Elevations b. Arrangement N/A OK c. Drawings or sketches (Y /N) N/A a. Nuts & lock nuts tight OK b. Elevations b. Grout condition N/A OK a. Plan (Y /N) OK See Foundation Inspection Report for details. b. Elevations OK c. Size OK d. Depths OK e. Soil Type (if known or necessary) OK Matched Geotechnical Report. Dwer Alignment and Twist and Plumb OK Tower base plate was verified with a digital level. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 G. T Item 2 Base Conditions 3 Concrete Conditions F. Tower Assembly Profile 1 Antennas and feedlines (each) 2 Optional Appurtenances (walkways, platforms, sensors, floodlights, etc.) 3 Foundations and anchors 11. Antennas and Feedlines A. Antenna Mounts and Antennas 1 Members (mounting and stablizing) 3 Elements B. Feedlines (waveguide, coax, etc...) 1 Hangers and supports Neil Armstrong Tower Inspection Checklist Condition Notes a. Condition OK 9/30/2010 a. Dents OK NA b. Abrasions OK Loose and /or missing bolts c. Holes OK c. d. Leaks OK e. Jacket condition OK a. Properly attached NA c. Corrosion condition b. Loose and /or missing bolts NA OK c. Members straight and undamaged NA b. Quality OK OK c. Corrosion condition OK Antenna /Mount grounding matches approved construction drawings. 2 Flanges and seals (check integrity) OK Integrity testing was not pertormed by Edge personnel. a. Ground kits properly installed & weathernroofed OK b. Antenna /Mount grounding matches approved construction drawings. OK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DEVIATION NOTES: Item 3 Line Condition 4 Grounds 5 Feedline support & Ice shields Neil Armstrong Tower Inspection Checklist Condition Notes #1 #2 #3 #4 # 5 9/30/2010 BETA 2 DISH Antenna Manufacturer: Andrew Antenna CL: 151' AGL Antenna Model #: VHLP2 -18 ALPHA 1 PANEL ANTENNA Antenna Manufacturer: Kathrein Scala Antenna CL: 151' AGL Antenna Model #: 840 10054 ALPHA 2 DISH Antenna Manufacturer: Andrew Antenna CL: 151.5' AGL Antenna Model #: VHLP1 -23 GAMMA 1 ANTENNA Antenna Manufacturer: Kathrein Scala Antenna CL: 151' AGL Antenna Model #: 840 10054 BETA 1 ANTENNA Antenna Manufacturer: Kathrein Scala Antenna CL: 151' AGL Antenna Model #: 840 10054 2.2 Test Results & Inventory Antenna Inventory An antenna inventory was completed as part of this inspection. Antenna heights were verified with the use of a total station. A summary of each antenna is listed below. GAMMA 2 ANTENNA Neil Armstrong Tower Inspection 9/30/2010 o - � Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. Project Number: #5035 Project Name: Neil Armstrong (274262) Project Location: 1010 Aldrin Ave, Eagan, MN 55122 Photo Date: 09/22/2010 PHOTO # 1 TOWER OVERVIEW \ jE PHOTO # 2 TOWER BASE 41 . / JOB$: EWER HEIGI41: Sabre hp Towers & Poles 1 I►iri■iun of Sabre lnducrrio. Inc. PHOTO # 3 TOWER ID TAG PHOTO # 4 CLEARWIRE EQUIPMENT Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. Project Number: #5035 Project Name: Neil Armstrong (274262) Project Location: 1010 Aldrin Ave, Eagan, MN 55122 Photo Date: 09/22/2010 PHOTO # 5 ANCHOR BOLTS PHOTO # 6 LOWER TOWER COAX PORT PHOTO # 8 CLEARWIRE ANTENNAS Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. Project Number: #5035 Project Name: Neil Armstrong (274262) Project Location: 1010 Aldrin Ave, Eagan, MN 55122 Photo Date: 09/22/2010 PHOTO # 7 CLIMBING FACE PHOTO # 9 ANTENNA MOUNTS PHOTO # 10 CLEARWIRE DISH PHOTO # 12 UPPER SECTOR GROUND BAR Edge Consulting Engineers, Inc. PHOTO # 11 CLEARWIRE PANEL ANTENNA PHOTO # 13 TOWER BASE PLATE LEVEL Project Number: #5035 Project Name: Neil Armstrong (274262) Project Location: 1010 Aldrin Ave, Eagan, MN 55122 Photo Date: 09/22/2010